Chapter 5

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As soon as I woke up, I couldn't wait to find out if our attempt at producing soap had been successful. Now that the soap has hardened, I can't wait to give it a try. When I saw the soap bubble, I squealed with delight because of the success.

In addition to that, we developed our own shampoo and conditioner and improved the soap. We also added aloe vera, coconut oil, and essential oils extracted from flowers after drying and soaking them in water.


Many days have gone by, and we are now preparing for the coming winter, often known as the cold season.

The rainy season here lasts for 40 days, whereas winter lasts for 60 days, summer for 50 days, spring for 80 days, fall for 70 days, and summer for 50 days.

The middle of winter can be extremely difficult to get through because of the cold. So, beastmen spend much of their time inside their home. And due to the chilly weather, the prey will either hibernate or keep themselves hidden, making it quite difficult to seek prey during this time of year. Resulting in many deaths because of hunger.

"Papa Jaime, let's go to the forest. I want to collect some fruits so we can dry them for winter" I said while dragging him outside our house

"Ok, ok, wait just a minute" he dotingly said. He carried me on the way to the forest. I was embarrassed but knew that we can go there faster if I am carried.

On the way, we saw a lot of beastmen going in and out of the forest. Many are already preparing for the upcoming winter. Females are also outside the house, enjoying the warm weather while they still can. Cubs were running around playing together. Overall, such a lovely scene.

I also saw Asher with the healer. I think they are picking medicines to store for the winter.

"Asher!" I yelled to call his attention. He flinched but when he saw me, he immediately relaxed.

"Jasmine, Woah slow down - ooghh" He worriedly said but stop when I bumped into him.

I was just happy to see him since we've become close after he led us last time. Oh, let me also tell you secret. I may or may not had a crush on him. What's with his angel-like appearance and his gentle personality. No wonder many females are ogling at him.

"It's nice to see you here, and also thank you for catching me" I smilingly said to him while he visibly blushed.

My father immediately got me out of him while glaring at Asher.

"Thank you for catching her but stay away from my daughter" He sternly said to him. Oh, my overprotective fathers. I snickered. He turns to me and his gaze softens but still sternly said. "Jasmine, I already told you not to run too fast as you can't still control your speed."

Asher was also helpful and was kind enough to give me some additional herbs, for which I am extremely grateful to him. Then we went back to our house while I was waving my hands to say goodbye to Asher.

When we arrived at our home, I found my father Vincent carrying a wild boar on his back. We are going to test my idea of adding salt to the meat to preserve it.

"Papa Vincent, Papa Vincent" I runningly went to him while waving my chubby hands in the air.

"Slow down," He said chuckling when he saw me and also wave his free hand at me.

Then we immediately try what I requested while following my instructions. My three brothers were also there since they were curious and do not have anything to do.

If the plan is successful, Papa Jaime will report to the King, and the plan will be implemented in other households.

Because they have known each other since they were children, the King has made Papa Jaime his right-hand man. And because of the doting and overly proud father that he is, he instantly boasts about my discoveries, such as the soap and how we can preserve the meat. 

My mother actually scolded him when he recounted the incident, stating that it could endanger me since I am still a cub. My father was quick to acknowledge his error and profusely apologize to my mother for his behavior. His ears and tail were drooping, and his face was making puppy-like expressions.

Sigh, such a grown man but still acting like a kid. I thought while seeing my dad apologizing to my mom. My mom visibly softens her gaze and immediately forgives him.

Now the King knows of my knowledge and is very excited to meet me. But my overly protective father did not allow him.

My brothers also drag me to play with them. We played hide and seek inside the house and also play tag. When we got tired, we went inside the house and sit while waiting for the food to be cooked. My brother Valentin is on my lap, while my two brothers, Vaugnn and Vance are snuggling beside me. We fell asleep because of tiredness.

Third POV

Soleil looked over at her sleeping cubs and noticed them snuggled together. She can even hear the three cubs' little snore because of her sensitive hearing. Her expression softened, and she motioned for her partner, Teo, to bring them into the bedroom.

He positioned them next to one another in the bed and the cubs instantly snuggle up to each other. He then returned to his wife after covering them with a blanket and leaving the room.When dinner had been prepared. Jaime gently woke up the cubs.

The family ate together joyfully. Even though winter is drawing near, it is clear that they are happy with how things have turned out for them and are making efforts to make their lives better.

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