Chapter 3

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Bens POV
Me and Yaz went on a walk because I wanted to talk to her about Darius. "So Ben what did you wanna talk about?" "Well how and when should I tell Darius?" She thought for a sec " You should bring him somewhere and then tell him by saying 'Darius I like you and I have for A LONG time'" I thought "That could work" I say. We stopped dead in our tracks to hear rustling in the bushes we circled slowly and then a raptor (Blue) came and pounced at Yaz I pushed her out the way and said "Run Yaz, I can handle this!" She stood there "But-" " GO Yaz!" She hesitated but started to run two wards camp.

Darius POV
I was about to go look for Yaz and Ben since it started to get dark when I saw Yaz running towards me. She stopped in front of me "Where's Ben?" I ask, she looks at me with tears in her eyes "He is fighting blue the raptor, but he yelled at me to run, I didn't want too." She said "You left Ben to fight a raptor, he could die!" I yell at her, "Yeah but I didn't, so you can calm down now, D." Ben says from behind me and Yaz.

Bens POV
It was super late at everyone was asleep but me and Darius, Darius doesn't know I'm awake cause he's taking watch. I get up out of bed and go sit by Darius, Darius fell asleep on my shoulder half way through his shift so I took his mine and Yaz' shifts. The next morning I woke up and took Darius to his bed, about an hour later he wakes up, "Uh Ben did I fall asleep mid shift?" He asked I nodded, "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry Ben!" "And Ben you didn't wake me up for shift last night." Yaz added, they all looked at me. "It's fine I wasn't tired anyways." I said they all shrugged, "But you got sleep right Ben?" Darius asked, I nodded, which was a lie and Darius could tell. I wasn't sleeping because I kept thinking about Kenji beating me up, Darius grabbed me by the wrist and took me to the bunks and told me to sleep so I did as told.

Darius POV
I went to the living room "Where's Ben?" Kenji said sarcastically, I ignored him, I didn't wanna talk to him after what he did to Ben. "What mad cause I hurt benny's feelings?"Kenji said, he physically hurt him not only emotionally, but I held myself back from yelling and punching Kenji. "Why do you even care for the freak anyways, D?" Kenji asked, I snapped "Bens not a freak, and you punched him in the face, you didn't only hurt his feelings!!" I yelled, Kenji sat there in shock because of my reaction this time. I stomped off to the bunks but Ben wasn't there, I asked the whole group, nobody knew where he was. He would usually tell someone if he was leaving.

It was getting dark and Ben still wasn't back yet.

Bens POV
I woke up to Kenji and Darius yelling at each other so I sat up. I thought to myself I should go to the monorail and look down so I wasn't scared of heights so I did that. I went for the monorail. I got to the monorail and the sun had already set, I walked pretty far down the monorail and looked down, I was so high up! I kept looking down so I wouldn't be scared, I think it was working because I wasn't as scared anymore. I started to fall forward but someone caught me by my shirt and dragged me back up, I looked to see who it was but it wasn't a human, it was blue the raptor.

Blue started approaching me, I closed my eyes waiting for the attack, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and she dropped my Fanny pack in front of me, I dropped it earlier when I was running from her. I pet her and she looked happy I guess. We started heading back

Darius POV
It was super late and I was super tired, everyone else was asleep but Ben wasn't back yet. I heard rustling in the bushes I stop dead, not moving or breathing. Ben and blue came out. I ran to Ben and hugged him, "where were you?!" I whisper yelled at him, "Oh uh, the... monorail" Ben said, "Why were you with blue?" I asked "I almost fell off the tracks and she saved my life." Ben whispered. I sat there with tears in my eyes "Woah, Darius what's wrong", Ben said pulling me into a tighter hug "You almost f-f-fell, I can't l-loose you again!" I said crying. Ben told me it was okay because he's still here and we'll alive and we went to the beds and went to sleep for the night.

I woke up and Ben wasn't in bed of course. I went on a walk and found Ben fighting one of the other raptors, blue ran at them and talked dinosaur and the two raptors left. "Ben what the heck?!" I yelled "what?" Ben said with a confused face, "you could have hurt the dinosaur!" I yell, I heard Ben mumble "It's just a dinosaur." I slapped Ben not thinking what I was doing, Ben looked at me shocked "Can you just stop acting tough Ben?!" I yell. Ben didn't say anything but left towards camp. I had it with bens attitude lately, sneaking out thinking he's so tough, he's only 14!!!!!

Bens POV
I got back to camp, "Hey Ben, why's your face red like you got slapped?!" Yaz asks me, "it's nothing" I tell her and sit on the floor by the couch. Darius walked in, I got up and left before I started crying. I walked deep into the woods and fell to the ground crying. The next day I woke up on the grass and rubbed my eyes, oh yeah I didn't go back. I went back to camp and no one was there, good. I left a note. And left

Darius POV
I walked back into camp and Yaz was crying on the couch no one else was there. "What's wrong" I say while sitting down next to her, "Ben isn't staying with us anymore, he is going to stay somewhere else!" She says and hands me a note. 'Hey, um I feel like no one likes me or wants space, so I am going to find somewhere else to stay, maybe we can meet again and be happy.  -Ben' I finished reading and also started crying. I didn't know Ben felt this way! And it probably didn't help that I was kinda angry at him and stuff about the other night. The thing that I feared most had happened, I lost Ben. Again.

Bens POV
I didn't really know where I was going to stay on the Dino filled island. I also didn't grab my stuff so I would go back later to get some things. ( BTW they all have blankets of there color, Darius has yellow, Brooklynn has pink, Sammy has purple, Ben has dark blue, Yaz has black, and Kenji has light blue.) It was super late at night when I went to go get my stuff, I got to the quiet camp. I walked into the bunk room, I walked to my bunk and my blanket wasn't there. I looked around and I notice that Darius' blanket was on the ground, I pick it up to put it on him, he was curled up in my blanket. I was going to get cold so I took Darius' blanket I grabbed my secret stash of food and I left back to my camp. My camp was just a little shed I found. I curled up in Darius' blanket and fell asleep on the floor of the shed.

Darius POV
I fell asleep curled up in bens blanket cause I missed him and it smelt like him, jungle and hand sanitizer, weird combination but I loved it.

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