Chapter 05

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The next day when you reached the office, Lana was on her chair and she had already finished two packets of chips. Maybe you need to eat something too because just the coffee wasn't enough.

"Lana, do you need anything from the vending? I think I need some sugar and candies", you asked her and she nodded but did not exactly reply to what she wanted and continued typing on the computer.

The vending machine had a few supplies and it was right outside on the same floor opposite the elevator. You punched the numbers for the item, it was completely free so thinking again you punched all the buttons for 1 item each since you don't know how cranky Lana could be when she was nearly 8 months due.

Suddenly the elevator ding interrupted your thoughts and the machine began to pop all the items one by one.
Now you have to carry all these items so you picked as much as you could yet a few items were falling behind on the floor. You bend down to pick up what was falling off again and again but another hand reached for it this time and you felt grateful.

Good veiny hands that had silver rose cuffs on the wristband of his shirt and now you realized who it was. Jeon Jungkook.

"It's really very early in the morning to die with instant diabetes and the company won't cover for it", he said.
Huh, so typical of him to say this.

"It's for Lana too", you sigh with a response.
Either way, he grabbed a few and followed you.
"Good Morning, Lana", he said and smiled before shoving the remaining items in front of her and going to his cabin.

"Did you feed him any of these? How is he so sweet all of a sudden?", Lana asked in surprise.
"I don't know anything", you said pulling up your hands in surrender.




One hour later you were supposed to sit with Jeon for some work. Some agreement to recite and so you entered his cabin making sure you knock first to avoid his grumpy behavior.

Taking the chair opposite from him you sat and opened your laptop. Reading the first few lines you went ahead to type more, just as he was saying then he paused, got up, and circled around the table.

He leaned in from behind you to read directly from the laptop, his head on your right, so close. He exhaled and his breath hit on your shoulders. It was a gush of warmth.

The moment his one hand crossed around you to type on the keypad, you inhaled his musk perfume. He was radiating all the warm, strong, and protective aura.

Damn, you immediately squeezed your shoulders to avoid any physical contact. You felt him breathe for longer than seconds.
Did he just smell you?

You were about to turn when he gave a pat on your shoulder and said, "I think this will be good, you can print it"
And just like that the static energy or whatever it was, was over.

The rest of the task was Lana and you. Finishing off the day you both left, Lana's husband was going to pick her up, so you both took the same elevator with the others.




When you stepped out of the commercial building and onto the road you could see three huge men running towards you. Their whole body was literally in a cast. As they made it closer you could see the black eyes and swollen faces.

All of a sudden they were kneeling in front of you.
Wait, what? Who are they? Is this some kind of prank?

They began to rub their palm together and begged and you were startled. Seeing that this wasn't enough one of them even reached for your shoes and held them in place until you could forgive them or something.

"Oh my gosh, y/n, what the hell did they do to you or you did this to them??", Lana asked and then it hit you. Those must be the guys from the other day, it was dark and you hardly bothered to look at their faces.

You undeniably gave them a nod without saying anything and they finally left on their remaining, whatever, strength.
"Oh my god, they look awful, who did this to them?", you said with nothing but confusion on your face.
"I have no idea what the hell just happened", Lana said.
Of course, how will she, you haven't spoken to anyone about it.

But when everything was done and when you looked around, each and every eye was on you. No single person was looking away. And also, on your left, there was a Mercedes that had his initials on the number plate. Jeon fucking Jungkook.

With his hands crossed on his chest, he was leaning against his car. Soon a car stopped in front of you and Lana opened the door.
Waving you a goodbye she was gone.

It was awkward because Jungkook did not leave, he was there looking at you. Rolling your eyes you made your way toward him.

"What was all that, sugar?", he asked before you could say anything.
Sugar? Is that your new name? Nickname?
You cleared your throat saying, "I think they were here to apologize, I don't really recognize them but-- anyway, let's not talk about that please"

Okay, he said. Okay, just okay?
He opened the car door and gestured for you to get inside.
"Uh, nope-- I mean that's not why I am here--", you said being really awkward all of a sudden.

"That's fine it's just a ride, don't worry secretaries are allowed to drive with their boss", he explained and you already knew that but still this felt a little more than that.

Why everything has to feel this heavy whenever it is about him? You were a secretary before, it never bothered you then why this time? Why with him?

Shaking your head you chose to ignore what your mind was trying to interpret. You sat on his left on the back seat and this time he did not ask you for your address. It was already on his GPS.

How? Oh, of course, your application. He must have read it right? Dummy.

And then the car drove off to drop you.

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