5. between a rock and a hard place

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suggested track: lemon boy - cavetown

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I knew I hadn't been talking to myself.

It wasn't long after the encounter with the gargoyle that I found a certain appendage creeping through my room. He really was losing his edge too, it was as if he wasn't even trying to remain hidden.

Which, as it turned out, might've been the truth.

I sat at my desk, Carmilla at hers, as we each worked on our own homework. This is the only way either of us got anything done, by working together to push past years of habitual procrastination. Some pop music played from Carmilla's stereo she brought from home, and thought it was like nails on a chalkboard to my brain, she loved it, so I tolerated the ear torture.

Then, from amidst the voice of Ed Sheeran, came a skitter-skatter across the wooden floorboards. Her hand froze over my notebook, my process of rewriting my notes put to an immediate stop. I spun around in my chair to scan my eyes around the room. Nothing in sight, but I knew better. I'd played enough games of hide and seek with Thing to know the sound of his fingersteps.

"Hey," I called over to Carmilla, who was typing on her laptop as loudly and aggressively as she always did. "Hey, stop for a second."

She didn't question it, shutting her laptop and whirling around to see what was up. Seeing my attention on the floor, she too began to search, though for what she had no clue.

"Thing?" I asked the room. "Come on out. I just wanna talk, 'kay?"

Carmilla headed to her stereo and cut it off, sending us into silence. I thought maybe he'd run off, or hidden somewhere in the hope of being inconspicuous, but then the smallest member of my family creeped out from under Carmilla's bed. The vampire practically jumped up onto her desk chair, holding onto it for dear life as it slowly spun around.

"It--It's a hand?" She stared at me, gaping.

I stifled my laugh and knelt on the floor in front of Thing. "I told you Thing was just a hand."

"I didn't believe you, okay?"

That time I did laugh, causing her to huff at me. I focused back on Thing. "So my parents didn't trust me to keep Wednesday in line?"

The motion of his fingers gave me an answer. No.

"Smart of them," I said. "Wednesday caught you, didn't she?" Yes. "And why are you in here? You knew I would catch you."

He did know that, he signed to me, he wanted to let me know that Wednesday already had a plan to escape Nevermore. As I expected. Thing knew I would have wanted to know, not to tell on her, but to follow along. He was thoughtful like that, moreso than most people with full bodies.

"Thanks for letting me know." I held out my fist, and he met mine with his own in a bump. Then I held out my palm and allowed him to crawl up to my shoulder. "Wednesday needs something. I'll be back before curfew."

Now relaxed in her chair, Carmilla waved goodbye, a little dazed, especially when Thing waved back.


I didn't end up reaching Ophelia Hall before curfew, turning this short visit to my sister into a secret mission. I'd always wanted to have a midnight escapade, but Carmilla never let me in the fear of getting caught.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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¹wild nights, wild nights // x. thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now