He's Got Me Puzzled

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After last night, I laid in bed this morning and thought about Doyoung's interesting behavior. He let off the cold vibe, as if he's only kind to those he cares about. I was just a guest under Jaehyun's company, another girl in the house to them I'm sure, he went out of his way to bring me to his bed and stayed until I woke up. He doesn't outwardly seem like the type of guy to do that for anyone except for the person he loves, there's no way he could feel that way about me. So, why did he give me special treatment? He went so far as to call me princess and give Taeyong an earful for being so defensive when I walked in during their meeting. Did he just think of me as pretty and a chance at a good fuck or is there something else? I don't think I did anything special to warrant his kindness or different treatment than anyone else. My intense thought session was interrupted by a knock at the bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I asked and sat up, fixing my hair and rubbing my eyes.

"Jungwoo, your favorite," he called from the other side, with quite a lot of enthusiasm.

"Alright, come in Jungwoo darling," I giggled and held a small pillow in my lap.

Jungwoo walked in with a tray of food and a big grin on his face, "Taeil hyung helped me make it for you so I wouldn't burn it."

I smiled and let him set the tray over my lap. There were eggs, kimchi fried rice and some fried pork belly.

"Oh, wow Jungwoo, this is so thoughtful, thank you sweetheart," I told him and smiled at him.

"We're also going to put a TV in here for you, I think Taeyong is going to let you stay around for a while, so he doesn't want you to get bored. Especially when we aren't home," he said and sat next to me with that big smile plastered on his face, he really has the mannerisms of a big puppy.

"That would be really nice, thank you Jungwoo," I smiled and ate my breakfast in bed with Jungwoo next to me.

"Is it good?" He asked and gave me his cute smile as he took the tray away after I finished it.

"It was lovely, thank you Jungwoo. This was so sweet," I said and got up to follow him downstairs.

Taeyong was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs and beckoned me towards his office.

"Sit, I wanted to discuss some things about living here and being involved with us. There are some things you need to know and agree to before I give you any insight into what we do," he said and sat in the chair across from me.

I smiled and nodded, "let's do it then, what you got Taeyong?" He leaned back in his chair and looked me dead in the eye, conveying a very serious tone that wiped the smile right off my face. Serious Taeyong is not something I want to mess with, you never mess with the leader.

"You cannot tell anyone what you're apart of, who you're staying with, and what you do on a daily basis that involves us. No information about missions is to be shared with anyone else outside of this house, that includes if you're with a member off the property, we can't risk anything. You'll always be going out with one of the members for your safety. When it comes to missions, you'll be told the entire rundown and given your tasks. Since I'm going to have you as our resident psych and tech expert, you'll be with Jisung and Haechan in the basement in the control room. On missions, it's all business and about getting everyone home safely while completing the objective," he finished and pushed a sheet of paper in front of me.

I nodded and skimmed over it, "is this signing to what you just told me?"

"It is darling, very good. What it doesn't cover is romantic relationships, which are forbidden unless it's with one of us and your feelings don't get in the way of completing missions. Is all of this clear?" he said and looked me straight in the eyes.

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