{Ajax petropolis}

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Yns pov:
I've had a little friend group for a while, but I was pretty well known around school you know? Being that annoying loud obnoxious kid that everyone at some point gets annoyed of, we'll that's me!!

People will always roll their eyes at me but it's whatever I may be a people pleaser but I'm not gonna try to please someone with a nasty attitude.

I've known Ajax ever since I first came to nevermore,
he's the one that showed me around and everything!
He's only been nice and kind to me and nothing else.
So it kinda surprised me when he yelled at me the other day, I thought he was my best friend yk? Bfffls?!
(Best friends forever & for life, without the & added)

I mean yea I get it sometimes I could get really annoying and people can yell at me but when he yelled at me I felt everything shut down, I haven't been doing to good ever since that happened.

Let me update you tho really quickly!


I was currently looking around for Ajax my friend or best friend we never really talked about what we are, to be totally honest when I first saw him I thought he was totally cute! And I still do think he is, in account of my power talking to animals ,I told some birds and lizards to find Ajax for me.
He's not that hard to spot out and explain looks wise.

A bird eventually came back to me and told me that he was outside in the garden with Enid, or what the bird said " a girl with short white hair with blue and pink ends." Very easy to tell who they were talking about, I quickly said thank you and walked away.

I walked around the garden for a while it was quite big to be honest, and not in a weird way.
I finally found them!! They were hiding behind a Apple tree, talking, I walked closer and saw how they were looking at eachother, I felt my heart fall out of my head, because sometimes I feel like I replace my brain with my heart anyways, Ajax looks so happy with her.

I always saw the way they would make eye contact from across the room, I always thought it was just normal friend things you know? I usually would do that with Yoko sometimes maybe even divina, but I've always noticed how much affection and love they put into those glances. I knew by then I liked Ajax, it was obvious by now I would try to get his attention but he would always be staring off Into space or talking to Enid.

I would try to hug him aswell! People say I give some of the best hugs ever! Which in my opinion I wouldn't know, but Ajax would always decline them or give me a side hug and not a full one, and that would be only when Enid wasn't around.

It was only recently he started giving me full hugs he would even smile at me! I would talk to my roomie abt him while obvi not giving his name to her, we were pretty close yes but we weren't on name basis I didn't even know her name I would always forget but she ofc knew mines.

I was... jealous, jealous of Enid and how she got his attention so easily, I always hear about Enid, sometimes I can find myself even looking up to her in some way.
She's perfect.
She has perfect teeth while I'm stuck with having braces for almost 2 full years now,
She has perfect hair when I take over a hour just to tame my hair, it's like a wild beast.
And most of all, she can actually grab the attention of a person, I feel like I try so hard just to have a one on one convo with someone when everything comes so easy to her.

I see her talking to almost everyone every. Single. Day!! And it's aggravating especially since people can get along with her so well and not me I mean yea I get it I can be annoying but I just want more friends! Even being acquaintances with someone would be fine with me!
I only have a few friends, Eugene, Xavier, Enid, and of course Ajax.

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