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A place full of deviants, criminals and drug-lords of all kinds...

And when you are one of the highest levels of royalty supposed to look after and keep them from destroying Hell itself... it gets... complicated...

However, I do have a one up on all the other Prince's, King's and Queen's ruling the Rings...

And that is...

I ain't even been crowned yet for the throne! That means I can do whatever the fuck I want- but I also have some royal status despite not even being I don't know... a fuckin' crowned royal or some shit.

Alright, let's get into this shall we...

Y/N Pov:

?? 1: HAHA LET'S FUCKIN' GOOOOO *whistling*

So... You confused?
Well, let me get things up to speed for you real quick.

I am Prince... Kinda... Y/N Nightingale, one of the upcoming Prince's for the Pride Ring.
I'm not one to like royalty and stuff like that, but being a prince doesn't really give me a choice mow does it.

Oh, and you're wondering about the cheering, well let's just say my best buddy, Flash, just won himself a shit ton of money from some Hellhound that wanted in on the fun.


Flash: HAHA, You baby bitches ain't got nothing on me

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Flash: HAHA, You baby bitches ain't got nothing on me. I'm rich as FUCK now!

Y/N: Alright alright, calm down Flash. So you won a shit ton of money, but-

Suddenly out of nowhere, my phone starts to buzz out of my pocket, disrupting the game, making me get up from my seat and walk outside the building.

Y/N: *Picks up the phone* Ugh, what do you want now dad? I was in the middle of a game that I had a... Somewhat chance of winning. Why do you need me now?

My father, was one of the stronger beings and more respected Kings of Hell. And he was called Dracovia Nightingale, a being strong enough to, probably take on Lucifer himself if he wanted to.
Dracovia had Ghost white feathers with small light blue streaks, which adds to how snowy his feathers look. He had a blood red eyes with white irises and a grey beak. He wore a big silver crown with emeralds and lapis on the sides which went along with his dark red cloak, that had a fur lining to it. It covered his whole body, like King Paimon's cloak.
Which not only gives me a home field advantage to get that strength and power, but also means I'm probably gonna act like I know what I'm doing. Newsflash, I don't.

Dracovia: Well, son, if you didn't know, you're supposed to be crowned as a new Prince of Hell, more specifically the Pride Ring.

Y/N: Yeah- I'm well aware of that Dad, just get to the point, when am I supposed to be crowned?

Dracovia: Well, if was aware, you were supposed to be crowned 2 hours ago...

Y/N: What- you didn't think to Tell Me?!

Dracovia: Son, I'm gonna be honest with you, I wasn't fond of the idea for someone like yourself to be heir to the throne because... Well, you're a lost cause, and a train wreck waiting to happen.

Y/N: Cuz that's what every son wants there Dad to call them. Ugh, alright I'll be over in 5.

Dracovia: Good. Oh, one more thing, the Goetia family will be there to witness you being a new Prince. So make sure you impress them.

Y/N: Oh really? Well... I like the Goetia's. They may not be the best Royal family out there to rule of Pride, but I do give them respect. Not Stolas that much though. Not after what he's been doing.

Dracovia: Well, keep that to yourself son, neither you nor me want a scandal to erupt from you not keeping your mouth shut.

Y/N: Yeah yeah, alright Dad. See you in a bit then. *Hangs up the phone, and sits down against the wall of the building.*

Dracovia, on the other line laid back in his throne and exhaled deeply as both he, and I seemed to say at the same time...

Y/N and Dracovia: Satan I am not prepared for this at all.

Yes this chapter is a bit short but I'm not the best at this writing business.

Enjoy this for the next part!

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