Part 2: Prince Y/N Nightingale

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Again, sorry for infrequent updates, but I'm doing other stuff including my tiktok (follow btw if you want), but enjoy this next part anyway.

*As I was about to stand, and prepare for my... Coronation or whatever it is, there was a knock at my door, and when I opened it up, turned out to be my father coming up to check on me.*

Y/N: Ugh, what do you want now? Wanna humiliate me any more with your super fancy camera crew or somethin'?

Dracovia: No... No my son I... I just want to talk with you... A little one on one before you turn into a real Prince. It's time you finally accept your responsibilities with your status.

Y/N: Yeah yeah, I was expecting this talk at some point, let's get it over with.

Dracovia: Hey, it isn't any fun for me either, but you've avoided this coronation for too many years.

Y/N: Too many years, like I've been avoiding this, you just wanna think the worst of me every chance you get.

Dracovia: No- I don't think the worst of you, I just expect a lot of you because... Both mine and your mother's times are... They're coming to an end. You know what the age span of a Phoenix is like son.

Y/N: Yep. A Phoenix reaches a certain age and then poofs outta existence and gets reborn into some other fuckin' place.

*He look down a moment before walking over to me, and sitting next to me for a closer conversation.*

Dracovia: That's... Not quite son... When a Phoenix reaches their age to scorch and pass on, they are reborn yes... But they're reborn into a new timeline, or universe per say.

Y/N: ... So you're tellin' me that when you and Mom kick the bucket, you get reborn into a different dimension or some shit?

Dracovia: Pretty much, I've gone through so many versions of you and your mother that I've made a pattern out of living my life... Or lives, technically speaking.

Y/N: So... Technically speaking... Are there, or were there, different versions of myself? And a different version of Mom?

*He nods at me and look up to my ceiling, having a target up on top, with scratch marks and patches of smoke and ash from me practicing my fire abilities.*

Dracovia: Mhm. I've seen quite a few different versions of you that either made me chuckle or be... Pretty concerned for. In fact, each dimension I remember going through, you had a separate personality for each of them.

*I rub the top of my head and think about a question for a moment, before almost regretting what I'm about to say.*

Y/N: In... What ways... Was I... Well. Different?

Dracovia: Well let's see. One time you were the leader of a mafia group, that your mother had initially led, before getting killed in a mission, for you to lead on the group in her name.

Y/N: Dude... That sounds awesome!

Dracovia: Yes... *sigh* Look we're getting distracted. This is your time to prove yourself to all of Hell. And that's saying something because not a lot of the rings carr for our royalty.

Y/N: Yeah you can say that again.

*I looked up and groaned because frankly, there was no fucking way I was gonna be able to get out of this any longer.*

Y/N: Ugh, fine... I'll give it a shot.

Dracovia: *Chuckles* As you would with everything I suppose.

*I laughed along with him a little, only stopping to see him cough quite violently if I'm being honest*

Dracovia: *Coughs up a bit of blood.* That reminds me... There's... Another reason why you need to do this son... You know what I asked you about earlier? With a phoenix's lifespan? Turns out it's a lot sooner for both me and your mother.

Y/N: Oh- shit- I... O- okay I'll... I'll do it. I'll do it for you two. I'll make sure to make the both of you proud.

Dracovia: Heh he- *coughs* I know... I know you will son...


*2 Hours Later...*

*The ceremony had begun. I made my way up to the main stage and recited many of the different promises that I cannot care to fuckin' go over. I sound rude but there were about 15 of them. Can you blame me? Once it was over I took my place upon my throne and simply waited for it to end. I didn't want to think about the fact that at any time in the next week, my parents could go to possibly double Hell, or just restart their life like the last one never happened. But... I suppose I'll live the rest of my life as a prince of royalty and power... I guess.
So... As I stand, I am now formally known as...*

| Prince Y/N Nightingale |

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