chapter twenty-nine

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Bella was always good in denying her feelings, especially when her feelings are about grief or rage, but she was never good in denying that she liked someone.  Thinking back to when she was thirteen, she couldn't help but blush everytime her crush walked past her and now it's the complete opposite. She denies and denies, when it comes to the boy sitting next to her. Her explanation is, that she doesn't feel how she feels when hes near her because she obviously has a big crush on him, she tells herself it's because she still kinda hates him for how he makes her feel sometimes. She gets goosebumps all over her body when he touches her, she couldn't help but blush as he looked at her yesterday.

The whole house is decorated in light tones. Looking around and making a turn on her heels, she faces Pablo again. She still is a bit confused about why she is in this house and why he wanted her to come choose one. She wasn't confused about why he wanted to move out, the moment she turns eighteen she is going to move away from her dad, officially move out. It has been a week since she's been with the Gaviras and she loves it.

 Even though Pablos parents are at work nearly all the time and she only sees them in the evening, she loves living with Pablo. The only bad thing is, that every day she wakes up she can't get that thought out of her head, that she is annoying him by being by his side, nearly all the time. It's not like he shows any signs that he is annoyed by her, Bella just feels like she's talking all the time and she can't hear her own voice anymore. She changed since she spends time with him, not in a bad way, it's more in a good way. She still makes a few comments to make peoples too big ego shrink, but she isn't so mean like she was before. If she was ever really mean. 

"So, what do you think?", he asks, Bella being not sure what to answer. "Y-Yeah, its great...I love the ermm....erm", she stutters, but stopping because when she looked over to him and saw the look on his face, she knew that he knew that something is off. 

"What is it, Bee? Is it the colours, the floor, the curtains? We can change all of them". His voice almost sounds like he is giving himself the fault. Bella can't help but smile at his words, confusing Pablo even more. "No. No, its not the colours or the floor or the curtains, I love those, I'm just confused why I am here", Bella says, making a frown appear on Pablos face. 

"What do you mean?". He makes a step towards her and softly places his hand on her arm. "You didn't really think I would buy a house, and live in it without my girlfriend?". 

Bellas mouth hangs open. Not because he asked, well not really asked, her if she wanted to live with him, he also called her his girlfriend. This was something that was going through Bellas mind the whole time, and now she finds out that he doesn't even need worry about their relationship, because he sees them as a couple. 

"Well, you made it easy for yourself. You didn't even ask", Bella laughs, still a bit shocked from what he said. "Well, I figured you didn't want such a cheesy 'do you want to be my girlfriend'", he mocks and sounds like a crushed thirteen year old, making Bella laugh. 

He is right, Bella doesn't like those, and she is more then happy that he didn't do that, and that is what makes her so happy. She doesn't deny it, she likes being in a relationship with Pablo, even thought she didn't know that she was, she loves when he is around her and when he makes her laugh. 

"No I didn't, I just..", she thinks about a nice way to say this, to not ruin the moment. "..I was freaking out over what we are, and if I may be too annoying around you or if it is annoying if I stay at your house all the tim-". He cuts her off and kisses her on her lips. The kiss doesn't last for long and wasn't as passionate as the other ones they had, but it still made Bellas whole brain get washed out. Leaning their foreheads against eachothers, he looks down at her closed eyes and her red lips. Just as he opens his mouth and wanted to ask her if she wanted to be his girlfriend, like all the thirteen year olds do, he gets distracted. Bella could have sworn, she would have thrown that phone across the room and made it stop ringing. 

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