Chapter 4

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Natalia POV

Ziva, my technical boss at Mossad had become sort of a surrogate mother to me in many ways. I could see the woman I'd learned name was Abby staring at my every interaction with Ziva. She asked the blond lady, Ellie I think if she could have me in her little group. Does she want to know why Zi and I are so close? I'm not 100% sure I'd have an answer if she asks. Did she understand what I said to Ziva? I was really hoping nobody would except the team who already knew we were close. Glancing around her lab nervously she pulled a stool out from a corner. "You can sit down, it's pretty much a waiting game until they give us something to work with" She gave a small smile to try and reassure me although it didn't work. Putting up my work front (straight face flat voice etc) I just sat down not making a sound. Abby seemed a bit upset but didn't question it as she pulled up a chair across from me. "We don't have to talk sweetheart. I'm one of your bosses old coworkers which is why you probably felt me looking at you and her a lot. Why are you two so close if you don't mind me asking" I stayed silent and she nodded. "That's okay." She smiled. Ziva has old coworkers? She worked at NCIS? I know she never mentioned anything other than Mossad but still. I nodded and cleared my throat "the boss and I get along very well" I said and she laughed. "I can tell." After a few beats of silence Abby stood up "I'm gonna go call Jenny and see if there's any work for us?" "Who?" I asked "oh shit sorry, the director of NCIS." Nodding I also stood, walking around the small space and looking at all the decor. It was mostly black things with a lot of skeletons, similar to what I like. I picked up a black rose "this is beautiful ms..." I trailed off. "Abby, please call me Abby" she chuckled. I'd been trained heavily since childhood to always refer to people without a title by Ms or Mr or Mx so I decided on Ms Abby. "And you can have it Natalia, I've got plenty as you can see" she pointed towards a clear cabinet which contained bouquets of the same roses I held one of in my hand. I gave a small nod before returning to my seat while Ms Abby was talking to the director of NCIS. Although not being present for a while Eve finally walked in. "Ms Scuito?" She asked "not in here right now. She went to talk to the director about work for us. Sit somewhere" I gestured towards the many places meant for sitting, though Eve just sat on a table as per usual. "I swear your either on the floor or on a table, there's chairs for a reason yknow" I said in Arabic. She laughed, responding. Despite seeming fairly engaged in the conversation I was wondering when Ziva would come to Ms Abby's lab. She said these people were nice but how am I supposed to trust them? She knows what happened last time.


Hey, here's this. Not getting many reads still so please share this and comment if you can <3 , I also started a new show so that's neat. Opinions? Suggestions?


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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