Wither attack (Blue & Yellow)

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Blue's heavy breathing was almost completely muffled by his loud steps and thumping heart in his ears.

How long has been walking? A few hours he was sure.

And how long has Yellow been unconscious in his back? Possibly longer than that.

The hot Minecraft desert was just another inconvenience in his already crappy week, but right now Blue didn't had the strength to be annoyed.

"Alright Blue...just...just keep walking..." He mumbled to himself, ignoring the shakiness of his achy legs and how much his back hurt from carrying his friend for so long. Now he knew how horses felt.

─ We need to find a place to stay the night, right Y? Yeah that's right... ─ Blue said out loud, not waiting for a reply.

Luckily for him, Minecraft was famous for its caves, and that was a god send in Blue's book.

The clink clank of the empty potion bottles strapped to his belt accentuated how fast he was walking now. Oh god sent cave, his well deserved rest.

Finally in the cold shade of it, Blue simply threw his and Yellow's bag on the floor, gently laying his friend down as well, his jacket turning into a makeshift pillow. ─ There ya go, Y... Comfy?

Blue sat down on the floor with a relieved groan, putting his back against the rough wall. His leg muscles throbbed and ached almost as much as his lungs.

And for a few minutes, he stared at the walls in silence, catching his breath and trying to put his brain back into functioning.

His hand reached for Yellow's bag, taking only a small radio looking device. It has been cracked and patched a few times, wires crudely taped back together and a cracked small screen on the front.

Without much of a thought, Blue pressed a black button on the side of the device, a small bit letting him know that the device was working.

Blue cleaned his throat before speaking quietly. ─ Day...i don't know..i think 6 now? That Wither fucked us up badly...  The desert is still hot, and the sand is still sandy... not much changed there... I've been taking us from cave to cave trying to find a end to this hellhole... No such luck huh...

He chuckled sadly, looking at his unconscious friend for a moment before continuing. ─ Yellow is...not doing very good... He comes and goes a lot, sometimes he's strong enough to feed himself and walk short distances... Others like today, i gotta carry him and force feed him anything i can find. He's trying fixing the transmitter... See if we can receive some messages from you guys... He said that it was damaged in the explosion... But he hasn't had much luck there either...

─ The recorder works though, seems to be picking up the signal from you guys but not being able to actually reproduce your messages, I sure hope y'all listening to my babbling though...

One of his hands slowly touched his belt, detaching one of the empty bottles and bringing it up to his eyes, the glass was costed in a fine sand that has been blasting him for the past week. He swirled the last droplet of purpleish iridescent liquid that still lasted inside.

─ I used my supplies to make as many healing potions i could... But it isn't enough, it doesn't seem to help him a lot and i completely drained everything i had... That's Wither hit us both pretty hard, his wounds are definitely still infected and I ain't no doctor... All left is two weak healing potions, enough to keep him painless for a while longer, I'm rationing as much as I can...

He sighed, out of frustration and out of exhaustion from his situation.

A sharp pain on his side made Blue hiss flinch, slowly pulling up his shirt to take a look in his wound.

The deep cut on his side went from his midsection down to his hip, still a bit sticky from the disgusting numbing magma cream Red always forced him to pack in his bag, he would had to thank him when he saw him again, that thing is keeping him going.

The edges of the cut were a dark grey and not even the cream could stop the sharp stabbing he felt every few minutes.

─ Keep it together Blue... ─ He quietly mumbled to himself, taking a deep breath and reaching a shaky hand back to the transmitter.

─ I miss you guys... Red would probably..be very mad at me for not taking better care of my own wounds... But I'm sure i did a good job on Yellow's.

For a second, Blue didn't know what else to add, truth be told he had started having quite a simple routine with Yellow. He slowly slid himself closer to his friend, pulling his shirt gently up until his chest was exposed.

Yellow had gotten a bad slash on his chest, big enough he would definitely need stitches for and starting to turn grey enough to be concerning.

─ At least you're breathing right? ─ Blue mumbled, looking at Yellow's face. ─ Sorry... We're rationing the healing potions so... It's gonna suck for a bit.

Slowly putting his back against the wall once again, Blue let himself relax, at least, as much as his body would allow him to. And as much as he fought it, sleep took over.

Blue woke up with the sharp pain in his side and the noise of static. One hand going to his wound to soothe the stabbing and one to his face to rub the tiredness away.

Yellow was, unsurprisingly, still asleep. Body still in the exact place Blue had left before.

But the static got Blue's attention, the device was picking up something and he rushed to hold it in his hands.

─ Hello? Can you hear me??

For a moment, there was no words, just more static. Then he heard him.

─ b...blue?m... Can't.....blue?....go .

─ Second? I can't hear you!

─ port- go!.... West..see ... There..

As fast as it came, the static stopped, throwing blue back into a silent cave.

Fumbling with the buttons frantically, he tried to bring the voice back. ─ Fuck...fuck...fuck!

Groaning quietly Blue got up, rushing to fix the bags and throwing it over his shoulder. ─ You and I both wouldn't like this Y...

He put his hand behind his friend's shoulders, with the other under his legs so he could slowly and very painfully pull him up to his piggyback position again.

Blue gave a quiet whine of pain when his muscles moved, hitting his fist on the wall and taking a second to pull himself together.

─ West....yeah...

He started his slowly walk out of the cave, he had to go west.

Just a little longer.

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