Chapter 4

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Darius POV
I woke up and stayed there for a minute, I missed Ben so much and it had only been one night. I walked out to find Brooklynn, Yaz and Kenji in the living room. They all look at me, "We need some more supplies." I look at them and nod. The groups were me and Yaz then Brooklynn and Kenji, because Sammy was still sleeping, we left her a note.
Me and Yaz went for Main Street and start looking around the messed up buildings.

I heard rustling in bushes and turn around I saw ben. "BEN?!" I yelled and ran to him. I hugged ben and started crying, Yaz joined in, ben stood their shocked. We radioed Kenji and Brooklynn they came as soon as possible and hugged ben. "Sorry about everything!" Kenji said started to cry, "It's okay." Ben said awkwardly. The others started walking back but ben started going the way he came I followed him to a shed. I followed him in, "This is where my blanket went?" I asked ben, "Well you took mine and I didn't wanna freeze." Ben said looking at the ground, he looked cold. I had a jacket but he wore shorts and a tank top, I take the blanket and wrap it around him "you can keep it." I say, "than your keeping mine

Bens POV
"Let's go back to camp!" Darius says, and he jumped up and reached for my hand and we started walking to camp.
We got there and I pulled Yaz aside, we went on a walk. "Yaz how do I tell Darius I like him?" I asked she screamed with joy, I went so red! "You should take a walk and then tell him" I look at her "that- that could work, thanks Yaz!" We started heading back. It started getting dark, "Hey Darius wanna go on a walk with me?" I ask him "Sure ben". We left, I was going to tell him in 10 minutes tops. The sun was setting and I brought us to a cliff we sat down next to each other, "This is so beautiful!" Darius said in awe. "Darius, can I tell you something?" Darius looks to me "Of course you can ben!" I take a deep breath "I like... you. Like I love you Darius!" Darius' eyes go wide and he jumps in me " I love you too ben!" Darius said, I kiss him and he kisses back, "So Darius, will you be my boyfriend?" "Yes!" Darius hugs me tightly and we walk back.

Author note
Sorry it's short.

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