Chapter one

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Darius' POV
Every body was really happy we had found Ben but he seemed more distant from the group, he barely talked in the group conversations and he barely at the food and if he did he would eat alone with bumpy, which was maybe once to three times a week. I started to really worry about his health, he had gotten much skinnier than he already was, he also seemed tired I don't think he was getting any sleep at all. I think he is just anxious and scared, I am 99.9999% sure that he has anxiety of some sort.

Bens POV
I am happy to be with the group again but I'm just SCARED ALL THE TIME! I don't eat very much because if I'm skinnier I can run faster and stuff, I don't hang out with the group very much and when I do I don't talk in the conversations. I had anxiety before the fall but after the fall from the monorail I think it became worse, I am tired all the time because I don't sleep because I stay up crying silently and worrying about me and the others, mostly the others if I had fully been gone they would still be able to make it perfectly fine.

Darius POV
It was after lunch we couldn't find Ben, and of course he didn't eat anything for lunch, "Maybe he is just on a walk." Brooklynn said to me with a reassuring smile, I nod and say "Hopefully." I say. I know he could make it he did it for a while. I just hope he comes back soon, I can't stand loosing him again. Never again...

Bens POV
While everyone was happily eating food I left to go on a walk, I didn't tell anyone "You stupid idiot" I whisper yelled at myself, I had done this a lot lately. I should have told someone, as I was walking I was softly kicking rocks and pebbles that were on the path I was taking. I came up to a cliff and I backed away far away because I was terrified of heights, I wanted to face my fears so I climbed a tree and sat on a branch looking down, I actually wasn't scared and I was pretty high up in the tree, I was so proud. I fell off the branch onto a pile of rocks and sticks and pokey, sharp things I had gotten a bunch of cuts from the fall I was bleeding a lot, but I wasn't scared before or after falling from the tree. I think it's working I just need to slowly work my way up to the cliff into the water. Since I was bleeding really badly and may have sprained my wrist I walked back to base but with my head held high!

Darius POV
It' was getting dark out and I started worrying about Ben, since he still hasn't come back. I was thinking of taking a flash light we found and go looking for him but then I heard rustling in the bushes near camp, I stood starring at the spot. I was ready for what was going to attack me, it wasn't a what but a who, it was BEN! I ran to him grabbed him by his shoulders "Where were you?!" I yelled "I just needed some, fresh air..." Ben said while looking at his shoes. I looked him up and down to make sure he was okay when I saw blood up his legs coming from cuts, little cuts on his hands, and he was nursing his limp wrist with the other hand. "What happened?!?!" I said loudly, Ben hesitated "I fell from a tree." He mumbled "why were you in a tree?!" I asked "well I wanted to face my fears, and it worked I just need to work up slowly!" Ben said brightly with a big smile, " that's great ben, but you have cuts and let me see... A sprained wrist!" I yelled while dragging him inside our base by his fore arm, he didn't say anything after that.

Bens POV
"Sit on my bunk" Darius said and left the room, I sat there still saying nothing and still nursing my wrist that hurt SO bad. Darius came back with medical supplies, he sat down next to me on his bunk and started disinfecting the cuts up my legs and placing band aides on them. She got to my hands and did my right hand since that's not the hurt one then softly did the left, one time he pressed to hard I winced in pain and pulled my hand away, "Sorry!" "It's okay Darius" I mumbled. He got a wrap and started to wrap it around my hand and wrist, it felt a little better. Darius hugged me "Be more careful, jungle boy." He said even though it was muffled, " island man, but okay I can try." I said while starting to laugh, Darius grabbed my shoulders and glared and me before hugging mr again then walking towards the door. "You stay and get rest I will be making some dinner, want some?" " Oh no thanks, not hungry." I said which was a complete lie, Darius slowly nodded and then left. I walked to my bunk than fell asleep.

Darius POV
I walk to the kitchen and start making food "Hey D, where's Ben?" "Oh he's in the bunk room, I think he's sleeping" I tell Yaz. "Is he not eating again?" She asks I shake my head no, she sighs and helps me make dinner. Kenji walked in after we finished making food and took a sandwich and started to eat it, "Where's Ben?" Kenji asked with food stuffed in his mouth, "Sleeping, Yaz is making sure he's okay, since you know, she's been gone a while, I'll be right back." I walk in the room and close the door again to find Ben sitting up sweating and crying and Yaz trying to comfort him, I jog over and take Yaz' place "I'll leave you two alone" she said than left and closed the door, I look over and Ben and get on his bunk in front of him, "Ben, shhhh, what's wrong, what happened?" I asked he say anything but he shook his head no and curled into a tight ball. I place my hand on his back and rub in circles "Shhhhhh." I whisper. About an house later ben calms down and falls back asleep and everybody else comes in and goes to bed, I pull myself over to my bed and fall asleep.

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