Chapter 7 ~ Ada Once more

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Me and the detective got back into rpd and I was still mad. He tried to calm me down with his smooth talk, but it didn't help. "Y/N please, I know you're mad about William about possibly being Ada's boss, but you have to think about if she killed him and not him forcing Ada to kill" he said. I calmed my breathing down. "Ok..I'm sorry detective" I say while smiling slightly. His eyes widen. "Don't apologize Y/N. I understand that's why you're upset but please, just try to stay calm." Then I nodded my head, "Ok, I'll try to keep myself in check.Good. Now let's go talk to some people so we can start thinking about ways to find out what actually happened." We walked over to where the rest of the RPD was gathering and began talking about what happened during our last case. I just wanted to go home after this and relax. But I also want to see Ada in her action or at least around the city. FUCK why am I thinking about Ada again.*The next day*We all decided to meet up in the precinct to discuss what had happened yesterday. The others were already there talking about the new developments in the case, they've all been trying to solve it since yesterday when it happened. I sighed, wanting this case to be over, I should've helped with the banner they made for Leon that we're going to put out by September, but it's July and I needed to focus on work. "Hey guys!" I called out to them, interrupting the conversation about who was right in the middle of it. They stopped talking and everyone looked at me. "Sorry.." I said quietly. "It's ok." They reassured me. I smiled slightly and started walking over to sit near them, but before I could walk to the, they stood behind me. "No need to worry Y/N". "Well I know, but i just feel really bad that i couldn't help you guys with the banner" I told them honestly. They looked at each other and then to me. "Y/N, it's fine, you need to focus on your job If the chief wants to ask any questions, he knows where to find us." Tom, one of the detectives, told me. "I guess so.." I said sighing again. I felt like I was missing something big. I didn't want it to be too much late and force them to make up some excuse, I hated lying to people. "Y/N you seem stressed. What's wrong?" Bill asked me sitting beside me. I shrugged my shoulders lightly and turned away. Everyone went silent as if we weren't expecting me to answer. After a few seconds, Bill spoke again. "Look yn, i get that it's hard to give up, and you might lose yourself in a case if you stop, but we need you. Don't forget that." Then I heard footsteps coming towards me. I knew exactly which ones. Those steps had been a part of my life since I met her, and why does she always find a way in here?"Ada..." they said. I didn't say it, I just sighed I turned around slowly and saw Ada standing by the door, looking at me. She looked pissed off. She wore the qipao, the exact one that I met her in."Oh look, it's Supercop.." she said, I felt targette by her comment. It sounded like sarcasm because that's exactly the same tone of voice. "Yes I suppose I am a Supercop, I am also a friend of yours so I don't mind you insulting me" I said coldly. She rolled her eyes and sat next to me. "What do you want?" I asked. I wanted an excuse to leave, I didn't want to talk to Ada right now. "I was wondering why you haven't showed your face around, you have been MIA for almost two weeks" she said. My hands balled into fists. "What do you mean,'missing'?"Her face darkened. "Y/N, did you really have to go through everything alone like that? Did you think nobody would care enough to come back for you?" Her face softened. "But I were happy.." Her words stung. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw tightly. When I opened them. "Ada.. My life is surrounded by your creepy ass team whos killing half of the upper class and some of RPD, this isn't good for Raccoon city!" I shouted out, Ada frowned."That's enough Y/N" she said. I didn't listen to her and continued. "This is your fault! YOU KILLED HIM!! Why do you think we won't believe you?! Why do you think I won't believe you??!!" I yelled. I was getting worked up again."Y/N.. I know i messed up...but I'm doing what I have to." I shook my head. No matter what I was saying, I wasn't convinced in the slightest. I was done. "NO YOU ARE NOT DOING WHAT'S BEST FOR THIS CITY!!!!"My yell echoed through the room as loud as a gunshot. Everyone froze, including Ada who stared at me in shock. She took her sunglasses off of her face revealing her deep brown eyes, staring straight at mine. Her eyes softened."I know, but its the only thing i can do to keep you alive.." she whispered, she looked down and bit her lip. I clenched my fist and took several steps closer to her, tears threatening to fall."NO..THAT IS NOT THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU KILL ANYONE!! STOP IT ALREADY!" I screamed. "Y/N CALM DOWN!?" She yelled back. She then grabbed both of my hands and placed them against her chest. "Listen to me, i know i messed up, and i know i will never forgive myself if anything happens to you. Its time you accept that. If you ever see this happen again, you are going to run to me, okay?" Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed silently and nodded.She let go of my hands and wrapped her arms around me, holding me close as if we were hugging each other. After a minute or two of crying and apologizing, we separated."I love you y/ much" she whispered. I looked at her confused. Was that..was she confessing to me?"What?" was all I could manage to say. "What do you mean," she asked. She chuckled. "You know exactly what I meant, you just have to figure out a way to show it" she told me. I blushed slightly. "So you aren't gonna kiss me now?" I teased her. She smirked, which turned into a grin. "Not until you ask me first." She said, crossing her arms. "And if i refuse?" I asked. "You'll never kiss me ever again" she replied nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, you win" I said as I raised my hands in surrender. She kissed me on the lips gently. "Thank you" she whispered as she pulled away. I smiled at her and looked at her. I leaned in closer and kissed her again. This time our lips parted.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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The Spys little wife (Spy!Ada Wong X RPD Officer!Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now