04 | A Mother? [part 1]

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A request by Anxious-Blob using their OC Mia, aswell as other OC's in later parts, Rose, Cassie, Luna, Rubian, and Isabella
A sanders sides and Gorilaz cross over😊

It had been a crazy day for the band, but manly for Murdoc, he had been woken up at 2 in the morning so that he, Russel, 2D and Noodle could travel to Florida from there appartment room. after being in the car for an hour they ran into a very mad truck driver that had punched Murdoc and Russel, that hadn't gone well.

At 5 in the morning they were chaced by a biker gang and shot at, luckily non of them were hurt, only mildly traumatized. Murdoc was now currently in the back seat half asleep on the window.

"Uugg, damn it man, the car broke down!" Russel said sudden and loud, causing both Murdoc and 2D to jump, tho Murdoc only jumped because he had been asleep.

And just as Russel had said the car came to a stop, smoke flowing out of the hood of the car "wot are we gonna do now?" The black eyed male asked picking at his hand
"The only thing we can do D, try to find some help, we ain't got the tools to fix it ourselves"

Just then Noodle hopped out of the car, she walked over to a big house, with light blue paint and a white door, she knocked and looked back at all three men seemingly annoying that they had not followed her.

2D got out of the car just as the door of the house opened, a sweet looking man stepped out, a light blue shirt on and a cardigan around his shoulders, round golden rimmed glasses sat on his nose as he smiled "haya kiddo"

At that point both Russel and Murdoc had exited the car and began to walk towards the house, and it seemed the man noticed "oh, I'm Patton, who might you four be?" He asked "hello! My name is Noodle!" The young girl sayed bouncing on her toes.

"And you three?" Patton looked up at the three men, whom if which could now see his beautiful blue eyes, they were the equivalent to a summer's day, Murdoc almost found him hard to look at.

"Sup, I'm Russel, the tall one is 2D, or Stuert, and the short bitch is Murdoc"
"Oi, mate, you want me to punch your teeth in" Murdoc threatened, his lips pulled into a growl of sorts "man shut yo ass up, anyway, we're in need of some help, ya see our car broke down and we ain't got the supplies to fix it"

"Well, lucky for you kiddos we have a mechanic, Vee! We need help, bring your tool box!" patton called back into the house "aight pops, I'm comin" came a deep voiced response.

Once the man was outside Murdoc felt intimidated, of course no one knew, but the man looked strong, in a black tank and black ripped skinny jeans, his arms were bigger then Murdoc's own and that was not ok with him.

"Oi, wot are yew doin' to my car" the man stopped and looked at Murdoc, eyes narrowed and lip slightly lifted in a mix of disgust and annoyance "fixing your fuckin car, unless that's not what you want, Because in that case I could just go back inside and not help."

It was then 2D stepped in "eh, mate don't mind muds, hes...him" Murdoc's head quickly snapped to look at 2D and the taller male shrunk away "ay, don't put your hands on him if you know what's good for you Murdoc" Russel spat harshly, being protective of the younger male.

"Why don't you kiddos come inside, I'll have someone come out here and help virgil!" Patton said, hoping to stop whatever conflict was arising, he stepped aside allowing room for them to enter the house, without a word to the other three Noodle smiled at Patton and happily skipped inside, leaving the others to follow her.

Once inside Murdoc realized just how many people had to be living in the single house

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