Part 1: Being Crowned

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After the call, I banged my head against the wall and exhaled deeply as I stood up and stretched, putting my phone in my pocket.

Y/N: Ugh, why now. He knows full well that I don't care about this Royalty business. But I suppose I have to continue the family name. And everything's gonna go to shit if not. Alright, might as well pack up and set off home to turn into a 'True Nightingale' as my dad says.

And doing so, I made my way back into the building to see Flash and the Hellhound beating the shit out of each other, money across the floor and the guards attempting to break them apart... Which turned into the guards beating each other up. Before I actually grabbed my bag and some of the stuff I brought, I swiped about $200 worth of shit I didn't even earn. Sure I'm abusing my power of being a royal but still what can they do?

So, I left the building, to see a limo parked outside the front door with an imp butler, called Tylon, waiting outside the door for me to get into.

Tylon: Master Y/N, your transportation to return home has arrived.

He bowed to me which I just face palmed to, getting a bit sick of people acting like that to me.

Y/N: Tylon, you can just act casually towards me, I'm not that Prince-ish... Yet. Besides, your just My dad's personal butler, not the family's servant.

Tylon: I am payed to look after and care for the whole of the Nightingale Family line, for as long as I am employed. So don't be angry with how I work.

Y/N: I'm not mad man it's just... Take it easy when I'm around got it?

Tylon: ... I shall attempt to do so Master Y/N.

Y/N: Just Y/N, is fine.

Tylon: As you wish... Y/N.

I wade my way into the car, far behind the driver's seat, while Tylon got into the driver's seat and began the drive back to the castle.

It took about an hour or so to get back home, which was enough time for me to get a little shut eye before the coronation or something. As we got back home, we rolled up to the front gate of the kingdom, and Tylon drove us to the main staircase towards the giant doors to the castle. The slight bumps of the road had woken me up from my slumber, letting out a long yawn as I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and saw that we were back home, making me sit up and stretch, cracking my back as I do so.

I got out of the car, bringing my bag and stuff along with me, and walking through the front doors of the castle, being surrounded by a huge crowd of different royalties, and camera crews, asking me questions I didn't have the answers to.

Y/N: Hey- watch the feathers, woah, personal space please- ow- DAD!!

Calling out my father's name had caused him to arrive, scaring the living shit out of the camera crew, while the other Kings and Queens backed off from me. And I could finally take a breather after being surrounded by a bunch of other demons I didn't know.

Dracovia: I apologize my son, I forgot to tell you about our new company for your coronation.

Y/N: Yeah, thanks for the heads up... Dad...

Gotta be honest, I was pretty pissed at the fact that he didn't tell me about any of this. But I had used some of my magic to send myself straight to my room, throwing my bag onto my bed.

Y/N: Ugh, that bastard knows that I need to be told of these things. And not giving me the heads up is just such a dickhead move.

Y/N: It's not like I can run out on this ceremony this time either. Hell, I'm probably gonna go into the history books for being the eldest Nightingale to not be crowned.

*As I was about to stand, and prepare for my... Coronation or whatever it is, there was a knock at my door, and when I opened it up, turned out to be my father coming up to check on me.*

Sorry for no updates, I didn't know what to do with this book, or with the stuff I'm writing, so have these small-ish chapter's just while I figure it out.

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