Chapter 1

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"AAAHHHHH" I heard a lady cry out of pain and other animals? growling?

Wait, where am I? It hurts. Who's pulling me? Stop, just let me be!


And that ladies and gentlemen is the start of my life. Now I know why babies are crying when they're born. It's because it freaking hurts to be pulled out from the womb!!

Being in this world for three days already, I can already kind of tell which world I was reincarnated in.

Yes, as y'all ready know, I am reincarnated in the Beast World. Whether it's from a novel or an original world, I do not know.

For now, my focus is to gather information about this world and try to enjoy my life.

If you're wondering how I am so calm right now, it's because I already accepted that I died in my previous life. The good thing is, I do not remember how I died. As for my previous life, I can still remember my family, my friends, and other precious memories. But it's no use dwelling in the past, if there is still a future I need to worry about. I do not have any regrets because I know my family and friends are strong and can live a good life. My only regret is...


I pray to any Gods out there to please, don't let my family open my cell phone. THE DEAD ALSO NEEDS THEIR PRIVACY!!

All those thinking is making me hungry so see you later 'cause I still need to eat and sleep before gathering information.

~~~ time skip to 3 years~~~

So I've gathered enough information to know that I am reincarnated to a beast world novel I read from some random site. It's about a young girl transmigrating to the Beast World and collecting men, errr, mates I mean.

However, the catch is...

All the women in the beast world are actually gorgeous. Instead of being a literal goddess in this world, she became quite, how to say this in a nice way. Hmm, brown hair and brown eyes. Small face and small body. Golden skin. In short a plain beauty. Now, why did I say plain? Well, it's her thoughts from the novel. I mean, all the beastmen and women here are all so colorful, so it's no wonder that's her thoughts.

I was actually quite intrigued because all those novels I saw are the same like the fl being a goddess in the beastworld. But since she is the female lead, of course she also has an advantage. Her kind and compassionate character but also brave and can protect herself, resourcefulness — she can literally transform a useless leaf into something useful — and well, ugh just see it for yourself in the next chapters.

And as for me, well it's quite cliche but, my name is Jasmine. I am the villainess or the mean side character. I have an oval face, a small button nose, pink plump lips, silver hair, and fox eye with violet pupils -- a sign of being a fox noble. I am not the villainess since there is actually no antagonist because it only focuses on the main character — Olivia's life and how she adjusted to this world. There are some mean side characters, me included.

Jasmine in the novel is a mean spoiled girl. She'll do anything just to get what she wants. According to Olivia, she's actually the most gorgeous woman she's ever seen, and that's saying something considering she's an actress so she definitely saw some beauties in her world. She actually has no mate in the novel because she is preserving the main husband seat to one of the ml — Olivia's last mate and also the first son of the white tiger clan. Well, who can blame her, she's been in love with the dude since childhood but this man here fell in love with the fl at first sight.

Anyways long story short, Jasmine the side character, was sold to a clan for just 5 kg of salt because she tried to harm the fl which earned the wrath of all beastmen because it's a sin to harm a female. She did not die so it's a good thing right? Wrong, because a female that is sold will be treated as a slave and a breeder with no human rights! Ermm no female rights, I meant. And seriously, 5 kg of salt?! I am only worth 5 kg of salt?! Considering my beauty!! Hmph, I'm so mad!

Now let me tell you about this world. This world as many of you know is the beast world. More men than females. But instead of ugly females, they are actually so gorgeous with their colorful hair and eyes. The females can have many mates all they want and can sever their mate bond as well. 

My mother for one has 5 mates. She's so beautiful so it's no wonder. Her name is Soleil, She's a tiger beastman, and also has silver hair like me with beautiful ice-blue eyes. She has 5 mates. Jaime, my father is a black fox beastman. He has jet-black hair with violet eyes like me. Danny, a tiger beastman. Vincent, a wolf beastman. Teo, a brown bear. And Acel, an eagle beastman. 

 I am her only female so I am super spoiled by my mother, fathers, and brothers. I have three brothers from my wolf father. They are Vance, Vaughn, and Valentin. They are born two years ago and are also my mother's only male cubs. As for the rest, they either already have a female or they are still looking for a mate. 

Now that you all know enough information about me and this world, then it's time for me go outside and play.

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