Bonus 1: Letter From Dina

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welcome to the bonus chapters! you don't have to read the next four chapters, but they provide some insight on antonio and michael's new life and the lives of other characters, enjoy!

Antonio drove in the red Buick car and got out of it, slamming the door shut. He wiped his head from sweat, carrying his book bag in hand and walked up the steps to the porch. He stomped his shoes lightly on the welcome mat, removing any dirt, before opening the door and walking in.

He heard the sound of a hammer hitting the wall. Antonio chuckled lightly and rolled his eyes, knowing that Michael was up to some new project.

“Mike?!” Antonio yelled, setting his book bag on the table. He walked to the den and saw his husband sitting on the floor, with planks of wood everywhere. 

“Hey, baby.” Mike got up and went to kiss Ant. He then picked him up and twirled him around. 

“What are you doing?” Ant asked. 

“I’m making a small table. You think it would look nice?” He asked. Ant looked down at the dark red wood table. 

“Definitely. We can put it in our room.” Ant replied. 

“That’s what I was thinking too. Anyways, how was class? Did you learn anything new?” He asked.

“We read a part of Don Quixote. But I got followed by some guys around campus who called me a spic.” Ant said.

“I’m sorry, my love. Do you need me to beat them up?” Mike asked.

Ant chuckled. “No, I’m good. I’ll have to get used to it.” He said.

There was a knock on the front door. 

“I’ll get it.” Mike said. He left towards the front door and came back with an envelope in hand. He held it out to Ant. 

And read the word and return address. “It’s from Dina.” He said. He sat on the couch in the den with Mike by his side. He opened the letter and unfolded it.

Dear Antonio and Michael,

Sorry I haven’t messaged or called in a while. I’m studying for my SAT’s and now that I’m valedictorian, I have to put in more work. But I wanted to write this just because.

I’m doing pretty good. I still miss you, Antonio. I miss talking to you and all that stuff. But I’ve made some good friends. Remember Sally? The one who cut my throat? Yeah, we’re kinda friends now. It was weird at first. We just both wanted to read the same book and ended up talking for a long time about stuff.

I got an early acceptance into UCLA. So did you too. Manuel asked me to tell you and give you your admission letter. I’m not sure if you’re still going to college. Whatever you do, it’s up to you. I’m still waiting to see if I got into anything else. 

Slowly, I’ve found peace. For a long time after you left, I was lonely and sad all the time. But now, things are looking up. I may not have found a strong handsome guy like you. But I found myself. 

About Flaca. So, pretty much after you got shot, she went into a spiral. Every time I saw her, she just had a look of emptiness. She pulled away from everyone and I sometimes hear her mutter how getting you shot was her fault. 

And after you left, she shut everyone out. Sometime during February, she stopped showing up to school. I got worried and went over to her house. But it was empty. I later found out through her cousin that she had moved to New York with her other family. 

Even though she did horrible things, part of me feels a bit of pity for her. I just hope that she learned something out of this and it made her into a better person. 

Enough about me. I read your letter before I went silent. I don’t know much about chickens. But if they have that red thing, it’s a rooster, And the women are called hens. Make sure you guys only get one rooster and a few hens. 

If you get two roosters, they’ll fight each other. 

But did you know? There are reported cases where two roosters will not actually fight each other but become partners? It’s crazy! Even roosters can be gay! 

You mentioned that you got into a nearby community college. I’m so proud of you. Just remember that you’re a different color. Don’t expect everyone to greet you with open arms.

Tell Michael that I kinda miss him. I never got a chance to know him that well, but the first time I met him, when he saved us from being jumped, I knew there was an ounce of respect for you in him. 

I hope you two will continue to live your lives with grace. While I miss you and wish you were here, it makes me feel better knowing that you’re happy. And if you’re happy, I’m happy.

I hope to see you one day. Maybe during the summer before I leave for university. I sometimes giggle and remember the crazy shit we went through. It’ll be an amazing story to tell to my kids one day. You’ll definitely continue to be a part of life. From now until forever.

I have to go now. I’m glad I was able to write this to you. Don’t worry, I’m safe and sound. 

Carry on with life.

From your best friend, 

Dina Gallegos.

Antonio finished reading the letter as a tear fell down his face.

“She’s good, Ant. Why are you crying?” Mike asked.

“I don’t know.” Ant wiped away tears. He looked up at Mike and leaned his head on Mike’s chest. “It’s good to know that even Dina thinks I made the right choice.” He added. Mike stroked his curly hair.

Antonio looked at the letter and then noticed there was another paper behind it. When he pulled it away, he saw his early acceptance letter from UCLA.

“You got in!” Mike said. “Do you want to go?” He asked.

“I don’t think so. I think I’ll stay here with you.” Ant replied.

“Say we both get accepted into the same school. Would you be willing for us to go together? We can get an apartment nearby.” Mike said.

“Would we even have enough for that?” Ant asked.

“We have more than enough.” He said. 

“Maybe… We’ll see.” Ant said in a teasing tone. 

Ant leaned his head on Mike’s chest, feeling the hard muscle underneath. He looked down at the disassembled wooden table, knowing he’s going to have to help Mike build it. 

And as Mike looked at Ant, he hugged him close and kissed his head. 

Yeah, they’re going to be okay.

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