Shit Gets Real, Doyoung Makes a Move

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Doyoung woke me up at 8:00 am with a gentle shake so he wouldn't startle me. I stirred and slowly opened my eyes to find him standing next to me with a soft smile on his face, trying so hard not to let me go back to sleep.

"Wake up princess, it's mission day. Get dressed in those clothes I bought you and come downstairs for a briefing. Just look pretty for me, so I have an extra reason to come home safe," he gently cooed at me. I sat up and looked at him, my hair a mess from tossing around.

"Do I at least get some coffee?" I asked and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"I'll make some for you, how do you like it?" he questioned as he made his way to the door.

"Iced with creamer or milk please Doie, I'll see you downstairs," I told him and lifted myself out of bed.

"Anything for you kitten," he smiled and shut the door behind him as he left. Part of me wanted him to stay while I changed, but we aren't at that point yet.

I chose my outfit for the day from the clothes that Doyoung had bought me, I had the urge to wear the one skirt I picked. I'm not one for skirts or dresses, but I think I wanted to do what Doyoung told me, look pretty for him. He makes me so weak, in a way that I can't explain. I put the skirt on, a soft gray plaid patterned skirt, along with a white lace bustier top, and the matching blazer to my skirt. I put on thigh highs that were just covered by the skirt when standing and went for the white boots I had spotted in the corner of the closet, they fit surprisingly. I took care of my hair and used some makeup that Jungwoo bought for me, to make myself look less like I just woke up. I walked down the stairs, at the bottom Doyoung was waiting with my coffee in hand and a smile plastered on his face. I took it and followed him to the room where I had interrupted the previous meeting the other day, the boys all stopped and looked at me. I think they're too used to seeing me in comfortable clothing, because several of their jaws dropped.

I giggled and looked around, "what? Just remember my eyes are up here and focus on the mission boys."

Doyoung chuckled and guided me to my seat, next to him of course. On my other side was my favorite puppy boy, Jungwoo. I smiled as he wrapped an arm around me, giving me a warm side hug. I sipped on my coffee while I leaned my head on his shoulder until Taeyong walked up to the front, as soon as he turned I sat up straight and crossed my legs. If my ex- boss could never catch my professionalism slipping, neither can Taeyong

"Alright everyone, this mission is small compared to some others we've done before. Do not let that get to your head, treat it as a large, important mission as you would anything else. Especially with y/n joining us for her first time, we should treat it with the utmost importance, she needs the full experience. Haechan, Jisung and Kun will be taking care of you y/n and showing you the ropes. Remember, don't let anything get in the way of your objective boys, you know what to do." He finished and walked out to get prepared for today, everyone else following suit except Haechan, who waited for me with a smile.

"Wow, welcome to the team y/n. Let's go to the head of the operation downstairs, where we'll keep watch on the boys and direct them. We watch over them via earpieces, cameras if applicable, and do the hacking into systems," he told me as we walked towards the door to the basement, a place I haven't been in yet.

He opened the door for me and then pulled up a rolling desk chair next to his desk, "I won't expect you to do a whole lot yet, just watch and listen. If you feel like you have a valuable piece of information at any point, speak up. It could save the boys some trouble." He gave me an earpiece and helped fit it on my ear, an experience I've had only a time or two before at work because we wanted to try them for communication.

I sat and looked around as the other two joined us, Jisung and Kun. Kun is quite the pretty boy, super sweet voice but seemingly shy. Jisung was the youngest of the group, but quite cute and charming for a maknae (as they call him). We checked the sound on everyone, just like a mic check in theatre. I helped with it since I've been through several soundchecks in my lifetime, being a previous performer has its perks. Doyoung came in and I fixed his in no time. I think he wanted to see me one last time before he left.

"I'll make sure to come back for you," he whispered in the earpiece after I fixed it. I giggled and hugged him voluntarily for the first time.

"I know you will Doyoung, you're good at what you do," I smiled and waved as he left.

I sat with Haechan while he showed me everything on the computer, checking the status of everyone. With this just being a small hit on a small warehouse, there wasn't a big need for body cameras, just dash cameras. I kept watch on them via an iPad in my lap. While they were starting their trip to the location, Haechan asked me some questions.

"So you and Doyoung huh?" He giggled and elbowed me in the shoulder. I smacked his arm and playfully shook my head.

"We aren't anything right now if that's what you're implying Haechannie, but I think it could be a possibility," I said and watched the dash cam of Doyoung and Jungwoo's car, them being the furthest ahead.

"He's definitely into you noona, he's never like this with girls," He poked at me and turned his attention back to the computer as the boys were getting very close to the warehouse. I thought about that for a moment, then turned my attention to the task at hand. Mission first, feelings later.

I listened in as the boys went in quietly, with Kun and Haechan giving directions. Doyoung and Taeyong lead their group through the place, taking out anyone in their way. I took in everything, down to Doyoung's breathing patterns. Hard breathing, stopping for a moment as he pulled the trigger on someone, then resuming like nothing happened. One thing he was going to do was come home to me, just like he told me he would. Anyone in his way, was going straight to the grave. Jungwoo grabbed the things they came for with some help from Mark while Taeyong and Doyoung kept a watchful eye around them, giving them ample time and safety to get it done. Everyone came out just fine, fleeing the scene under Kun and I's directions. Haechan let me take over for him at the last part, with his help of course.

The boys brought everything inside to sort through, so I ran upstairs to find Doyoung. I knew he made it back just fine, but I needed to see him in front of me. I watched as he walked in with Jungwoo, he dropped everything and practically ran to hug me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and let my head rest on his chest.

"I told you I'd be back kitten, I promise I'll always come back to you," he said and kissed the top of my head.

I looked up at him and spoke, "I knew you would, you're good at what you do."

"I'm a little frustrated though, I don't think we found what we were looking for exactly," he told me and looked into my eyes, wrapping his arms around my waist and letting his hands rest on my lower back.

"It may not be exactly what you wanted Doie, but we can make something out of it. You can make something out of anything," I smiled and put my hands on his chest.

"How about I take my frustration out on you?" He questioned and let his smile fall into a smirk. To say I didn't just feel those words between my legs would be lying, that's exactly what caused me to press my thighs together. He took notice and moved his hands a little lower.

"Can't say I wasn't thinking about you in that skirt the whole time on the way back home, you were my motivation," he stated and gently cupped my ass, smirking even more as I let out a small gasp. As if I didn't expect him to do that at all.

"Get a room you two," Johnny said and rolled his eyes, he's walking straight into this one.

"We're in a room Johnny," I said and giggled, Doyoung gently tugged on my hair with one hand for it. He had it coming, that's what they always say.

"Come on kitten, my room," he whispered in my ear and led me up to his bedroom, a place I now knew by heart.

(Yes, a cliffhanger I'm so sorry, I just don't want parts to be too long and I'm writing this late, and I need to go to bed for work. Thank you so much for reading, I'll get part 7 up ASAP I promise.)

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