Deathbattle: Joker Vs Giorno (Persona Vs Jojo)

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Frostwing & Abyss: CHECKMATE!

Paia: now THAT was an amazing battle! Looks like your prediction was right dad.

Frostwing: Yeah, this really did came down to GER and talked about it perfectly that Joker can handle what GER can dish out, plus some of the other stuff I made in the prediction on why he would win

Crystal: Yeah, this is by far a top tier battle for sure.

Frostwing: Agreed. Now, we have 2 more battles for 2024. Let's see what's Ne-

 Let's see what's Ne-

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Frostwing: Wait.. Bowser Vs Eggman?!

Saffira: I'm honestly surprised. I thought for sure this would be the last battle will get for the year.

Abyss: Seeing how this is gonna be a army battle, I wouldn't be surprised if others thought the same thing.

Frostwing: Yeah, now I'm REALLY wondering what the finale battle of the year will be. What could possibly top something like this!

Crystao: Guess will find out soon enough, though we can agree that this will be another debatable battle depending how they handle both of them.

A/N: BTW in the discord server I'm in, a good friend of mine who is in the DB discord sent a screenshot by Ultraguy (a member of the research team) on what they'll do for Bowser Vs Eggman:

A/N: BTW in the discord server I'm in, a good friend of mine who is in the DB discord sent a screenshot by Ultraguy (a member of the research team) on what they'll do for Bowser Vs Eggman:

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