{Ajax Petropolis}

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Yns pov:
I don't really socialize talking to people has always been a challenge for me ever since I was a kid so I dont really have any friends. Which I'm fine with it's just that I want more but when I try to go up to someone I end up looking down and speed walking the other way, it's hard for me to talk to people.

But I feel like I could be open and laughing towards Enid, she's my bsf she's been here for me since I first came to nevermore which I'm so very grateful for because I don't know what I would've done without her.

I can sometimes find Enid talking to this boy that wears a beanie 24/7 which would make him a gorgon, unless he just likes beanies and has big hair underneath it.
But he caught my attention the second Enid introduced me to him.

When we made eye contact I instantly felt myself start to get nervous but in a good way? Idk but that's when I knew I felt something I've never felt for anyone else towards him.

But I knew I would never ever. Tell him how I felt.
But of course Enid has so many tricks up her sleeves it looks like she does weight training for a living.

Enids pov:
I KNOW, and when I say I know I really mean I know, Ajax and Yn like eachother.
When I introduced them to eachother I instantly noticed the tension between the pair, it was adorable how they stared at eachother with such desire!!

I NEED to get them together as if it's the last thing I need to do before the world crashes!!

Ajax' pov:
I'm feeling something I've never felt before, well it's a good feeling but I can't help but start to sweat, blush, whenever I see her, my hearts start to pound like it's about to pop out of my chest like a overflowing popcorn machine!

When I first met her I knew I felt smth for her, smth that I couldn't bare to keep down, even my snakes were acting weird.

Whenever I would see her even a little simple "hi"would make my heart pound which makes my snakes go crazy.
It feels like their trying to take off my beanie so I have to basically pull it over my eyes.

Geese me and my snakes are going crazy for this girl...

Yns pov:
I'm currently walking towards Enids dorm to talk about this whole entire situation, I want to get all of this off of my chest, I want to talk about how much I like him.

While I'm walking there while walking up the stairs I see Ajax.
"Hi!" I say waving, I guess I'm in a good mood today!
"Hey Yn!" He says waving back
I could see his beanie falling slightly off and he seems to panic before pulling it over his eyes and turning around,
Hmm weird.

Anyways I continue my walk to Enids room which is a few doors away from mine so if I really wanted to I could just get up and walk to my room in the matter of seconds.

I finally get there and knock on the door, she quickly opens the door, sees me, than pulls me into her room really quickly while slamming the door.

"So what did you need in your text u seemed really desperate!?" Enid says pushing me down on the bed before sitting next to me waiting for a answer

"Soo um I think I like A-"
Enid says getting up and jumping up and down

"Geese am I that obvious?..." I say looking down at my hands before hearing a knock on the door.

"UMM WHO IS IT??!" Says Enid putting her finger over her mouth looking towards me telling me to stfu bc it's passed 10

"Umm it's Ajax!!" Says the voice

"shit shit shit! Yn hurry get under my bed!" Enid says whisper yelling at me ushering me

"Ok ok." I say getting underneath her colorful bed

"OK COME IN!" Enid says sitting down on her bed
I can see Ajax walk in while closing the door behind himself.

"Ok I've got to admit something that has been on my chest for a while and it's been making me and my snakes crazy!" He says sitting down on her bed seeming stressed.

"Ok just tell me because you shouldn't be here right now." Enid says waiting for a answer like how she did with me earlier

"So umm I think I might like Yn and I don't know how to tell her because I'm scared of rejection!" He says really fast

"OH EM GEE I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!" Enid says while getting up and pointing at him

"Yea yea whatever but how do I ask her out or talk to her somehow?"

"Why don't u just ask her right now?" Enid says with a smirk on her face

Oh no Enid please no don't do this to me ima seem so weird for being underneath a bed right now omg don't do it Enid please please please please

"Huh it's past our bed time tho?" Ajax says seeming confused


"Just come out Yn at this point" Enid says smiling like crazy

I slowly get out from under the bed

"Hahaha surprise?" I say half way out the bed looking up at Ajax on the bed

He suddenly gets super red with wide eyes

"So Umm yea both of I guys came to me for the same exact thing and it's kinda funny but ummm so yea.." Enid says watching me struggle to get out from underneath the bed

"Enid shut the hell up and just help me!" I say annoyed

After I say that she quickly grabs my arms pulling me up in a hurry.
Ajax stands up ready to leave

"Hold on your really gonna say all of that than try to leave after you find out I heard and also finding out I came here for the same exact reason?" I say slightly disappointed

"I- umm I'm sorry?" He says awkwardly

"JUST ASK EACHOTHER OUT ALREADY!" Enid says getting impatient

"Wanna go out tomorrow like to town or something?" I say playing with my fingers

"Umm yea of course!" Ajax says looking at me with a smile.

"Oh thank god finally!" Enid says wiping non existing sweat off of her forehead

"I'll walk him back to his dorm bye Enid thanks." I say before pushing him out of the door

"Come on" I say grabbing his hand before pulling him inside of my room

"Umm why are we here?" He says slightly confused

"We'll since we are going on a date tomorrow I need u to choose a outfit for me to wear!" I say rummaging through my closet

"Oh ok!" He says with a wide smile on his face
"Ok come here and choose something i don't care what it is as long as u like it" I say grabbing his hand

He eventually finds a outfit and I must say he does have style.

"Hmm this is good!" He says handing it to me
"I like it thank you!" I say giving him a hug while placing down the clothes

"Your welcome." He says smiling at me

Time skip|

I don't even know when we fell asleep but we eventually did and I woke up to him laying next to me with his arms around my waist snuggling into my chest

I smile before going back to bed

ANOTHER ONE DONE!!! Ima do more of the request later and I'm sorry for the delay I had to go somewhere yesterday and I was pretty busy I didn't even get to use my phone to much so yea!

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