chapter 19

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Rittika's pov:

Its been 3 days since bani left for USA.she had  informed me as soon as she landed there.I miss her but most is when i return to our apartment.. Thats why I have made myself super busy with my work and study projects..

She calls me everyday like my parents .now a days mr.costa has been added to this calling list.he calls me every night before sleep to check whether i'm doing fine or not, i'm facing any problem or not..i dont call him without any reason Becouse i dont want to give him any hint of my unrealistic thoughts..

Today i did not went to my college.from last night i'm not feeling full body was aching badly along with my head.I could not sleep well for this..may be I'v got any flu..i think i need some rest then i'll be the morning i took one paracetamol tablet and went to sleep.

When i woke up it was 2 in the noon i checked my phone where i saw 40+ missed calls.I thought to check and call them back but I was running out of energy and dont know how drifted to sleep again...

I woke up again with continuous ringing of my eye lids were feeling heavy...I picked up the call without noticing the caller id..

" what are you doing huh? Why you are not picking any calls?" Mr.costa shouted with a very angry  voice.

"I...I...i'm sleeping." I managed to say.

" rittika!! What's happening? " I heard his concerned voice.

I was drifting to sleep again when i heard
"Rittika just unlock your door i'm coming."

"Hmm." I could only say that..i just dont know whats happening to was feeling like there has no energy left in my body.I tried to go to the main door to open head was already spinning ,I was shivering in cold. as soon as i reached the dining room my legs started to feel like dots were forming in my vision and I hit the floor with a thud..

I was feeling like i have slept for a long time but still i was feeling very weak.I opened my eye lids slowly and I panicked to see my surroundings. It was a totaly unknown place.the room was luxuriously well decorated in golden and white a queen sized bed i was lying ,an IV drip was connected with my left hand.. When i checked my self under the duvet i found someone has changed my cloth.I looked for my phone but i found none..this accelerate my panic more.

Whats happening with me? I was in my room then what happened?how did I come here? Oh i remember mr.costa called me and told to open the door but i could not..then why am i opening my eyes in this strange place? Am I kidnapped by someone?.oh no. It cant be happening.bani  is not here ,my parents are not will I contact them..oh no .oh no.

I hurriedly sat on the bed and first thing that came into my mind was to escape from there.I took off the iv cannula forcefully .I just dont care if blood is coming out or not.I just have to go back to my home..when I stepped on the floor first thing I felt a little dizziness but i did not have any choice to pay attention to all these..I just have to escape from here as soon as possible.

I went to the door and twisted the knob.luckily it opened .i sneaked through the door and looked every where..fortunately there was no one present..i went forward with my shaky legs .where is the main door dammit? I realised It is a very large mansion..

After some minute looking for here and there i found the stairs.. I hope main door must be in the down floor..just then i heard some heavy foot steps coming towards me.
My hands started shaking too in fear..I looked at my surroundings and found a porcelain vase..I did not think much i just took that vase in my hand ready to attack anyone who will come near me..

"Here she is" someone said from my behind .i did not think twice, i just turn around and threw that vase to that person while shutting  my eyes closing my ears with hand and screamed .

My heart was beating rapidly just then someone hugged me tightly soothing me saying  "sshhhhh. Its okey.." ," its absolutely fine", " you are safe my love",
"Calm down please." "'s just me. " while stroking my back very gently.

My head was buried into someone's strong chest which was well built. I  smelled a known manly fragrance .a fragrance of coffee and vanilla which can make you relaxed in morning and also in the evening after a tiring day..this fragrance was very familiar to me.
It was him , Mr.costa..

I look up from his chest with my teary eyes and saw my most favourite ,enchanting pair of sea green eyes which was filled with concern now.these eyes made me feel safe.
My vision was becoming blurry. I was really tired so I let myself rest on his chest again.
Last thing i remember he called me "rittika......rittika open your eyes " and picked me up in his arms bridal style..I let sleep took over me.


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