Chapter 07

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The irritating alarm rang for the 5th time now and you swiped a finger across the screen. Later you woke up with horror in your eyes because you were pretty sure that you closed your eyes for only five seconds but in reality, it has been more than 20 mins.
Holy shit!
Meeting with the investors!!

It was 9.15 AM and you are yet to shower, iron your clothes, get dressed, curl your hair, put some makeup on, have breakfast, and then leave.
Cut too short, you can only manage to do 3 things shower, iron your clothes, and get dressed.

By the time you did this, it was 9.45 and if you don't leave right now, you probably should never leave because the meeting starts sharp at 10.00 AM and you really don't want to face the wrath of the devil.

New investors were joining today, for a new project and this project is really important to Jungkook, he and Lana have worked on this for 3 months now and if anything goes wrong because of you?
Screw the job, it was a matter of reputation.

New business partners have arrived. You received a message from Lana when you reached the building. The time was 9.59 AM. Running for the elevator you slid through the doors as fast as you could.
Ten seconds
Fast, you screamed in your head.
Ding! The doors opened to your floor.
You grabbed the files off the desk


Screech was the sound that came when you opened the double doors and each and every pair of eyes was on you. Dipping your head low you moved towards the empty chair and then the lights went dim.

The presentation began, fortunately, Lana was the one to present but you were as important to be present on time.
And you made it, right? Hope so.

After one slide and then another, Lana proceeded confidently with the presentation and everyone was kinda impressed. The light was back and you were suddenly aware of the placement.

You sat next to Jungkook and on the opposite of--, oh god, not him, the biggest jerk from your past. Josh Lee. Your Ex. Who broke up with you just because you forgot his pet dog's birthday?

Josh and you dated back in the University when you were completing your management degree. It was fun and all but eventually like everything else that does not last forever this had an end too. He was a jerk back then and he surely is still because now his eyes were fixated only on you, without blinking.

Unaware that he was one of the investors for this project your face projected fine horror and you were terrible at hiding that because JK was now looking at your terrified face.

Damn and Josh is still staring at you.
Did he die and come back as a vampire?
Because he has to blink, it's been too long. Fuck and now Jungkook has begun to notice the awkwardness.

Talk about awkwardness.

It took you a whole minute to get back to earth and when Lana placed a hand on your thigh you jerked. And you earned another glance from JK. That's enough, if there will be 3rd time, you will be out of this room for sure.

"I have a few questions or rather say doubts about these plans", (the jerk) Josh spoke blinking multiple times.
Okay, he is not a vampire.
Rolling your eyes you huffed and held your breath because no one noticed, and by no one you mean JK. Thank god.

"Ms. Kim, why don't you clear my doubts", Josh asked.
What the fucking hell? Why? Just why? Well, you know why, this is revenge, like revenge after revenge.
Okay, this was all for ego now. He has stepped up and he is trying to mess with the wrong person here. Again.

So you stood up, and this time you changed the presentation slide to the exact slide where the answer lies. Thank god for the good presentation Lana gave and you were able to understand the details of this project based on that.

It felt like slapping him in front of everyone and Lana looked proud. With a few more examples and explanations, there were no doubts left. But once a jerk, always a jerk. He raised another complicated question.

But this time the presentation wasn't enough and by the time you could figure out an answer Jungkook was already up. He was glaring at you and then back at Josh and then back at you.

Damn this awkwardness. What if he figures it out? Of course, he will figure out, everyone present here can tell the tension between you two and then Jungkook has to make it more difficult by just being present here.

He buttoned down his blazer, and walking up to where you were standing he took the small piece of control from your hand and the brush of his fingers ignited something in you. The rush of blood within your veins only served as fuel for this ignition. Suddenly the surrounding became too hot to handle.

First of all, presenting in front of people who are staring at you every second is a very difficult task and on top of that your ex always throws a dagger at your face, and the presence of the greater evil Mr. Boss and his small touch that burns your entire body is for sure making this whole room float in a river of lava.

While you stood there melting like hot wax, Jungkook presented a firm answer that leaves no chance for any more questions. And this time Josh lost for real.

The other investors were happy this time and Jungkook placed a hand on the small of your back to push you further so that you can walk your first step and take a seat beside him once again.

The beads of sweat were clearly visible on your forehead and you wiped them off but the constant gawking of two pairs of eyes never ended for the rest of the meeting.

When the meeting finally came to an end and everything was this close to a successful deal, you had to be the reason for everything to go to hell because the next thing that happened was in fact the very reason.

Everyone left except for Josh and you were the last person who was taking all the signatures and folders from individual chairs.

And Josh stepped towards you, he was huge, covering your overpowering petite shadow. He stood firm in his black coat. From top to bottom he wore nothing but black just like his soul and his face was like a grim reaper.


Everything was fine, everything would have been fine if you would have just left from there in silence but when Josh's hand reached your elbow you jerked his hand away.

"Don't touch me!", you said in tiny.
You were not scared of him, and you can definitely beat his shit face but right now the courage seems to be gone for a vacation. All the past and the feeling still overpower your strength.

It would have been good between you two but right now it is definitely not the reality.

But he got pissed. His manly ego got hurt when you jerked his hand not allowing him to touch you. There wasn't anything left between you two, so all of this wasn't required. Him coming awfully close to trying and talking. It's not required so you pushed him away, at least tried to but he stood firm and he did not even move.

Push the man away with strength, not weakness.

And this time he was pulling you against him, his strength, of course, was more than you thought, it was easy for him and way too difficult for you but this time when you pushed him, he was pushed back a few steps because this time it wasn't you who pushed him it was Jungkook.

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