Chapter Five : Your Fame Is Running Short

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An investigation takes notice when Anne gives information on the alleged killer. (Detective) “Are you sure this person did it?”. (Anne) “I’m positive, she threatened to say that I’m gonna get what’s coming to me”. (Detective) “Was there anything else you can confirm about this person? Any leads or interpretation she might have led to the crimes”. (Anne) “I just know we had a brief disagreement about how the movie was going to play out and she just seemed, angry. Of course it’s not over my control I have a contract for god sakes but this is my brother we’re talking about here. Nobody deserves to go out the way he did and until somebody pays for this heinous act I don’t wanna be questioned any further”. (Detective) “Alright alright here’s what I’ll do. Given the information you told she’s now a person of interest. You can’t really suspect someone going off a murder just because of some disagreement. I’ve dealt with cases before where people are wrongly accused of murders or rapes. We’re obviously gonna take your word into consideration”. (Anne) “Look I honestly have no clue what kind of person would kill someone even as close to me”. (Detective) “Yes I understand that but just trust our instincts when we say that when there is enough evidence to be bought in they will be held accountable for all of their actions no questions asked. Just keep in contact”. (Anne) “Alright and what about making sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else? I mean you can’t just let go of what happened and not expect it to happen again. Crime has been up 60% ever since that incident”. (Detective) “We are working on it there’s officers on patrol every night through the morning and security cameras might be placed in the stalls just for safety at the theater. Apparently this person broke the camera footage outside of the place”. (Anne) “How is this possible”. (Detective) “I don’t know but until then you’re safe now. Do not go anywhere else without security. Now I’ll talk to your manager about this and sort this thing out”. (Anne) “Alright thanks”. (Detective) “No problem”. The detective leaves Anne’s place and she is now required to have extra security around her at all times. Things just got more harder on Anne. She wasn’t famous as yet but she was well known in the public eye given the fact that she was the star of the upcoming film. Production has been done filming and editing was taking progress during the investigation of Anne’s family murder. It’s Monday September 9th and Anne is scheduled for a TV interview about the upcoming movie being released October 27th. The morning interview begins at 8:45. (Morning anchor) “My first guest this morning happens to be the star of the upcoming film I Know What You Did That Night and here’s a sneak preview of that film”. The 2 minute preview of the movie is shown. (Morning anchor) “And please welcome my guest this morning Carissa Misty Elizabeth Hagan. So Anne is your character name”. (Carissa) “Yes it is and it’s funny because we were given a lot of options and the screenwriter went with Anne when he saw one of our assistants bring in a whole tray of pretzels and I’m like you’re naming me after pretzels? it was insane”. (Morning anchor) “Ooh wow that’s something I guess anything can be inspiring”. (Both of them shares a laugh). (Morning anchor) “But wow pretzels that is something so um okay so first I wanna ask this is your first time doing a movie right?”. (Carissa) “Um no actually I featured in very very small films um 4 to be exact and this just happens to be my break out film and I’m just so excited for everyone to see it”. (Morning anchor) “And you’re 23 right?”. (Carissa) “No my character is in the movie. There’s a scene where I talk to one of the characters named Gail and we explain about moving out of our parents house and still being able to attend school as an adult”. (Morning anchor) “So you’re?”. (Carissa) “20”. (Morning anchor) “Gotcha and how would you say that this film is different from your previous roles”. (Carissa) “Um well my other roles are actually more so towards like teen drama and thriller. This new film is actually my first slasher mystery role and I think we done an incredible job with filming. Calvin Wilkinson is an incredible writer and director, he made sure everyone was comfortable during shots and made sure we were on track with our lines and really helped bring out our characters more dynamically because to be honest even though I’ve been doing this for a while it’s still nerve wrecking to be around a set of hundreds of people and there’s lights and cameras everywhere. I’m very still new to this, 4 films is just my start up but this is bigger”. (Morning anchor) “I agree with seeing that trailer there. Now, how will this movie be brought to audiences is it safe for teens to watch or is it more on the adult side because it seems like a fun slasher film but it’s not rated as yet”. (Carissa) “Um yeah it’s not given a rating actually because there’s been some minor changes with the film but the most things we filmed I would say it’s more likely to be an R rated film”. (Morning anchor) “Is there nudity or any explicit scenes to worry about?”. (Carissa) “No actually there’s no nudity at all it just gets brutal at times so it’s definitely not for children but I can say that this movie um really grabs your attention to the elements of what horror can be or feel like”. (Morning anchor) “Being that this film is based on a true story”. (Carissa) “Yes it is”. (Morning anchor) “That only leads to my next question which was, this film is based on real events and the character your playing is based off the actual person. Now have you ever got in contact with this person I believe her name is Jamie?”. (Carissa) “Yeah I actually met her once right after shooting and we talked for a while, I’m not gonna give any information due to her privacy she is a real person who has been affected by her lost and I think with this movie it really broads out that anyone can be a suspect, anyone can be you know a killer in some sort. I’m deeply sorry for her loss and with this character I pay homage not only to her but I also tell a story of a true war hero because anyone can feel the pain she’s endure from losing a loved one or someone that is close to you”. (Morning anchor) “And your brother and his girlfriend were killed inside a movie theater while you were filming this movie. How did that affect you during that time?. Carissa starts to tear a little and the anchor hands over a tissue. (Carissa) “Um, sorry I just can’t. My brother was everything to me we always grew up together doing everything he was almost like my best friend. When that story broke out I honestly thought I wasn’t gonna be able to finish this film. But I’m glad I did (she nervously laughs a little) and we finished filming right in the middle of summer. This happened right before we were actually gonna be done with filming and then we had to reschedule until about a week. I attended his funeral a week before finishing with filming and they actually placed his girlfriend inside a separate casket beside him because they both died together on the scene. It’s just crazy I can’t believe it”. (Morning anchor) “And it’s September now this happened towards the ending of July because we done a story on it. It was all over the media. With the movie coming out on October 27th, how can you go on about this movie being released now knowing you’ve experienced something as close as to the character you’re playing not only to mention that this movie story is true”. (Carissa) “It’s beyond me I mean I can’t really fathom the process of having to continue but it was all shot and done and I had no control to just quit and say I can’t do this anymore. You know I was under contract to make this film and thank God that I even had time to grief even if it was for a week. Some actors don’t get that privilege because when you’re working in the industry you have to work. It doesn’t matter what goes on outside of your life you have a life inside of your job. I’m lucky enough to have dealt with that because I could’ve been given a day to say my goodbyes. I could’ve missed the funeral which was not until a week later. I’m just very grateful to be alive and I’m grateful to have done my part of the work because I’ve put in so much effort into this film to play such a vulnerable character”. (Morning anchor) “Yeah and what goes forward now being that this movie is being released just a month from now. What is your message to anyone who might’ve experienced something similar to this situation”. (Carissa) “Don’t take life for granted because anything is possible. You have the ability to overcome these types of obstacles even on set or off set. You know, this story captures the moral of what a survivor is what a victim is. Anyone out there watching this film you are not alone in anything. Whether something bad has happened to you or not. Overcoming fear is not the same as overcoming danger. Having fear is in your head but when you’re fearless you can subtract that obstacle in one’s way. Danger cannot create fear unless fear is one in itself. When you’re in danger you fear right. But if you subtract that fear when you’re in danger you can be unstoppable. Just don’t have no fear”. (Morning anchor) “How can one be fearless if they were in a situation like say the movie for instance”. (Carissa) “Risks. If you know you’re about to die you either risk yourself by being subjective to what’s coming towards you. Do you have the ability to talk your way out of it or do you accept the fact that even when you’re gone you stood your ground and took that risk at trying to survive. Psychology doesn’t work on everyone especially serial killers but don’t be prepared for something you cannot handle or control. Seek help if you’re in situations like these. Don’t think or try to handle them on your own even if it’s your battle. Someone out there is listening and you have the power to overcome anything . Act accordingly be smart and go with your instincts at all times. The results can either kill you or transcend, but you stood your ground and that’s something we can say of bravery and being fearless”. (Morning anchor) “And i wanna thank you for sharing your story with us today and we hope to see you soon after the release. Carissa everyone she is playing a character named Anne in the upcoming film I Know What You Did That Night out everywhere on October 27th. Coming up we’re gonna explain how babies can scent when a parent is away from them for too long right after this”. The camera man yells cut and the cameras roll off. Carissa is being escorted back to her dressing room in the studio. Her team cheers her on as she walks into the room. One of her colleagues congratulates her on the interview stating how a great job she’s done. Later that day she continues to do more press for the film as for the rest of that week. It’s Friday September 20th and Carissa has been booked for another movie . She got the news in the afternoon by her manager and she doesn’t start filming until the new year. Carissa’s weekend goes as planned but as for Kate, she’s about to witness an unexpected appointment. At Kate’s house the phone rings. She answers “Um hello who is this?”. The unknown person on the other line says “Hello there Kate it’s the final act where’s Carissa?”.

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