Chapter 19

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When he came out, taehyung saw yoongi scolding jimin.

"Why did you bring kookie to this place, chim? You know very well that kookie's life is in danger. Knowing that, how did you come without telling us? And didn't you think I would be scared when you're like that?"

While yoongi was yelling at jimin, jimin was looking at the ground with tears in his eyes.

"Yoongi hyung.. don't blame jimin. You know how kookie is. He will definitely do whatever he wants." Taehyung said that and sat in the car.

After a while, taehyung saw jungkook running after jin through the side mirror.

"Eomma.. Are you angry with me??" Jungkook asked sadly but jin didn't even turn to look at him. Taehyung understood that jin was behaving like that to make jungkook understand that what he did was a big fault. It is really a serious matter that jungkook came without telling them. Especially when they all knew that jungkook's life was in danger. Also, it hasn't been a week since jungkook discharged from the hospital.

"Kookie is sowwy.. please eomma.. talk to me. I won't do this again." That time, jungkook's pretty face turned red and his doe eyes brimmed with tears and started to fall down. Jin has never been harsh to jungkook. So jungkook couldn't bear jin's cold behavior.

"Huwaaaaaa.." When jungkook sat on the floor and started to cry loudly, namjoon quickly went to him and picked jungkook up.

"Shhh.. I'm not angry with you. Now stop crying. Big babies don't cry like that." Namjoon came carrying jungkook and placed jungkook in the back seat of the car.

"Tae, watch kookie for a while. I'll drive the car." When namjoon said that and sat in the front seat, taehyung came and sat in the back seat.

"Kookie.. baby, come here." Jungkook came and sat on taehyung's lap and buried his face in the crook of his neck, sobbing.

"Eomma is not angry with you, baby. He is sad that you came here without telling anyone. So don't go here and there without telling anyone again. We'll be worried.. OK?" Taehyung ruffled jungkook's hair softly and jungkook nodded.

"Let's go.. I have to buy a gift for kookie." When taehyung said, jungkook quickly moved away from taehyung's neck and looked at taehyung with big eyes.

"A gift??"

"Hm.. Let's see when we go." Jungkook clapped happily as taehyung tucked a strand of hair behind his ear that had fallen on jungkook's forehead.

Soon, jin came and sat on the passenger seat.

"Eomma.. hubby ajushshi is going to buy a gift for me." Jin couldn't help but look at jungkook as jungkook clapped his hands happily. He turned around and lovingly ruffled jungkook's hair in taehyung's arms.

"Why don't you show us your tattoo?"

When jin asked, jungkook quickly raised his hand and showed everyone the orange tiger lily flower.

"Is it pretty?"

"Hmm.. very pretty." Taehyung pecked jungkook's cheek and his eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Alright then let's go. Yoongi, woonie and jimin will come in jimin's car. Jin said and namjoon started the car.

"Namjoon hyung.. stop by bogum's shop for a while. We should select the rings."

"Why rings??" Jungkook turned to taehyung, taehyung smiled and squeezed his cheek.

"Because in two days we will marry."

"But I still have the ring hubby ajushshi gave." Jungkook said, reaching inside his T-shirt and pointing to the ring hanging on his necklace as a pendant.

His Baby Omega ||Taekook|| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now