Working My Way In

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I woke up with hardly any memory of how I got back into my room, all I remember is Doyoung picking me up off the couch. I turned over and looked at the digital alarm clock on the bedside table, the time read 1:00 pm. I groaned and sat up while rubbing my eyes, who let me sleep this long? I got up, went into the bathroom and decided to shower, brush my teeth and do some skin care. I took some care getting dressed, for some reason, and picked out a white crop top and red joggers. I was quite amazed and pleased that the joggers fit me just right, not too long, not too baggy, absolutely perfect. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and was quite surprised to find the house practically silent, except for some talking in another room. I followed the sound of the voices until I came up to a large door, where on the other side there was practically everyone talking and some interesting sounds. By this time, I was on the complete opposite side of the house, near the entrance to the basement. I slowly pushed the door open, greeted by 22 pairs of eyes staring back at me.

"What do you think you're doing y/n?" Taeyong questioned and walked towards me, giving me a serious look.

I felt myself shrink right then and there, but the man wanted an answer and I wasn't going to refuse him one, "it was quiet and I heard you guys. I just got curious."

"This is important business that's been interrupted," he growled. He tried to get closer to me, but Jungwoo pulled him back.

"Taeyong calm down, she didn't know any better. Y/N, I'll talk to you in a bit, ok? Go make something to eat, you slept all morning." Jungwoo smiled and gently guided me towards the door.

"Thanks Jungwoo," I smiled and made my way back towards the kitchen. What the fuck was Taeyong so damn defensive for anyway? I didn't think they would all be in there for some "important business," how the fuck was I supposed to know? I decided to make something with whatever was on hand while the boys had their meeting or whatever it was.

Doyoung POV:

We were having our meeting over the next hit on our rivals when she walked in the room. I understood where Taeyong was coming from, but there was no need to be so angry or defensive with her. I felt a little angry at him for that. Normally, I'd be just like Taeyong in that case. I don't know what it was about her, I can't put my finger on it though. I felt...oddly jealous when Jungwoo stood up for her, as if it should have been me who had done so. He spoke so gently to her, and somehow Taeyong listened to him. Never thought Taeyong would listen to Jungwoo like that, but here we are. I walked up to Taeyong at the end of the meeting and gave him an earful once everyone left. I don't know what it is, but I want to protect this girl.


I heard steps coming down the hallway as I plopped on the couch after finishing my lunch, it seemed like they finally finished their business. I turned on the TV and tried to find something to watch to no avail, nothing looked interesting enough to warrant my attention. But something, or someone, else wanted my attention, none other than Mr. Leader Boy Taeyong.

"Y/N, I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. I got a little too defensive, I just protect our mission information and mafia business with everything I have. You didn't know what was happening and I should have been more gentle with you," He finished and gave me a soft smile.

I smiled back and nodded, "I accept your apology Taeyong. I'm curious though, what's with the change of heart?"

" I may have gotten an earful from a good friend," he replied and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

I giggled and patted the seat next to me, "sit and tell me about it, what's the mission and how can I help?"

He gave me an odd look, "you want to help? I don't know if Jaehyun or Doyoung would agree to that, they don't want you to get involved and get hurt."

"There's other ways than getting right in the middle of the fight to help Taeyong, I'm not clueless you know," I smirked and let him sit next to me. "Besides, I'm pretty tech savvy actually and I could use my psych degree in some way."

"Any criminal psych or something that could help with interrogation?" he asked, intrigued.

"You know, behavioral profiling and the like. I know the way to get into someone's head," I sat back and picked something on the TV for background noise.

"I'll see what the boys think, I may be the leader, but their opinion matters to me too" he said and stood up. "Thanks for accepting my apology by the way," he smiled and walked out of the room. I may have just worked my way into getting to know them better. This is much nicer than my old apartment and job. Might as well take it to my advantage.

Doyoung walked in with the darkest look I've seen the man hold, like he was pissed at something or someone. He sat down in the chair that he was in last time with a huff, then his eyes landed on me. I was watching him the whole time, but looked away when our eyes locked. I crossed my legs and tried to keep my eyes on the TV, but what I failed to notice was how Doyoung's look softened when he looked at me. He was furious that Taeyong was even considering letting me help with such important work, but then again, what else could I do at this moment?

"Princess, what made you offer to help with our missions? You know this is dangerous work and we don't want you hurt or wrapped up into something you can't get out of," he said, finally breaking the silence that hung in the air.

This is when I finally looked at him, straight in the eyes, "I have nothing else better to do really Doyoung, there's nothing in my old life that really warrants me to go back to that. It doesn't have to be field work," I answered and smiled at him, trying to break the tension I felt.

He sat next to me and gripped my jaw, "you'd be out of your mind if I let you go out into the field with us, I'm not letting that happen princess." He smirked.

No one really affects me in any way, normally I'd slap a man's hand away for touching me and calling me princess, but I didn't. I froze there, his hand on my jaw, eyes on me.

"Why do you want to protect me so badly, Doie? Hmm?" I smirked and raised my eyebrow, I won't take this without a little attitude though.

He was a little taken aback when I called him Doie, but he didn't let the cute name phase him. "Oh babygirl, you have no idea what you do to me. I've never wanted to protect someone so badly before. In fact, I never cared that much to do so for previous guests," he paused and cupped my face gently,"but, you're different. You have an unexplainable effect on me and I can't pinpoint it. I'm the one who gave Taeyong an earful after he was so defensive."

I smiled, "I had a feeling it was either you or Jungwoo. Now, are you like this to try to get me to sleep with you and be cold to me after or is it more?" I let my hands rest over his.

"I'd love to get to know you first, at least princess, before I even think of sleeping with you. I may be a cold guy on the outside, but I'm still a gentleman." he said and smiled softly.

"I never thought a mafia man would be so soft on the inside," I giggled and stood up. "I'd like that, let's do that soon. Focus on your mission though before me, don't let me distract you Doyoung. The boys come first." I walked into the kitchen to help with dinner, so it doesn't get burnt. Maybe he's not so bad after all, but we'll see. He intrigues me, he seems so unique, and I'm going to sit back and observe. Put my psychology knowledge to the test on him.

A/N: I know some hate POV swaps in the middle of parts, but I sometimes feel as if they make sense in certain situations. You may see more in the future.

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