41. Day Set

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Michael's POV

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Michael's POV

As soon as I heard the front door close after Avalon left, I turned to Antonio and we bursted out laughing. We collapsed on the floor, wheezing and clutching our stomachs. Ant's face was red and I'm sure mine was as well.

"Did that really happen?!" Ant laughed out.

"She just had to walk in when I kissed you!" I caught my breath before I was able to pass out. When our laughter calmed down, all that was left was our pants.

"Do we have to cut our day short?" Ant asked, his adorable eyes looking deep into my soul.

"Unfortunately, my love. Duty calls. But I promise we'll have another day." I kissed his forehead and we cuddled for a while on the bed.

The way to the car was with Ant on my back while I stumbled my way to the front entrance. The emotional attachment was welcomed. Since I won't be seeing him soon, I'll take as much of him as I can. It's been an amazing day with Ant. Shopping, meeting his parents, and inviting him to my home. I can feel us getting closer.

I listened to Ant and dropped him near the alley where we meet sometimes. His small hands carried all the stuff I bought him. Despite his objections, I need to spoil him. Otherwise, what kind of boyfriend am I?

Driving through the city, I looked hard and deep for the lines. The lines and territory that has Jack's or Manuel's name. Any place that says 'This belongs to the Jewels' or 'Property of the Saints'. But, there was no place. Not even the gangs own it. My parents own a large part of it because that's part of their job. The rest is owned by the City of Newport. So really, who owns this town?

From the outside, Jack's was already full of people entering inside to get a good seat. I took my time to park since I know they'll be a seat inside for me. I slapped myself in the face a bit to wake myself up, preparing for how boring this'll be.

"Hey, Michael! Long time no see!" Brian yelled.

"Yeah! Where you've been?! We thought you were gonna flake again!" Ricky yelled to me. I just ignored them and walked past them to my seat near the front of the room. Petey was already there, next to my seat.

"Any idea why we're here?" I asked him.

"Nah. I wasn't code red or yellow. I think it's just an announcement." Petey responded. I swear, unless someone died or Elvis is performing, there's no reason for such a meeting to happen. Especially since I had to cut my day with Ant short.

"Jack couldn't have horned us?" I asked.

"My man." Petey chuckled and patted my back and leaned into my ear. "I bet you wouldn't have heard while you were getting a quickie with Antonio, huh?" I coughed loudly and pretended something was stuck in my throat.

"Dude!" I whispered back at him. "What the fuck?!" I said. Petey chuckled. The door to the left opened up and Jack walked in with a ciggie in his mouth, taking his seat in front of the room.

"Jack! Why were we called?!" Someone yelled.

"Who died?! Was it Rex? I fucking knew it!" Another yelled out from the crowd.

"I'm right fucking here, dumbass!" I'm guessing that was Rex who yelled back. The whole room went into a frenzy as everyone began shouting. Either asking Jack why we're here or just wanting to pick a fight.

"QUIET!" Jack yelled. Everyone stopped talking and sat back in their seats.

"How have we not killed each other yet?" Petey rhetorically whispered to me. I held in my laughter by digging my nails into my skin.

I cleared my throat and stood up. "Jack. What's the meaning of this meeting?" I asked. I sat back down and let Jack get himself together.

"I just wanted to inform you all that Manuel and I have settled a date for the match." He said. The room broke into murmurs, people guessing when the day would be.

"Well? When is it?" Archie asked. I rolled my eyes. Something about his voice just screams try hard. I saw Avalon make eye contact with me. She pretended as if she was zipping up her lips and throwing the zipper away. Thank God she's decided to keep her mouth shut.

"The end of November. Right before the holidays. Get the fight out of the way and go and celebrate with your families." Jack said.

"Is that it?" I decided to ask. Jack turned to me, wondering why I was challenging his decision to call us here. I'm just pissed that Ant had to leave early.

"Yes. Figured you all wanted to know as a whole. You may all leave!" Jack said and people quickly began filling out the room.

"Mike! Wanna come over?" Petey asked.

"Actually, I have to talk to Jack about something." I responded. Petey left while I ran after Jack. "Jack!" I yelled at him. He turned around to see me running after him.

"Michael. What do you need?" He asked. I pretended not to hear his sass.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

"About?" He crossed his arms over his chest and watched me.

"It's about the graveyard. Can we make it neutral?" I asked.

"Graveyard's already neutral."

"Yeah, but not the surrounding area. I was thinking we could leave that area neutral." I said. Jack thought about it.

"And why, pray tell, are you asking me this now?" He asked.

"I was just thinking. We should allow the west siders to visit their loved ones, right? It'll be cruel to not let them." Jack thought about it.

"You know what, fine! I'll let the Jewels know to evade that space. Is that all?" Jack seemed cold today. I'd rather not get into why.

"No. That's it." Jack just huffed and walked away. What's his deal?

But at least I can tell Ant that I was able to get the graveyard cleared. Now he and Manuel can see their parents, along with the others.




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