2. the barista boy sends me into cardiac arrest

54 3 0

suggested track: leaving london - fin

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

EMOTIONS were strange and often foreign concepts to me. I liked them and I saw their use, but most of the time they caused me immeasurable pain. Heartache and sadness were my body's favorites to cook up, especially on days that were just fine only moments before the spiral. But let me tell you, when I have a rare feeling of joy, I don't care how emotions work so long as that feeling lasts.

It never did, and I tried not to dwell on that fact.

The particular emotion I had the most trouble with was affection, and just where I let it take me. So far, in fifteen years, I'd never fallen under the power of a crush. Well, that was before I started going to Nevermore, before I stepped into Jericho, and before I entered the Weathervane Cafe that first time.

I'm sorry to say that a crush had taken me by the throat and choked me into this odd place to be called in like.

It's horrid, but at the same time it's wonderful. Emotions are fickle, stupid things. But unfortunately, they're a mandatory part of being human.

"Earth to Salem." Carmilla waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked, turning to face her. She returned my blank expression with one of pleasant sincerity. "You okay, sweets?"

"Eh." I looked out the open window of the bus. I held my hair in my fist to keep it from getting tangled in the wind. "I'll be fine."

"That's not what I asked." She leaned into my shoulder, pressing me into the window. "Still excited about Monday?"

I nodded, mostly because I felt like I had to. "I'm fine, Carmilla. We're gonna have a fun time. Don't worry about me." She wasn't convinced whatsoever, so I tried my hand at a change of topic. "Oh! There's a new puzzle in the library. Wanna start it when we get back?"

She saw right through me, of course. Carmilla always did, but she knew when to stop beating a dead horse. "Yeah, that sounds fun."

I looked around at my group, all bunched into the very back of the bus taking us into Jericho. We'd fought for these seats, shoving Freshmen and Seniors alike out of our way to be the first on Bus 3. Why we always chose Bus 3 wasn't exactly clear, but I think it had to do with the six of us meeting on this one. It was here, in the back of Bus 3, that we became friends last year. It was our spot, I supposed. We felt the need to defend it.

Though, it did prove useless in getting off the bus in a timely manner. When we screeched to a halt in some out-of-the-way parking lot, we found ourselves standing idly as everyone filed out, one by one, leaving us the last on board. I didn't mind too much, as I found entertainment in challenging Sasha to a game of sticks. Maya stood watching us, Carolyn was tapping anxiously on the seat cushion, Carmilla stared out the window, and Sarah Jane fought to keep her snakes concealed. We had a rhythm, my friends and I, a rhythm I hoped would never be disrupted.

Honestly, with a thought like that on my mind, it's like I was asking for fate to give me hell.

I stuck by Carmilla's side, wedged between her and Sarah Jane as we trekked down the sidewalk. Talk of heading to the Weathervane caught my ear, sending me into a quick panic. "Erm, I wanted to go to Brooke's first."

¹wild nights, wild nights // x. thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now