Chapter 13: A Candidate for Knighthood

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  (Asta's p.o.v.)

  The Golden Knight had just told me that the Watch Dogs wanted to see if I'm worthy of a Makai Armor known as Kiba the Dark Knight, which I'm clueless about since I haven't heard that name before. I asked, "What exactly is this Kiba armor, if I may ask?" Leon answered, "Kiba was the title of a Legendary Makai Knight that existed centuries ago."

  Liebe asked, "What's the story?" Gakuganji replied, "Hundreds of years ago, there was a Makai Knight who donned an armor as black as a moonless night. This Knight was apprentice to the Golden Knight at the time, and had skill equal to his master and destroyed just as many Horrors. The bearer of Kiba had a deep grudge against Horrors for robbing him of his family when he was but a boy, and vowed to seek vengeance for his loved ones. He was so consumed by his thirst for revenge that he went so far as to enter a dark pact with the mother of all Horrors, Messiah herself. Because of this, his armor became corrupted and gained the ability to grow stronger by devouring the Horrors he had slain. As part of his pact with Messiah, he would continue to devour 1000 Horrors and would select a woman to use as a Gate for Messiah to use to enter the Human World. Once she arrives, the mother of Horrors would merge with the Dark Knight, turning him into an eternal, immortal being. But, before he could, the Golden Knight appeared and defeated his fallen disciple. The armor of Kiba was recovered and supposed to be destroyed for it still had Messiah's dark contract, however Watch Dogs of the Makai Senate had a prophecy that foretold that a young knight would appear and purge the power of the Mother of Horrors, and create a new lineage of Makai Knights as Kiba's master. For this reason, the armor had been sealed away, and the Senate had been waiting for the day that the destined master of Kiba would appear."

  I was amazed by the story that the Headmaster just told us. During our mission, Leafa and Alice told us about the Makai Senate. It's the central power that governs the entire Makai Order. The Senate is a collection of the best Makai Knights, Priests, and Watch Dogs within the Order, and positions within their ranks are reserved for the most skilled of their position. The Priests and Knights of the Senate are selected for the most unique and difficult mission, for investigations to defeating the most powerful Horrors. Like the Makai Armor, a seat within the Senate is not granted, it's earned.

  Back to the topic at hand, I asked Leon, "And your saying that I'm probably the destined owner of Kiba?" He replied, "Yes, that is what the Watch Dogs believe. But, I don't know how you'll be able to purify Kiba. Then again, they only gave me the orders to see if you're worthy of receiving the Makai Armor. To determine if you are or not, you and I will have a bout to see if you possess not only the skills, but the will to handle it. But since Kazuto and yourself will be sparring tomorrow, I decided why not let him test you in my place. If he can't make the decision for some reason, I'll fight you later on during the week." I nodded and Leon turned to Kazuto and said, "Better get ready, Bado. If what the Headmaster said about him is true, you may been in for a challenge." The black haired elf replied with a smirk, "I'm always looking for a challenge, Garo. You've known me long enough to know that." He chuckled before saying goodbye to all of us and leaving the room. Kazuto looked at me and said, "I'll let you and my sister have some alone time now, but don't forget about our match tomorrow." I replied, "Trust me, I won't. It's been a pleasure to meet you, Kazuto." He nodded and left. Leon said to me, "You go and enjoy your time with Leafa, but don't forget about your match tomorrow." I nodded and said, "It was pleasure meeting you, Leon." "Likewise Asta. Oh and by the way, you should start thinking about a family name for yourself. If you prove yourself worthy of Kiba, you'll be the start of a new line of Makai Knights. Plus, when you get married to Leafa, you both are going to start a family." He said the last part with a smirk. The part about me marrying Leafa got us both flustered and I replied, "I think you're thinking too far ahead. We only just recent got together, it's a bit too soon to be thinking about marriage." Leon chuckled before saying, "Well, given how you declared to make sure to keep her safe and happy to Kazuto, I'd say that you plan to tie the knot with Leafa in the future, am I wrong?" I decided not to comment on that and said, "Alright, I'll think of one. Anyway, we better brief the Headmaster on our mission." "Agreed, I would like to know what happened out there." Gakuganji replied as Leon bid us farewell before leaving the room.

  Timeskip - Next Day

  Leafa and I enjoyed our dinner date the previous night, we enjoyed our time together and we talked about the good times in our pasts to keep things fun since we had our share of bad memories. But as much as I would love to go into more details, let's move on to the current situation.

It was time for the training session and the academy was informed of my duel with Kazuto. Everyone was so surprised and intrigued, that they came to see the fight between me and the new Makai Knight. Right now, I standing a few meters away from Leafa's brother as we were about to begin. "Hey Asta, you ready to do this?" He asked with a smirk. I replied with a determined look on my face, "Ready when you are." He nodded with a smirk still on his face and drew his swords before entering his stance. I drew my Makai Blade and Demon Dweller and entered my stance. Mr, Banderas was acting as the referee and he raised his hand as he said, "If both of you are ready. Then let the duel..........Begin!" He swung his hand down to signal that the fight begun. We both charged towards each other and the duel was underway.

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