Part 3: The Meeting (1/2)

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*30 Years After The Ceremony*

*So... Here's the deal. There's this other set of royals that I've been told about known as the Goetia's. Turns out, they've turned into a total shitshow of a kingdom, and they're practically falling apart at every moment. And, because I HAVE to, I've been requested by Lucifer to attempt to bring them back. If I'm being honest, I just wanna stay out of it. I don't see the need for another prince or- king, I guess, to get involved with another set of royals' problems.*

*I was pacing around in my office wondering how I should handle the situation with the Goetia's.*

Y/N: Ok, so all I know, is that Prince Stolas is having an affair with some Imp from his dumbass company I don't even know, his wife Stella is, by everyone else's standard's, looking at you guys Twitter freaks. *Looks at the camera for a funni funni joke* ... A raging lunatic bent on trying to kill the guy, and their daughter... I don't even know what's going on with her.

*Tylon, becoming my own personal servant after my parents passed around 30 years ago, was standing about my door in the room with me, including his opinion on the situation.*

Tylon: Well, if you don't mind me saying sir, I think you should go and fix the current situation with the Goetia family. It will help to keep Hell in balance and make sure not only their kingdom crumbles, but yours aswell.

Y/N: I'm not following. How would my name be taken down along with theirs?

Tylon: Because, forgive my language, Hell and our form of Earth's internet is a piece of shit.

Y/N: Well, you've got a point there. I don't want my name and respect to be taken down over some divorce that should have happened years ago.

Y/N: *Groans* Alright. I'll do it. I'll head on over, try and fix their marriage or break it up, anything to help them, and make sure neither of our kingdoms crumble.

*So that's what I did. I got in my Limo, Tylon driving, and rode to the Goetia's kingdom. I bid Tylon good day as he drove back to my castle, and I walked up the stairs to the double doors of the castle. Only to nearly have my head taken off by a flying plant from the window, hearing some of the argument that came from in the castle.*

(A/N: Alright, let me give you context on how this story is integrated into the show. This part takes place at the start of Season 1: Episode 2, where Stolas and Octavia go to Loo-Loo Land and Stella isn't shown after the argument. At the time of this, it's the end of the argument where Stella storms off. I'll let you find out about the rest.)

*20 Minutes Later...*

*Now I may be a bit of a rude guy, especially when I was younger, but atleast I've been trying to mature. And one thing I thought would help would be to wait outside the doors when the shouting and balling was over. I saw both Stolas and her daughter walk over to a van which just managed to just... Be there. I attempted to get Stolas to talk about what's actually happening with him and Stella, but he insisted that he and his daughter were to go to Loo-Loo Land.*

*I allowed him to spend the day with her and told him I'd at least try to talk with Stella. He seemed a bit on edge with the idea but he warned me like I was about to meet with Death himself. After watching him drive off, with said Imp I mentioned earlier, I looked back to the castle, took a deep breath and strode into the castle.*

*Walking through each twist and turn of the castle wasn't exactly tiresome, but trying to find Stella was an absolute fucking chore. Fortunately, I did eventually find her in one of the dining room's of the castle.*

Y/N: Uhm- Miss Stella Goetia? I believe that that's you?

*She looked up at me and was startled quite a bit. I mean why wouldn't you be, there's a random guy in your dining room, and you wouldn't scream?*

Stella: Whu- How the FUCK did you get into the castle?!

Y/N: H-Hey, I don't want any yelling alright. I'm just here because Lucifer had ordered me to. *Sigh* I've been told about the situation of the Goetia's name-

Stella: Hm. Okay? And why am I of all people being interrogated for the problems my 'Husband' caused?

*She placed her hand on her hip with a pretty pissed off face, clearly not happy with being the one to deal with this.*

Y/N: I don't mean to interrogate you specifically Miss Stella, I-

Stella: Just- call me Stella, calling me 'Miss' makes it sound like you're reading a fucking script or something.

Y/N: Oh... Right well, I don't mean to interrogate you specifically Stella, I'm only meeting with you because you husband has left, and I really don't wanna go to fucking Loo-Loo Land of all places.

Stella: Well, atleast someone can agree with the place being a shit show so lower lives can experience the atrocities that belong there.

Y/N: Well I'm with you there at least. Anyway, we're, unfortunately, getting off topic so... Let's get down to some boring as shit business.

Stella: Alright, let's hurry this up.

This is a two possibly three parter. Enjoy. Also two updates in one day? How absurd?!

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