Chapter Two: Make Use

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Kieran's POV:

Just before the boy would have hit the floor, I caught him. Surprisingly, he didn't weigh as much as I thought he would.

"Thanks for saving me," groaned the older man as he got up, "I wasn't expecting the kid to attack me."

"You're gettin to old for this Max," I replied.

"Haha," he said sarcastically, "so what are we going to do with him?"

Max pointed to the boy as he stood up. He rubbed the side of his face and glared at the unconscious body.

"Keep him locked up till we can get some answers," I replied," he shouldn't be that hard to break."

I looked down at the boy and studied his face. He seemed about 18-19ish, but I couldn't tell for sure. He's good looking, well built and almost as tall as me. His strength is impressive, especially since he knocked Max down. Other than that, he looks like an ordinary kid.

"Come on, help me get him to the room," I told Max, "if he stays in here he's gonna catch a cold. If that happens, we won't be able to get anything outta him."

I lifted the boy so that Max could pick him up. He grabbed the boy and draped him over his shoulder. Turning around, I left the room and waited for Max to follow me out.

"Lead the way," I said ushering outside.

As soon as he left, I shut the door and headed down the hall.

This castle is very old but it's still in good shape. I came across it a few years ago while wandering through the forest. It was probably abandoned hundreds of years ago, but it makes for amazing living space. My friend Carter and I were goofing around on our day off when we stumbled on this place. It's not super tall so the trees hide it, but it is very huge. We fixed it up, titan proofed it and moved out here leaving our old lives behind. Over the years, more people joined us. We got supplies and stuff we needed by robbing people, but we never hurt anyone. Well... at least until now.

We were waiting in the forest as usual for someone to come by when we heard horses approaching. We grabbed our recently apprehended 3D maneuvering gear and prepared for an ambush. Little did we know that it was the Survey Corps who was coming.

It was chaos.

People died... one of theirs and two of mine.

I never anticipated that.

They were good people, innocent people, and I never meant for it to happen.

In the end, we only got one thing.

The boy.

"Hey max?'' I called.

He turned around to look at me, "Ya?"

"Why do think the military was all the way out here?" I asked, "They've never come out this far before."

"Maybe they were coming for us," said Max.

"No," I replied, "they couldn't possibly know where we are... could they? And besides, we've never hurt anyone on our raids before. They have bigger matters at hand."

"Possibly," he said walking foreword again.

When we reached the spare bedroom, I grabbed the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I opened it for Max so he could take the boy in.

The room was nice and spacious. It was fully furnished with its own bathroom and mini library. In my opinion, it was to nice for our prisoner of sorts. When we first moved here, I had planned to stay in this room, but it was located on the bottom level of the castle. Max had suggested that we all room by each other just in case anything ever happened.

Max entered the room and walked over to the bed. I followed behind him and sat down at the foot. He leaned over and practically dropped the boy onto the bed.

"Careful, ya idiot!" I scolded, "You're gonna give him brain damage."

"How could I do that?" asked Max as he frowned at me.

"Well, when Daisha swung that rock at him, it hit the back of his head really hard." I replied, "Wouldn't be surprised if she scrambled his brains a bit."

Max gave a small chuckle and shook his head at me, "I'm going upstairs, so if you need anything..."

"Nah," I said, "all good here old man."

He walked over and gave me a light punch on the shoulder. I tried to hit him back, but he quickly moved away.

"Ya old fart!" I called after him.

As he reached the door, he turned around and stuck his tongue out at me. Before I could return the gesture, he disappeared into the hallway.

"So immature..." I muttered.

As soon as the sound of footsteps faded away, I scooted closer to the boy. He was out cold and wouldn't be waking up for a while.

The boy's mouth was slightly open and his chest was steadily moving up and down. I brushed some of the hair out of his face and just sat there for a few minutes.

He looks so fragile. I don't want to hurt him, in a way I want to protect him. He sort of reminds me of myself when I was younger.

But I can't get attached to him right now. While he's here, we need to make the most of him. He might know answers to some of our questions.

Questions about the Human Titans.

About three years ago after titans got inside the wall, we were out scouting for supplies when we heard screaming coming from deep in the forest. I took Carter and Max with me to go see what was going on. We grabbed some gear and left the rest of the group to find out what the screams were from.

Carter and I hopped onto my horse and sped off with Max following close behind. We rode for about fifteen minutes until we came upon a body. Carter jumped off and examined the corpse. He said that it was a female member from the Survey Corps. She had been flung against a tree and died on impact.

Suddenly more screams were heard close by. Carter got back on the horse and we rode towards the sound while passing several bodies on the way.

Before we got very far, a titan ran right in front of us. My horse freaked out and bucked us off. I fell backwards and landed next to Carter. As I hit the ground, my head smacked a rock causing me to black out.

When I woke up, I was back at the castle. Carter had been sitting next to my bed and saw me open my eyes. He was afraid that I might not wake up, so he was really happy when I did. I asked him what had happened and he told me the whole story.

After I had blacked out, Carter restrained the horse and helped get me onto Max's horse. Max took me back to the castle while Carter stayed to find out what had happened. He lead the horse to the edge of a clearing and saw a female titan fighting with the Survey Corps. He said it was really weird because she wasn't eating anyone, she was just trying to run away. There were corpses scattered all over, but none of their body parts were eaten. Carter decided to return when the fighting started to move away. When he got back to the castle, he came straight to check on me. While I was out, he told everybody what he saw.

Over the years, we have witnessed some pretty strange things out here, but not as odd as that one incident. None of us had ever seen a female titan before. Just one year later did we see another strange titan. It was male and had hard yellow skin which resembled armor. During some of our trips into town, we would occasionally hear rumors that the strange titans were being controlled by the military. We also heard about the female titan fighting a male titan a while back.

Since then, we have come to call them Human Titans.

Hopefully this boy laying here will be able to tell us more about the matter. Since we've got him, we shouldn't let him go to waste.


Hello everybody! Second chapter complete! Yay!!!!!! The third chapter will be up soon... I hope. It might have some actual yaoi-ish content, but I'm not sure. It might show up while I'm writing, or it might pop up in a later chapter. IDK, haha. Well, thanks for reading. Love you all!

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