Part 4: The Meeting (2/2)

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Sorry for late update.

30 minutes later...

Y/N: Look Stella you might not like it but you gotta keep yourself from killing Stolas yourself. Because if he goes, not only are you seen as a suspect, but all of Pride will go to shit.

Stella: *She rubs her temples in annoyance* Does it look like I give a fuck what the public thinks at this rate? That pathetic excuse for a prince has already ruined the reputation of our name, and doesn't seem to give an ounce of care about it.

Y/N: Well, I could kinda get that from the way he literally "skipped" to that imp with incredibly large horns.

Stella: I wouldn't expect every different from him. That little prick ruined my reputation aswell as his own, so it's his own good. Although I would have preferred it so I wasn't down in the gutter along with him.

Y/N: *I rub my chin a little, looking to the floor, before clicking my fingers.* Hey Stella?

Stella: Ugh, what now? I thought we were done here. You've been more than I would have thought you would have been.

Y/N: Nothing it's just a quick request. Uhm, what d'ya say we go out and get some fresh air? Or rather the fiery air or somethin- I don't know, just go out and try to cool off from all this Stolas talk.

Stella: ... What do you want out of it?

Y/N: Huh?

Stella: Oh come on I'm not fucking stupid, I can tell you're doing this just for your own gain.

Y/N: H- hey, can't I do something to help you out? I'm a prince too so I should know how to help out other royalties. I told you earlier that I have an affiliation with Lucifer, cuz he personally ordered me to help you out. Besides, I wanna help out Octavia too. From what I know, she doesn't have the best relationship with either you or Stolas together.

Stella: And how would you know how Octavia feels about the both of us...?

Y/N: Cuz Lucifer keeps track of every creature, denizen and being in Hell. My father was a personal assistant to him, which gave me a direct link and connection to him. And he gave the details about your family before I was ordered to come here.

Stella: *She crosses her arms, tapping a finger on her other arm*

Y/N: Look I'm aware you don't like it, but you can't just avoid this and keep trying to punish Stolas like this. A form of punishment, but you can't be messin' with his head like this. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Y u decided to physically abuse him if you just snap.

Stella: *She takes a deep breath and walks forward and passed me* Fine. Let's get this over with.

Y/N: Hehe, glad I could get you on board-

Stella: *She stops as I turned around and pointed a finger to my chest, keeping me still.* Don't expect much out of me got it. I'm doing this because you sound like you know what you're doing. Which is more I can say about my own 'Husband'. *She turns back around and begins walking out the door.* I'm not a fan of waiting either.

Y/N: Oh shit- right sorry Stella. *I sped up my pace a little to keep up with her as we walked outside of her castle.*

In the streets of Hell...

*Hell, as expected, is a shit place. But if you're a part of royalty, it's not as bad. Mostly because of the power difference, but also because you're massive target to the demons of lower class. So when we walked down the round in Pride, there were loads of those little bastards attempting to assassinate the both of us. Mostly Stella, which I wasn't so happy with. If Stolas was targeted, I would get it, he is the cause of all this bullshit that Stella was dragged into. But I killed all of them that atleast attempted it.*

Stella: You seem more like a bodyguard than a prince. Considering how protective you are over me. Seems like you have some care about me incase I'm killed.

Y/N: Well I'm doing it for the public but... Yeah I do want you to be- *I saw an Imp crawling behind me to try and stab my in the shin it seems, which I just kicked him with force, sending him Farrrrr into a building wall.* Anyway, before I was interrupted, I do want you to be safe atleast. After what Stolas did, you seem like a big target to everyone in Hell, specifically Pride. I'm sure you know why.

Stella: Because I rule it?

Y/N: Yeah pretty much. Heh.

Stella: Hey, y'know what I said earlier about not getting much out of me?

Y/N: Yeah? What about it? You changed your mind about that? *I smirked at her.*

Stella: I- y'know what yes. I've changed my mind about it. I remember some of my own friends talking about this party to celebrate their anniversary for being a Princess in Envy.

Y/N: Envy ey? Don't think I've gone to Envy before. But I did have an Uncle who lived there for a couple decades.

Stella: Did he ever take you there?

Y/N: Oh no. He was a selfish asshole who thought he should have been king instead of my dad. He wasn't the best. But this is Hell to be fair.

Stella: Hm. You do have a point to be fair. The party is tomorrow however. So I guess we've still got something to do for today. If you actually have something planned other than a walk.

Y/N: Oh, well now that you mention it- *I pick up an imp by the neck and YEETED them over a building.* Again, before I was interrupted, I was thinking about going to a bar with some of my own friends, you can join if you want. Or if it appeals to you more, I could take you back home and we can put this whole debacle to a rest for the day.

Stella: Actually... Ugh can't believe I'm saying this, would you mind if I joined you to the bar?

Y/N: Would I mind? No I wouldn't mind, Hell, I think I'd prefer it honestly. It means I won't be going to them alone.

Stella: And I'm what just a plus one to you? Seems like a prick move to me? Especially since Stolas treated me like one when he felt like it.

Y/N: Oh I'm sure he's not that heartless. Although he does seem like he would be, depending on what he's done so far... Oh well, I don't mean to call you a plus one, but I'm usually by myself because Tylon, my servant, only drives me there and back.

Stella: I suppose that is the only downside to a servant. They don't exactly serve as a friend or a partner.

Y/N: Ah well, let's turn down this depressed talk about friends and stuff. Let's just unwind for an afternoon.

They aren't long chapters, but it's something.

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