Chapter 1 ~ Before the mission

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Y/Ns POV ~

My alarm went off, My arm went out of the blankets to hit the snooze button. I yawn as I sit myself up on my bed. I check the clock on my nightstand, it read 5:30 AM. I had to get to work by 6:00 AM.

Nobodys POV

Y/N rushed out of bed to start making coffee, change into her uniform and leave her apartment. The coffee was done when you were tying your shoes, so you walked over and poured some in a mug and took a few sips. You thought of your co-workers and how kind they are to you and to others, You also remember hearing that a new rookie cop would join this September, so you were a bit happy about that. But enough rambling in the mind you need to get to work so you left your apartment, ran down the stairs outside, and ran on the sidewalk towards RPD.

Y/NS POV again

I ran inside the building, breathing heavily. I sure was tired from all that running. It felt like running in a race, I got a look from a few co-workers, I shrug it off. It was way too early in the morning to bother.

"Welcome back, Y/N!" Marvin said to me, I smiled and waved, heading to our offices. 


Of course, one of my co-workers had to lock it again, what the hell! It's not funny anymore

"Whoever did this is getting my foot up their ass!" I said, furious as all be. Bryan gave me the key. "Thanks.." I unlocked my desk and had to see multiple papers of the same case. 

"What's this?" I ask to my next door co-worker James. "Oh! It's your mission, it's about the murders that happen in the alley way, by this some sort of mafia. We're still doing research about the mafia part, but we think you, me and others are good for this task! " He said, taking a sip of his morning coffee. I scoffed, but grinned. "Of course I can take on a mission like this, I'm fucking Y/N L/N" I said, confident, but she had some doubt inside. 

"Don't worry Y/N, we know.. You like doing missions like these, you never give up on things like that, and it's good" Bryan said, going behind me. I jumped out of fear.

"Ugh, you bastard!" I mutter out, annoyed. I moved the papers to see a small note with no one signed

Dear Y/N, 

You see.. I've been watching over your team and I cannot believe how dumb they are sometimes! Good luck trying to do the mission


What even is that letter, who is it from and what kind of sick prank is that. I know my co-mates and team are jokesters. Because I'm the only lady in the RPD, but that was something else.. Something that nobody would do here. It was something else for sure, I don't know exactly what. And hell will I know before night falls.

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