75. It Ends Now

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Antonio’s POV

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Antonio’s POV

As everyone watched us, I turned to Mike for support. 

“This rumble ends now.” I said. Some people scoffed at my statement. 

“There’s no reason to fight! So end it!” I yelled again.

Rafa, from the crowd, stepped forward, limping and clutching his arm.

“Who are you to tell us what to do?” He said.

“I may not be a fighter or a medic or even a part of the Saints! But I’ve seen how you guys tear each other apart when you even give a simple glance! Your egos have become inflated! You’ve become angrier! You think you all look tough but actually look childish!” I yelled at Rafa.

“You wouldn’t understand! You’re nothing!” Bandit angrily yelled. 

“I’ve watched you for years! I’ve seen the petty fights and crimes! And for what?! A bit of land?! A bit of power?! Is it really worth it?!” I asked the crowd.

“In the end, we’re all people! We all just want to live!” I said. I turned to Rafa. “Do you really think your mom would be happy to see you doing this?” I asked. Rafa’s expression turned somber.

“What about you, Jack?!” Mike said from behind me. An injured Jack with a bandaged head perked up. “After what happened to your sister? Do you really think she'll be happy to see you fighting? Creating more violence?!” Mike said. Jack looked to the ground and didn’t reply.

“As for Mike and I!” I said. “Our relationship is none of your business. No one is getting hurt! No one is losing their money or their life or family! So just stop!” I angrily seethed. The tears in my eyes wanted to escape but I refused to show weakness.

“If it makes any of you feel better, both Antonio and I have decided to leave Newport. Only then, will our love not matter to you all.” Mike announced. I turned to him and he gave me a huge smile.

“What do you say, Rafa, Jack, how ‘bout we end this all? Let’s bring peace back to Newport?” I asked. 

Rafa looked up at me, an internal conflict happening in his head. He was actually considering my proposal. Jack also was thinking. 

It’s either the Saints and Jewels disband, or people get hurt more.

“What will we do after?” Jack asked.

“I’m sure you guys can find something else besides smashing each other’s skulls. Think of all the other things you can do, Jack.” Mike told him.

This is what we were doing. We were negotiators, trying to bring civility in a warzone. 

Rafa turned around and talked to his mates. They were talking amongst each other. Jack did the same. Part of me hopes that Rafa and Jack, looking at their friends' hurts, might persuade them. 

Mike, who had been standing to my left, placed his hand on my shoulder.

“They’re talking it out. That means that they’re considering.” He told me. 

“True. But majority needs to agree.” I replied.

After deliberations, the two leaders finished and stood before us.

“So? What’s it gonna be? War or peace?” I asked the two.

Jack and Rafa turned to each other then back at me.

“Los Saints agree to disband.” Rafa said. A small wave of relief flushed over me.

“The Jewels also agree to disband.” Jack said while clutching his injured head.

It felt like fireworks went off in my head. We did it... We ended a period of conflict.

It sounds cheesy, but we ended it with our love. If Mike and I never met, the Saints and Jewels would keep fighting. The reign of terror would still continue and life would never change in Newport. It was by chance that something came along to stop the war. And it was in the most unconventional way.

“Shake on it. You know the drill.” Mike told the two leaders. Rafa and Jack faced each other, held out their bloody hands, and shook.

“It’s official! The Saints and Jewels are over!” Mike announced. There was chatter from the crowd. But it was hard for me to tell if it was positive or negative.

“D’you think anyone’s mad?” I asked Mike.

“Maybe some. It’s gonna take a bit longer for them to get along. There might be some more fights. But nothing that reforms can’t do.” Mike responded.

I turned to him and was awed at the man he’d become. 

“We gotta get your cut healed.” I told him, raising my hand and brushing his black hair away from his forehead. 

“You need more help.” Mike chuckled. 

Mike bent his head down and I leaned up to kiss each other on the lips. I didn’t care that people were looking. I want them to see. I want everyone to know that, despite everything, our love still grew bigger than before. 

I reached and wrapped my hands around Mike, hugging him tightly.

“Can we run away now?” I cried into his neck.

“Yes, my love. Now, we can run away.” He replied. I planted my face into his neck and sobbed. The emotional baggage from everything rushed in. 

We hid ourselves for so long. We had to sneak behind everyone’s back and meet in private. Now, it’s all out.

I tilted my head up and looked behind Mike. What I saw shocked me.

Walking behind Mike was Juan, a person whom I hadn't seen during the fight. And in his hand was a gun. 

Alarms went off in my head. It all happened so slowly. 

I shouted Mike’s name just as he shouted mine. What I didn’t know was that behind me was Archie, another person absent during the fight, walking behind me with a gun.

But I didn’t know that. And Mike didn’t know that Juan was behind him. Still in our hug, I turned Mike around so I would take the bullet for him. Mike had the same idea, to protect me from Archie’s bullet. 

Two bangs rang out. I felt a sharp pain in my torso, and then another one. Mike grunted and we collapsed, still hugging each other, on the roof of the car. 

The ringing in my ear impaired me. But I could hear chatter. My vision began to get dark. When I looked up, I saw people gathering around us. I turned to Mike and saw him passed out. My hand touched my torso and I felt something wet. Then I saw red on my hand. A lot of red.

I started to panic. I think I screamed for Mike. I reached out to him as he began to get dragged away. I grabbed onto his leg and begged for them not to take him. To not take the love of my life. Despite my attempts to hold onto him, my hand was pried away. The last time I saw Mike was him passed out, his eyes closed and his beautiful black hair messed up.

Before I passed, I told someone to save Mike. Save him for me. He has more of a purpose to live. He has reason. I'm just someone who was in love with him. A simple small town boy with no money to my name. But Mike has it all. He'll grow up to be something and be someone.

I'm just collateral damage. My worth is none. So if it comes down to it, I should be the one to go. All expenses should be to Mike. He's the one that should be saved. And I won't be upset. It's my final wish. To save Mike.

Then, I slowly blacked out, unsure if whether I was alive or dead. Or if Mike was alive. And both were equally scary for me.



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