Chapter 1: Every End is a Beginning

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(No one's p.o.v.)

  After slaying the devil Zagred, who manipulated everyone both human and elf, Asta was then brought to trial under the false pretense of working with the Devil behind the event. The aristocrats of Clover Kingdom were too proud to admit that they could not handle the situation themselves. So to save face, they intentionally made Asta a scapegoat to hide their own incompetence. In the courthouse of the Magic Parliament, the Magic Knight listened to the judge as he was in shackles, Damnatio Kira, stating the fake charges against him, Asta had started to wonder why the other Black Bulls and the Wizard King haven't arrived yet to defend him. He was brought out of his thoughts when Damnatio said to him, "Asta of the Black Bulls, do you admit to these crimes?" Asta replied, "No, I didn't commit any of the crimes you listed." The royals and nobles said various things in response, "Don't you dare lie devil!" "Execute him already!" "That's right, we know that it was you!" And so much more.

  They definitely planned to pin all the blame on the savior of the Clover Kingdom. "If you will not admit to these crimes, then those who were allegedly possessed will face punishment. Starting with Marie Adlai." Damnatio said. Asta was shocked to hear that the aristocrats would condemn a little girl if he did not confess to a crime he didn't commit. He was then beginning to feel disgusted by their actions, and also beginning to wonder why haven't the Black Bulls, or any of his friends come to save him already. He started to think that they chose to abandon him. He knew that he couldn't just let the royals and nobles execute the people who were possessed by the Elves, but he couldn't just roll over and die for them either. So he chose a third option. "If I'm not wanted in this kingdom anymore, then I'm leaving." Damnatio asked, "Does this mean you plead guilty?" Asta replied, "No, I'm not confessing to crimes I didn't commit. I meant what I said, I'm leaving this country and I'm never going to come back, even if you beg me to in the future. So, I suggest that you exile me right now!" The judge looked him in the eyes for a moment, trying to detect any sort of lie in the Magic Knight's words, but he found none. "Very well, I hereby strip Junior Magic Knight, Asta of his status as Magic Knight and condemn him to immediate exile from Clover Kingdom. Leave this country now." Asta easily broke out of his restraints and walked out the courthouse and enter his Black form to fly out of the Clover Kingdom.


  Timeskip - 3 hours

  (Asta's p.o.v.)

  I had flown for 3 hours straight, and have land in the Grand Magic Region beyond the borders of all 4 kingdoms. After the fight with Zagred, I become more adept at using my Anti magic, allowing me to move freely in my Black form, and I planned on further honing my skills to protect innocent people of other nations. I may not be a Magic Knight anyone, but I still swore to protect the innocent from injustice. The Clover Kingdom's people however are all guilty of the abuse and exploitation of their fellow country men, so they deserve no compassion from me or anyone else. While flying to the Grand Magic Region, I decided that I would travel across the other 3 nations and help those in need, and I would use this massive expanse of neutral territory as my personal training grounds. With that, I began to set up camp and started hunting for food. Then, I went to sleep and started training in the morning.


  Timeskip - 1 week

  I had trained for a full week in using Anti magic, and I had made quite a bit of progress. I was able to easily coat myself in Anti magic using the same principle as Mana Skin, and even learned to project slash attacks using Demon Dweller. While I was training, I traversed through the Grand Magic Region to the Heart Kingdom's border to start on my new path. It was nighttime and I had just crossed the border into Heart Kingdom, when I felt an cluster of ominous Ki coming closer to me. 'What's this Ki? It's similar to a devil's, but there's something different about it. It has a more primal intent in it.'  I thought as I drew Demon Slayer out of my grimoire and prepared myself for what was coming toward me. Once it got with my line of sight, I saw what it was. It was a horde of 300 humanoid creature with a black, skeletal appearance and small dark wings.


  Looking closer at the creatures' movements, I could tell that they were really heading for a nearby town

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  Looking closer at the creatures' movements, I could tell that they were really heading for a nearby town. However, one of them sniffed the air and quickly looked directly at me, and so too did the others. I knew that they were going to rush me all at once, so I pulled out Demon Dweller to try and wipe out some of them from a distance first before the all begin to overwhelm me.

  Just seconds after they all saw me, the beasts started charging at me. I reeled back Demon Dweller and called out,

  "Demon Dweller Sword: Black Slash!"

  I launched multiple slashes at the horde and they cut through 2 dozen of them, making them turn to ash. 'If Anti magic can kill them, that must mean they're magical in nature.' I thought as I realized that I can kill these things with my swords. Once the creatures got close enough I coated my blades with Anti magic and began cutting them down. It wasn't easy, because I learned that these things were intelligent. Some dodged my attacks, while some blocked them with their bony limbs. I had to fight them with both strength and skill.

  The battle raged on for about 30 minutes, and I had managed to kill 150 of these monsters. However, exhaustion caught up and began to overcome me as I panted while barely staying on my feet. Then, something unexpected happened. "Incredible, this human was actually able to kill half of us and he's not even a Makai Knight." One of the creatures spoke in a low guttural voice and I was shocked. I asked, "You can talk?" It replied, "Of course we can, and you are getting in our way. We were going to dine on the town's residents when you came along." I was shocked again and asked, "What the hell are all of you?" It responded, "You won't survive long enough to remember. After all, you're about to become an appetizer." They started to lunge at me while I was too tired to fight back. Then suddenly, they began to turn to ash quickly. One by one they died until none of them were left and in their place stood a man in silver, wolf themed armor and wielding two swords.


    The man walked toward me and his armor disappeared, revealing a boy the same age as me with black hair and eyes, and wearing a black and white outfit

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    The man walked toward me and his armor disappeared, revealing a boy the same age as me with black hair and eyes, and wearing a black and white outfit.


  He asked me, "Are you alright?" I answered, "Not wounded, but I'm exhausted

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  He asked me, "Are you alright?" I answered, "Not wounded, but I'm exhausted. Who are you?" The boy replied, "My name is Iska, a Makai Knight."

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