{Rowan Laslow}

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Yns pov:
I don't know why or how but he caught my eye
I know I'm getting straight to the point and stuff but Rowan Oml Rowan...
He's beautiful

But ofc I would be made fun of for liking him so I never brought it up but I did tell Enid, my twin, but ofc I would tell her I mean she's my twin we don't keep secrets from eachother, only the ones that aren't necessary.

I'll see Rowan all the time, during passing period, at lunch, in the quad, even walking in town. He intrigued me and I don't know him at all but I've always wanted to get to know him but people would instantly think differently of me, which I don't care about but I don't want to lose friends bc I like a boy.

Enids pov:
So Yn like Rowan and I'm gonna get them to somehow talk to eachother because I'm the bestest sister in the whole entire world!
But mostly because she got me and Ajax together haha...

Yns pov:
I'm walking to my dorm and I see Rowan, as always, he looks so good like he somehow always has his hair tame and his glasses are the best.

I turn back and I see Enid smiling at me before mouthing 'you'll thank me later' before I trip over something and hitting my head, how nice of my sister to do!

Time skip|

I slightly open my eyes to see myself in someone's arms being carried somewhere, to which I don't even know.
I look up and see Rowan? I don't know if it's him or my mind playing tricks from the possible concussion I've got going on right now.

"Rowan?..." I say raising my hand to the side of his face
"Your so beautiful." I say still holding his face

He looks down at me with a confused face
"You know me?" He says surprised
"Of course I know you I've like- had the bigggggggggest crush on you!" I say giggling
I don't fucking know what's going on with me but I regret everything I've just said.

I can see his cheeks flare up into a shade of pink and the tips of his ears.
"Awwww!" I say squishing his cheeks with both of my hands and pulling at them

I slowly feel myself go back into a slumber and boom I'm asleep.

Rowan's pov:
I've noticed Yn staring at me multiple times but I usually get those stares from other people as well so I just thought she was judging me but apparently the girl herself has a crush on me?

Why me tho? I mean she's well known around school and I only got one friend, and I don't even know if we're friends I mean were roommates and we have friendly conversations so I'm assuming we're friends? Besides Xavier's also well known around school so I don't know?
I mean she could've totally been lying she's like idk tripping right now.

But I did always think she was very pretty...
I'll ask her about it whenever she wakes up.

Yns pov:
I slowly feel myself waking up and goddamn these lights in this room are so fucking bright I'm about to go blind just from looking at them, or I'm just you know, at the gates of heaven.

I turn to my side to see Rowan, so I was correct earlier, than all of the memories start flooding back.
"OH GOD!" I say slapping my hand over my mouth
"Umm are you ok?..." Rowan says looking at me laying down

"Ummm uh- uh hehe?" I try to find words while looking at him
"So I have a few questions..." The boys says looking down at his hands

"And I have answers... I think" I say sitting up slowly
"So umm- earlier while you were still like recovering or something- you kinda said you liked me, or umm had the "biggest crush" on me?..." Rowan says looking at me before looking back at his hands

"That's true." I say looking at him
I'd rather admit it since my dumbass already have myself away
"Oh?" He says looking at me with a shocked face
"Yeaaa so umm I think ima get going, also I'm not forcing u to like me back just so you know..." I say before getting up and walking out of the nurses office but not before waving at Rowan.

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