For those who might not know. For ANYONE that is a Deatbattle champion and is apart of the special discord they to CHOOSE not only One..but TWO DeathBattles to happen in S10
That's right TWO. One 2D battle and one 3D battle as for who is in the respective polls... here they are
As you can see the 2D and 3D have done some AMAZING choices. I'm keeping my fingers cross for Kyle Vs Simon to win. I don't mind Bill Vs Discord as that's something I want to HOWEVER Kyle Vs Simon is something I want MORE. However 2D poll has A LOT of competition so it won't be easyAs for 3D... yeah I'm almost 100% sure Cole Vs Alex will win as even BEFORE the poll started it was heavily advertised
So, if any of the matches in the respective polls are something you all wanted for a long time. Keep those fingers cross and hope that they win the poll and have faith in the Champions voting