Chapter 2

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Bens POV
I woke up early and I go on a walk with bumpy since no one else was awake, I was walking and came across the boat me and bumpy started walking over towards the water. I hear something in the bushes bumpy gets startled by all the comps and accidentally hit the boat and knocked the gas into the water. Kenji came out of the bushes looked from the boat to the missing fuel than to me. "You little- you better run before I get you!!" Kenji yelled, I ran past him and he ran after me we came across the wide open field when. BAM!

Darius POV
I woke up but the others were gone and I didn't know where they were. I didn't wanna wait so I walked towards the field to see what type of dinosaurs I can see today. I started hearing someone yelling, someone sobbing, and someone screaming. I ran towards the yells and the cries, the one yelling was Kenji yelling at the crying Ben, and Kenji was being held back by a screaming Yaz. I ran towards them, "what the heck is going on?!?!" I yelled at Kenji, "Maybe ask the stupid idiotic jungle boy behind you, he'll know!!" I didn't glance at Ben but turned to Yaz with a questioning look "I couldn't find anyone when I woke up so I headed here, but when I got here I found Kenji punching and kicking Ben. Ben was curled in a ball trying to protect his face but didn't work to well." She said than pointed at Ben, omg! He had a black eye, his nose was bleeding and he had bruises up and down his legs and arms!!! "I- I- it was an accident, w- we didn't know, s-s- she would get scared and do what she d-did." Ben stammered while mumbling, " Well you shouldn't have been there with bumpy in the first place you dummy!!" Kenji yelled, Ben winced , I turned to Kenji "Can you just shut up for once?! Whatever Ben did it was an accident!" I yelled, Kenji and Yaz stood in shock and Ben stared at me with wide eyes. I turned and helped Ben and Yaz onto bumpy than I joined them sitting behind Ben and we left Kenji. The day passed by pretty quickly, Brooklynn and Sammy were wondering what had happened to Ben but no one answered their questions.

Bens POV
That night I couldn't sleep I was just scared for some reason and I kept worrying about the dinosaurs. A sat up on my bed playing with my fingers. I was so bored when I heard rustling in the bed next to mine, Darius sat up "Ben why are you awake?" I looked at him "Oh sorry D I am just not tired." I said which was a lie. "Your lying. What's wrong." I looked away in the woods trying to hold back tears, "Fine, I'm just. Scared and worried, about what I don't even know." Darius got out of bed and walked over and joined me. He laid my head onto his lap, I looked at him confused why but then he started to play with my hair, "So soft." Darius said softly, I chuckled at that. Every time I would try and say something Darius would cut me off 'shhh' I stayed quiet and let him play with my hair. About an hour later he later down next to me and fell asleep. We woke up to Brooklynn and Sammy staring at us and giggling, "it's not what you think, we couldn't sleep so I played with bens hair." Darius said while getting up and leaving, I frowned at this because I have had a crush on Darius since the very beginning and Yaz had known this from the beginning too but it just kept growing and growing but I think he was straight. I quickly said "Yea guys it's not like that." I got up and went to the living room. The girls had frowns on their faces except Yaz wasn't here, probably on a run, neither was Kenji, I hadn't seen him since yesterday. I left to go on a walk around the island.

Darius POV
I blushed after I left Ben and the two frowning girls, I have had a crush on Ben from the second I saw him on the boat. I just didn't know how to tell him the only person who knew I liked him was Brooklynn. I went to the kitchen to 'HIDE' out, Brooklynn walked in " When will you just tell him you like him?" She asked me, I shrugged she sighed and left. I walked out seeing Ben leaving to go who knows where. I went to the watering hole to write more about Dino's.
When I got back everybody but Ben and Yaz were sleeping, since Yaz took the shifts last night it was bens turn he said goodnight and went to the balcony and sat down just starring into the woods. Yaz went to bed but I stayed put, "Hey Ben could I join you?" Ben looked over at me "Um if you want to you can, I'm not stopping you" he said and looked back into the unknown.

Authors note
I will be working on chapter 3 and hopefully post every night/ day. Hope you enjoyed/ enjoy. Thank you!

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