Chapter Four : Living In Misery

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Jamie begins to call her mom on the phone. Ring. Ring. Jamie waits for the phone to answer. She answers “Hello”. (Jamie) “Mom did you get my message?” (Jamie’s mom) “Yeah what happen?”. (Jamie) “Mom they’re writing a movie about my friends death it’s ruining my life”. Jamie said in anger with tears running down her face. (Jamie’s mom) “Shh honey calm down i approved of the movie”. (Jamie) “What? what do you mean you approved of it?”. (Jamie’s mom) “Honey look I’m very sorry about what happen but look, these publishers were trying to get in contact with me about making the story into a book. They kept offering but i said no. This thing was all over the news i couldn’t escape it. After they saw me give my thoughts about it on live television the news reporters came back to me about some casting director and crew wanting to make this story into a horror film. At first i said no again but then they offered 50,000. Said no again and then they raised the offer. To. 100,000. I took the money and gave them permission to write a film. I know it sounds bad but trust me they wouldn’t stop bugging me about it. They mentioned how big of a success it would turn out to be”. (Jamie) “This is my life, how could you just sell me out like that?” (Jamie’s mom) “Honey i still have the money, we can talk about this”. (Jamie) “I don’t want your money. You know for once in your life you’re supposed to be protecting me. Not sugar coating shit to make your life more easy”. (Jamie’s mom) “Listen”. (Jamie) “No I’m done you hear me. I don’t wanna deal with you ever again. Don’t even come to my funeral” Jamie hangs up the phone in great sorrow. Jamie starts to break down and starts to whimper. Someone knocks on her door. Jamie gets up and answers it. A police officer shows up and reports that her friends are dead. Jamie was then asked to give a statement on the killer and victims but she denied a request to answer. After the officers leave, Jamie goes up to her room and begins packing her things. She tells Junior that she’s leaving to Florida to meet her cousin. (Junior) “Hello?” (Jamie) “Hey i was just calling to let you know that I’m gonna be staying with my cousin in Florida for a while. I, i just need a break from everything that’s been going on”. (Junior) “What do you mean you’re leaving what about us?”. (Jamie) “What about us Junior? all of our friends just died what else do you want?” (Junior) “Your friends actually, i don’t associate myself with anyone”. (Jamie) “Oh well that’s great to know. So you don’t even care about how i feel”. (Junior) “I do what are you talking about?”(Jamie) “You just care about yourself. If you had any bit of sympathy left it’s already gone. Or maybe it wasn’t even there”. (Junior) “This is crazy you sound nuts do you hear yourself”. (Jamie) “Oh so now I’m crazy?. You know what, i knew you wasn’t who i thought you were. There’s something inside you that i know of and i don’t take very kindly of it being shadowed into this mockery of a human you’ve become. Are you even human?”. Look, i gotta go. You can go rot in hell”. Jamie hangs up the phone. Junior lays back on his bed staring at the ceiling. The next day it’s 11 a.m and Jamie is getting ready to board her flight. She’s sees the numbers 333 on the departure board and a strange old woman walking pass starts to stare. Jamie doesn’t seem to get any mix signals from this. The airport is quiet but is often busy throughout the morning. People are heading to their flights, some children are weirdly walking around in circles and everything looks zoned out. Jamie’s flight has arrived. “Flight 407 is getting ready to leave the terminal please board your flight before take off” the loud intercom announced. Jamie boards her flight and prepares to take off. While on the plane Jamie opens up her laptop for a minute and sees her recent tabs open. She closes them all and sighs. Jamie puts on her earbuds to play music and begins to fall asleep. 30 minutes into her sleep she begins to slant into a nightmare. Every second of every moment clashes into one behind another. It starts as a nightmare and it ends in a nightmare. Shortly before the flight lands Jamie awakes with neck pain and feels drowsy. On her way out her cousin is there waiting for her outside of the airport. They greet each other and enters a cab nearby. Back to the set of filming, the actors shoot their final scene before taking a break. The director yells cut once again. (The director) “Okay everybody that wraps it up for today. You are scheduled to come back in two days and we should be done filming by next week. Thank you for your cooperation”. (Jamie’s actor) “Man I’m so glad that we’re almost done I can’t wait to see it”. (Brian’s actor) “When do you think it’ll be out. I mean I know they gotta edit and all that stuff. This is my first time doing a movie so I don’t really know that much”. (Jamie’s actor) “Well usually it takes about a month or two. They have to make sure everything is in order and figure out the score. Make sure there’s no more re shoots”. (Brian’s actor) “Isn’t the score the last thing they do?”. (Jamie’s actor) “Yeah, but at least we’re almost done. This was a lot of work”. After the conversation the two actors are heading back into their trailer. Before they can even get close by Jamie shows up unexpectedly at the scene. She walks up to the two actors. (Jamie’s actor) “Hey you look familiar. Wait you’re that girl we’re doing the movie about. How did you get back here?”. (Jamie) “That’s none of your business. Anyways I’m not too happy about this movie happening. Couldn’t you get a different role booked?. (Jamie’s actor) “I’m sorry to hear that but we’re under contract which means we have to shoot this movie from start to finish. And how did you even know we were filming here?”. (Jamie) “I’m not stupid I know all about movies and Hollywood. You’re on a set in Orlando Florida when the movie takes place in New York. It’s common business marketing everyone should know that”. (Jamie’s actor) “Alright what’s your point? We can’t just break a contract. It was a done deal inside the agreement and in order to get out of it, the other party has to agree to release it with their consent”. (Jamie) “Why can’t you just do that?” (Jamie’s actor) “I’m not really obligated to give further information unless you talk to my lawyer. We are doing this film and you’re just gonna have to get over yourself. Everyone’s life is fucked up in some way don’t try to make yourself feel special”. The actor walks away from Jamie. (Jamie) “Hey listen. Bad things happen to good people and you’re not special either. You’re gonna get what’s coming to you”. Jamie walks away while the actors look on. (Brian’s actor) “How can you just let her talk to us like that? Like she has the authority”. (Jamie’s actor) “Don’t worry about it, she’ll get over it sooner than later”. Meanwhile at a movie theater a man and his girlfriend are beginning to watch a horror film. A 20 second teaser promo of the movie being shot about Jamie appears on the screen. (Woman) “Hey that movie seem familiar like i seen it before”. (Man) “Um i gotta use the bathroom how long until the movie starts?”. (Woman) “About 10 minutes go ahead you’ll be on time”. (Man) “You sure? I mean you know how long those lines are”. (Woman) “Well in case if you don’t they’re not gonna show nothing that spooky in the first 7 minutes because of the stupid opening credits”. (Man) “Alright suit yourself I’ll be back in a few”. The man gets out of his seat and excuses himself through the row to head out the theater. On his way to the bathroom he notices a couple kissing each other dramatically in the corner. He shakes his head in disgust and proceeds to walk into the bathroom. He looks at all the stalls before he goes to the urinal. Another man walks into the bathroom dressed in black and goes inside one of the stalls. The local man finishes using the urinal and goes to the sink to wash his hands. When drying his hands the unknown assailant kicks the stall door open extremely bizarre making a loud disturbance. The man looks back and gets startled for a second. “Oh you scared me what was that about?”. The assailant stands there not a single word to be said. The man becomes frustrated. “I said what do you want you’re creeping me out”. Again nothing happens for a moment. The man begins to walk towards the door and places his hand on the doorknob to walk out. “Fucking crazy guy” he says. The assailant quickly grabs the man from behind before he can even get a chance out the door. In shock , the man gets thrown across the floor. The assailant pulls out a large knife from his long black coat and instantly stabs the man across the face. The movie is about to start and the woman gets up to head out the theater. The assailant calmly walks out the bathroom and leaves the scene. The woman goes to the men’s bathroom where her boyfriend was expected to be using. She knocks on the door but no one answers. She opens up the door and sees a pool of blood splatter all over the floor and stalls. She walks towards the last stall and opens the door. A defenseless man happened to be her boyfriend is seen with his face cut up laying over the bathroom toilet. In quick reaction she screams and begins to run. She instantly slips on the bloody floor and bangs her head on the stall door knocking her unconscious. The next day Brian’s actor (Harry) calls Anne (Jamie’s actor) about the incident at the theater. (Harry) “Yeah turn on the news it’s a fucking massacre”. (Anne) “Okay wait calm down I’m checking now”. The news reporter on the TV reports “At this scene behind me just outside this local movie theater and reports say that the suspect was not captured at the scene. The two victims were found just 7 hours later after the incident occurred and police say that the victims were left to dead with their heads bashed in and multiple stab wounds across the face and back. Police advise anyone out there to” Anne shuts off the TV. Anne calls her agent to further explain that she will not be able to make it for the final shoots. Her schedule gets held back to a week making it possible for her to attend a funeral. After the funeral Anne goes into a deep depression before heading back to filming. During every shoot, Anne struggles to maintain her position getting into character. Within 3 days after filming Anne goes home feeling drained and angry about her current situation. She opens up her laptop and gets on a video chat call with her co workers. (Anne) “Hey so I have a issue that I’ve been dealing with and I need you guys to help me out here. Look I know we’re just co workers but I need to find out who did this and I kinda don’t have no one else to turn to”. (Xax) “Are you kidding? I don’t wanna be mixed into that mess of potential homicide”. (Kate) “Yeah and we have no business interfering into people’s lives like that. We’re not capable of anything”. (Anne) “Look these were two people that were close to me. What if something like this happens to your family or friends”. (Kate) “Look I’m sorry but whoever it was might be after you. We’re not even from this town yet alone we’ve traveled a long way”. (Anne) “So you’re just gonna assume? And not be socially aware that there’s possibly a lunatic terrorizing the environment?. (Xax) “Look we wanna help and do the best we can but you can’t justify that this person is gonna be coming after us”. (Anne) “Alright fine I can’t believe I trusted you guys”. (Kate) “Anne we’re just working together everything is just for business inquiries”. (Anne) “No you’re right it’s fine sorry for joining the call”. (Kate) “But you called us”. (Anne) “Thank you good night”. Anne hangs up the chat and calls 911. The operator on the line answers “911 what’s your emergency?”. (Anne) “Yeah I like to file a report for a potential homicide”.

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