Chapter twelve

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With one last check in my mirror, I put my heels on and leave the room. I wouldn't be able to walk on super high heel, thats why I decided to wear a pair with small and wide heels. 

I take my bag from my bed and close the door when I walk out. I don't even try to make quiet steps, because I'm going there and I don't care what anybody tries to do against it. 

I bet Pedris already waiting, even though I'm only two minutes late. I open the front door and see, like thought Pedris car and probably a pissed Pedri inside of it. I walk to the car, open the door  and let myself down on the passenger seat.

"Oh you decided to come", Pedri says amused and starts the car. 

"Its been two minutes, don't get on my nerves". 


Pedri and me get out of the car. He parked offside, so that paparazzi wouldn't overrun us. 

I stand before the car and look at the house we parked at. Its only the back of the house, but it already looks luxurious. 

"Can we?". Suddenly Pedri stands next to me, with his arm bend towards me for me to take it. I hesitate at first but then I take it and we walk to the house.

Even the back entrance looks elegant. Pedri opens a door, that reveals a hallway from a very beautiful angle. I go after him in the house and walk beside him through the hallway. A few people walk past us and nearly everyone of them says Hello to Pedri or nods at him. 

The voices get louder, like the music. Before a glass door Pedri suddenly stops and looks over to me. 


"Be nice". With that he opens the door and takes my arm again. I make a look at the people and nearly all of them are dressed like billionars. Most of them probably are billionars, but some of them like me are just invited. 

"Pedri, so nice to see you here". A tall man comes over to us and shakes Pedris hand. He doesn't look like someone who is just invited. 

"Thank you for the invitation", he says forced to be nice. 

"And who is this lady, you brought here". The man looks down at me and I begin to smile. 

"Isabella", I say friendly and shake his hand. 

"Isabella? Do I know you from somewhere?". I look over to Pedri and he gives me a look that says no. 

"No, I don't think so".

Thankfully he starts to talk with Pedri again. He seems like a real fucker to me. 

While they talk I look through the room and look at the people again. They all really look the same. The men wear their boring suits and the woman wear their ugly, way too expensive dresses. 

I look through the crowd until I meet with a pair of light brown eyes. Hes also dressed in a typical suit, the only different is that it suits him. With his hands in his pockets, he looks over to me and roams my body with his eyes. He stops when he sees me also staring at him, but I don't look away the moment he looks to me. I look in his eyes, his slightly parted lips and his hair, that look fluffier than they normally do. 

"Now I know where I know you. Your the daughter of our guest, Robert Lewandowski, right?". Our guest? Does that mean he is here? 

I look back at them and look at the man suprised. 

"Erm..yeah I am". I grab Pedris arm tighter as soon as I hear a familiar voice. I keep my gaze at the talking man, cause I don't want to meet Robert here. 

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