burning (Blue)

821 17 65

Tw vomit mentions.

This is not a fun story, and honestly idk if it makes any sense or not. I basically wrote this to vent and i won't bother trying to make it appealing. Hope y'all like it anyway.


Faking a smile is exhausting.

Blue knew that very well, but he also couldn't bring himself to stop that habit.

It's so much easier to smile than explaining what was wrong for the 100th time.

So, for the majority of the day, Blue dragged himself through his work, occasionally looking past his shoulder to make no one was looking. That anyone could see his shaking hands.

The sweat going down his body could very well be just from the hard work on the farm.

He made his way back to his room earlier than normal, making up a excuse as he went.

"I just really need a shower right now." He repeated to his friends, who luckily didn't seem bothered by his excuse.

The door was closed behind with a click, and Blue let out a whimper he has been holding in for the longest time.

He couldn't help the tears that went down his face.

Because, fuck it burned.

It burned so bad.

He made quick work of his clothes, throwing his shirt and pants on a corner and sliding down to the floor.

Quick and shaky breaths were the only thing keeping him the slightest alert, his legs shook so violently he couldn't barely keep them in place.

The burnt scars mocked him with a pain that wasn't there, from a enemy he couldn't see. And it tortured him with a almost sadistic satisfaction.

Blue covered his face, then only his mouth to muffle the sobs that escaped his lips without his permission, he couldn't let them hear him. He knew his friends well enough to know they would come running to his rescue if they heard him cry, but a part of Blue didn't wanted it to happen.

Second already had enough to worry without him adding it to the mix, so did everyone else. He didn't wanted to be the center of attention, specially for something that wasn't truly there.

"Come on blue..." He thought to himself as he slowly rise from the floor again, legs shaky and unsteady. "Knock it off..."

Awkwardly, he stumbled through his room to his potion cabinet, touching each potion until he finally found a fire resistance potion.

Blue didn't waste time ripping off the cap and chugging down the entire brew, the awful bitter taste going down his throat.

Another quiet whimper escaped him when the potion rejected him, and he felt the bitter taste come back.

He stumbled to his bathroom just in time to not make a mess on the floor, but kneeling in front of the toilet seat only sent another sharp stab of pain through his spine and down his legs.

The noise he made out of pain was definitely embarrassing. Blue covered his mouth again in hopes that none of his friends had heard it.

He gently put his head against the cold wall, tears wetting his hand that still covered his lips. His other hand shakily reached for his legs, gently touching his burn scars in hope that his cold skin would be enough to stop the pain.

It wasn't.

He only let go of his own mouth when he decided to try using his original strategy, a cold shower. Reaching over to turn the faucet, letting the cold water fill the tub as he weakly managed to get up again. 

Not bothering to take off his underwear, he dropped into the bathroom, gasped when the cold water touched his body.

His eyes closed, the cold touching his sensitive sore skin and in a way it seemed to help with the burning sensation. A tiny bit of relief.
But his mind was not as easy to soothe.

The images of that day continued to haunt him, to claw it's way through his brain like a disease that never healed. The sizzling sound, the bubbling of lava that cooked through his clothing and his skin.

He couldn't escape it, he couldn't stop it.

Sobs escaped him again, this time he didn't care to cover it up.

If his friends came to his rescue, he didn't know, his mind had gone blurry after about a hour in the cold tub, the burning feeling mixing with stabbing numbness in his extremities.

Blue only knew he woke up in his bed, alone the next day. Blankets covering his entire body and cold compress bags on top of his legs.

He didn't bother to get up, he didn't had energy enough to get up.

His friends could live without him for a little while.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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