Chapter One: Hit and Run

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As the sun was setting and the moon was beginning to rise, there’s a road down the path no one can escape. What happens when you commit a crime on the road?. Do you take action and get help? or do you cover your tracks hoping you can escape the conception of what you vision so you keep going. Jamie is about to meet her fate. We enter the scene of a party full of young individuals. (Jamie) “Why did she get invited do you see how embarrassing she looks?”. Gail is seen dancing on top of a counter while holding a liquor bottle in her left hand. The music is loud. (Jamie) “I think I’m gonna go over there and bring her outside she’s gonna get hurt”. Brian just dazes at the crowd. (Brian) “Good luck doing that”. Jamie looks at Brian concerned. (Jamie) “Do you not care if she gets hurt?”. Brian raises his eyebrows and waves his hands sarcastically. (Brian) “I’m not the one who invited her”. Jamie rolls her eyes and picks up her jacket. (Jamie) “Alright well I’m gonna go. If you wanna stay here don’t bother showing up at my place later”. Jamie walks away, Brian follows after her and turns her around with his hand on her shoulder. (Brian) “Okay I’m sorry i just, I don’t wanna be here this is not really my thing”. (Jamie) “You know you didn’t have to come Brian. It’s okay”. Jamie walks through the large crowd towards the counter. Jamie yells “Hey! Gail! let’s go we’re leaving right now!”. Gail couldn’t understand what Jamie was saying. She proceeds to continue headbanging and rocking herself back and forth. Brian climbs on top of the counter and pulls Gail off. (Gail) “Hey let me go what are you doing?”. Brian takes Gail over his shoulder while passing through the crowd. Gail causes a scene moving and kicking herself off of Brian as they head out. Gail, Brian and Jamie make it outside. Brian puts Gail down on her feet. Gail looks pissed off. (Gail) “Thank you for ruining the one time i could party my ass off for the whole weekend”. (Brian) “What do you mean? you got some trouble coming your way?”. (Gail) “No, i was suppose to be going away in three days to Seattle”. (Brian) “For?”. (Gail) “I’m going on a road trip to visit my family”. (Brian) “In Seattle? you know how far that is from here”. (Gail) “It’s not that far. Maybe a couple hundred highways but it’s not far”. (Brian) “Look you’re drunk alright so we are making sure you don’t go anywhere else tonight. And i don’t care if you’re going to California you’re not leaving until you get your head in place”. (Gail) “We are in California you dumb ass”. (Brian) “It was a figure of speech. Look you’re drunk and that’s it. Let’s go”. (Gail) “Your face is drunk how about that face drunk”. (Brian) “It’s drunk face not face drunk”. (Gail) “Well you would know, you drunk”. (Jamie) “Okay look can we just drop this and leave”. (Brian) “I don’t know ask her she’s the fortune teller here”. (Jamie) “Brian stop. Look we can just go back to my place put on a scary movie and order pizza”. (Brian) “Oh she can’t eat pizza not while she’s drunk. Alright, she’s gonna get diarrhea all over your new covers”. (Gail) “You’re disgusting I’m not that drunk”. (Jamie) “Okay quit it! now, please. Let me just call Junior and he can come pick us up”. (Brian) “What? can’t you just call us a cab or something?”. (Jamie) “I can’t call a cab there’s no overnight shifts”. Brian looks at his watch “It’s only 12:30”. (Gail) “Yeah overnight idiot”. (Brian) “Oh thank you drunk face for that incredible response nobody asked for”. (Gail) “No problem”. Brian shakes his head and gives Gail a mean mug. (Jamie) “Look i have no control over any vehicle operating, he won’t be long”. *Jamie calls Junior. “Hey it’s me look I’m outside by highway 7. It’s me, Brian and Gail that’s all. Can you please come by and pick us up?”. Junior on the phone replies “Um you mean right now? you know how far i am on the road”. (Jamie) “I’m sorry i should’ve told you i was going to this party but i didn’t think i was gonna get stranded”. (Brian) “Oh but you knew there’s no overnight shifts”. (Jamie) “Okay but i just recently found that out”. (Junior) “Who was that?”. (Jamie) “Brian. Look you need to pick us up I’m not gonna wait around to 6 A.m to ask for help”. (Junior) “Okay fine but it’s gonna take a while for me to get there”. (Jamie) “Got it just text me when you’re close by”. (Junior) “Got it, anything else you want?”. Jamie looks over to Brian and Gail. (Jamie) “Um no that is all”. (Junior) “Alright see you soon”. The phone call ends. (Brian) “So? what did he say is he coming or not?”. (Jamie) “Um he is but it’s gonna take a while. I’m guessing he’s that far out on the road”. Brian sighs and sucks his teeth. (Brian) “See now we gotta wait here all night. I told you this was a bad idea coming here”. (Jamie) “Who told you to come? you wanted to come here”. (Brian) “Yeah because i thought you might needed some company. I risked myself coming over for you two”. (Gail) “Nobody told you to follow after us. All you guys are the same i don’t know what you was expecting”. (Jamie) “Can we stop arguing geez. Look he’s not gonna be that long he should be an hour away”.(Brian) “Great what are we supposed to do for a whole hour?”. (Gail) “Nothing we just gotta wait”. (Brian) “Alright well I’m gonna go back inside then. I wanna know what y’all talking about when I get back”. Brian walks off. (Gail) “Hey you can’t just leave”. (Jamie) “Let him go, at least we can be alone for a while. He’s probably just gonna sit down and drink a beer. He knows he doesn’t wanna go back in there”. (Gail) “How do you know so much?”. (Jamie) “It’s common sense and besides he’s not gonna talk to anybody, he’s like a antisocial egotistic man”. Brian is shown inside drinking and laughing with some people while they are telling some jokes. Scene cuts back to Jamie. (Jamie) “Hey how long are you gonna be gone for?”. (Gail)“Probably for like a week. I don’t really talk to my family like that anymore. You know ever since I finished high school it’s like they finally accepted me to move on”. (Jamie) “You think they’ve been waiting for you to move out or was that just like something you had to do in the moment?”. (Gail) “When I turned 18 it was my last year of school. Then from that point on they thought I was old enough to finally be on my own. You know how parents expect you to move out at a certain age especially if it’s that close to 18”. (Jamie) “No I don’t know that feeling. I moved out my parents house when I turned 23”. (Gail) “How old are you?”. (Jamie) “24”. (Gail). “Say that’s actually not bad. I mean the age to move out. I know some people that are 34 who still lives with their parents”. (Jamie) “You mentioned it was a road trip. Didn’t the last time you almost got hit by a car in the middle of a gas station?”. (Gail) - I’m lucky I survived. But I was given another chance and here I am”. Brian is walking back towards Gail and Jamie. (Jamie) “Hey what happened you finally decide to come back?”. (Brian) “Shit that place is too wild I rather just stay out here”. (Gail) “Have you been drinking? Your shirt is all dirty”. (Brian) “Yeah and I can see you sobered up a little. Man what the hell are we gonna do just standing out here”. (Jamie) “I’ll text him to see where he’s at”. (Brian) “Yeah you do that”. (Gail) “Calm down we haven’t even been out here for that long. You know if you would’ve just had your car we wouldn’t be standing here right now”. (Brian) “Yeah look who’s talking”. (Jamie) “He’s on his way we just gotta wait awhile”. The group stands around while they wait for Junior. 20 minutes pass. (Brian) “Okay this is just ridiculous I give up”. A car is coming down the road. (Gail) “Hey there’s a car coming down is that him?”. Jamie looks at the phone. “Yeah that’s him”. (Brian) “He better have a fan inside it’s hot as fuck out here”. Junior pulls up with his car. (Brian) “Dude where were you? We been out here for hours”. (Junior) “Minding my business that’s what”. Everyone gets inside the car. Junior drives off. (Junior) “How was the party?”. (Jamie) “It was alright, a lot of people”. (Brian) “No shit”. (Junior) “What the fuck is his problem?”. (Brian) “I don’t have no problem I was just saying”. (Junior) “Saying what? You’re being a dick right now”. (Brian) “Come on it’s not that serious I was just joking”. (Junior) “I think you’re drunk”. (Brian) “Oh I’m drunk. I make one comment and now I’m drunk?”. (Junior) “Do you want me to pull over?”. (Jamie) “Guys stop it’s not the time it’s not the place for this shit”. (Junior) “Well you better control your little friend back there. You’re in my car so you respect my space”. (Gail) “Can you guys just save this for later I got a major headache”. (Junior) “Hey I’m not the one that’s trying to start a fight”. (Brian) “Neither was I you always take everything so sensitive”. (Junior) “Do you got a problem with me because I could pull over right now”. (Brian) “So go ahead”. (Jamie) “Guys stop!”. (Junior) “He started it”. A loud commotion starts to happen inside the car. Junior loses his hands over the wheel and leans over behind him to attack Brian. Jamie moves over to the driver’s seat and takes control over the car. The fighting continues. A man is walking across on the road. (Jamie) “Guys I can’t stop the car”. Jamie tries to spin the car in reverse but ends up hitting the man on the road . The car stops and everyone starts panicking. The group gets out of the car and notices a man laying out on the road. (Brian) “Dude what the fuck did you just do?”. (Junior) “Hey watch who the fuck you are talking to”. (Brian) “Oh she’s your girlfriend? she just hit a fucking pedestrian”. (Junior) “You’re gonna regret this watch. Out of all the time in the world right now i would rather be fucking you up right now but we got a serious situation right now so just chill out”. Jamie and Gail walk towards the body. (Gail) “What did you do?” (Jamie) “I didn’t see him he just came out of nowhere”. Junior walks over. (Junior) “Well is he dead?”. (Jamie) “I don’t know, i didn’t see him coming alright” Jamie said with a aggressive tone. Junior starts pacing the floor with his hand over his head. (Brian) “What the hell are we gonna do we need to get rid of it before somebody sees us”. (Gail) “He’s right we can’t just stay here we have to get rid of him like right now”. (Brian) “Let’s just leave him there nobody’s gonna know we did it”. (Gail) “Oh good fucking suggestion”. (Brian) “Okay so what do you think we should do? huh? Like your plan is gonna be any better than what i said”. (Junior) “Alright both of you just shut up! alright! we need to think of something fast”. (Jamie) “There’s no one around”. (Junior) “It doesn’t matter it’s still a homicide. Look, we are not gonna leave this body laying out here. The cops can easily track us down. I got a plan alright”. Jamie looks down. (Junior) “Alright!” Junior yells. “We’re gonna take his body and just dump it in the back trunk alright. We, we could drive down to the cemetery it’s like 20 more miles down this road. We take him and just throw his body down the pit”. (Brian) “What you’re saying is far more worse than just leaving him laying on the road”. (Junior) “Nobody is gonna go through a cemetery and if they do the cops is just gonna think somebody tried to dig it up”. (Gail) “Until forensics come and find out he was actually hit and just thrown there”. (Junior) “Then i don’t fucking know what you want me to do. If you wanna wait out here til the cops come then be my guess, i got places to go and things to do”. Junior walks off. Jamie tries to pull Junior “No wait we’ll go with your plan. Nobody is gonna suspect we did something”. (Junior) “Alright fine but i wanna hear everybody say it”. (Gail) “Say what?”. (Junior) “I promise that i will take this to the grave to never ever speak about this again no matter how much it might reflect back to a memory i will never speak about this again or to anyone”. Gail, Brian and Jamie just looks at Junior. Junior yells “Say it! or you will have to pay the consequences”. (Gail and Jamie) “I promise that i will” they get cut off. (Junior) “Raise up your hand and say it!” Gail and Jamie raises up their hand and begins to repeat after Junior. When done Junior looks at Brian. (Brian) “What?”. (Junior) “Why didn’t you say it?” (Brian) “It’s not even a big deal I’m not making some stupid pledge over a dead man”. Junior pats Brian on the shoulder and looks him dead in the eye. (Junior) “I know we haven’t been getting along on this trip, but i advise you to get your sorry ass over there next to those two beautiful young ladies and say the goddamn words. You are just making this more harder on yourself. Do it!” Brian stares Junior in the face for a minute. Brian walks over and jokingly repeats the message. Before Brian even finishes, Junior grabs him and throws him against the car. Junior is furious at this point. (Junior) “Look, that could’ve been you bro and as far as I’m concerned, i would just do the same exact thing if it was your body laying out there. You wanna get in trouble? go ahead and I’ll pin this on you since you wanna be an asshole. And it’s not called snitching. It’s having authority over a dead man like you”. Junior looks at Brian with such anger. Junior walks away and heads towards the man. (Junior) “Alright help me with this. You two grab his legs and I grab the other part”. The group then lifts up the man and carries him towards the car. Junior lifts up the hood. (Junior) “Alright in here now hurry”. The group places the man inside the trunk. (Gail) “Alright we need to get out of here now!”. The group all goes back inside the car. Junior begins to start the car and drives off. (Jamie) “Okay this is insane do you realize what we just done? How am I supposed to forget about this. What am I gonna tell my parents when they find out about this?” (Junior) “Hey you promised that you are not gonna tell anyone. Let’s just do what we have to do and we could forget about this whole thing.” A police vehicle comes up from behind the car. (Junior) “Shit!” (Gail) “Just pull over you’re not gonna make it any easy by trying to avoid them” she yelled. Junior slowly stops. (Junior) “Guys just act normal okay? Any sign of emotion, any awkwardness is gonna get our asses in the county jail and I am not asking nobody to bail me out. Just keep your cool”. Junior stops as the police car pulls up from behind. Everyone looks nervous inside the car. (Brian) “I think I’m gonna throw up”. (Junior) “Just chill out for a second I got this”. The police officer walks towards the driver’s window. (Officer Ryan) “Okay kid let’s see your license”. Junior opens up the glove compartment and pulls out his papers. The officer looks at Brian as he squinches his eyes. (Officer Ryan) “Hey kid don’t I know you from somewhere”. Brian looks nervous (Brian) “Um I don’t think so”. The officer looks at Junior strange. (Officer Ryan) “Ah can you step out the vehicle for me please”. (Junior) “For what I didn’t do anything”. (Officer Ryan) “Just step out”. (Junior) “Yes sir”. Junior steps out of the vehicle and the officer places a set of handcuffs on him.

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