chapter 15

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In a dark room a man was screaming his heart out but no one giving a shit to his pain .his both hands were pressed on a hot frying pan.

"You better spill the truth right now or your death will be more painful.choice is yours." Adriano threatened him calmly.his voice was low but dangerous.

"I have never seen my boss.he only gives me instructions and sends money for the given work.I'm telling you the truth only..please aaaaaaaaaaaa" he screamed louder when someone poured boiling oil on his shoulder..

"Dont should have think about that before making contact with my dare you? Hah? How dare you push her to the ground?" Adriano punched him on face .blood spilled out from his mouth.

" bring him to Robbert. " adriano ordered one of his man.he left from there and went to the cell where Robbert is kept.

"Adriano my child.long time no see." Robbert greeted him with fake smile.

"Yeah Robbert.i was busy a little. Hope you dont mind..and I hope you are receiving a great hospitality here." Adriano smirked..Robbert was hanging by his one arm.blood was coming out from the iron lock on his hand.some blood was dried on his face and body.

"You will pay for it Adriano." Robbert shouted.

" guys are getting on my nerves..i have brought a visitor for you.."
Saying this adriano ordered one of his man " bring him in."

"You have only one chance to speak the you work for him?" Adriano asked the new guy pointing towards Robbert.

"I dont know ..please believe me.I have never seen  my boss." The guy pleaded.

"Then last question for you.what is his name?"

"I dont know..I dont know anything..believe me .please.let me go." The guy cried.

"Jacob release my dogs on him.lets give them a fun time.." Adriano ordered jacob and went towards Robbert.

"Robbert You will love to watch my dogs having fun with my enemies.. And the show begins now." As soon as Adriano said this  the dungeon echoed with the dogs barking..and with in a minute 7 to 8 dogs jumped on the guy and he screamed at his highest pitch of voice..

"V your phone " jacob handed over the phone to adriano which was ringing.

Adriano took the phone and watched the caller id ,within a second his face lit up.he hurriedly left the dungeon. He dont want to hear all these sounds of pain when he speaks with his angel.He picked up the call.

"Hello? Mr.costa?"

And that's her angelic voice.a single word from her mouth can tame his inner beast.

" hello ritika" He replied..for the first time rittika herself called him..this is unexpected..

Ritika-"ammm.. Did i disturbed you? You must be busy."

Adriano-"not at can call me whenever you want to."

Ritika- " thanks.are you still in the city or have gone back to Germany.?

Adriano- "ofcourse i'm in the city.why do you ask?"

Ritika- "oh thats good..actually I wanted to invite you in my place so i just make sure you are here."

Adriano - " I see."

Ritika-" I have told you about my friend its her birthday the day after tomorrow. It will be my pleasure if you can come to our home and have dinner with us at her birthday..."

Adriano- " I will come.and who is organizing the party? You just tell me I will take care of the matter."

Ritika- " no no its nothing to bother..its just a small get together..we dont have much friends here.some of her colleagues ,you ,me and her thats all..I can arrange myself."

Adriano -"ok .if you say so.."

Ritika-" well see you then..bye."

Adriano-"dont hesitate to call me if you need any help."

Ritika-"yeah.sure.take care."

Adriano-" you too take care."

Adriano was feeling on cloud nine.that means ritika seriously thinks him as her friend.and she gives importance to him.that was enough to make adriano's day.

" you are looking very must be my sister-in-law." Jacob teased him.

"Who else can be?"

" i'm really happy to see you like this but what about todays matter? Its not solved yet!" Jacob asked. .

" listen jacob call a doctor and treat  Robbert well. Change the lock from his hand.something big is happening and my sixth sense saying Robbert is related to all he have to be alive for us." Adriano said to jacob and went to his room.


Sorry guys for this short chapter.but my exam is on my head so I could not focus on writing..and i dont want to spoil the rhythm of this story by writing it hurriedly... Please cope up with me..sorry guys.and thanks for your support..❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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