Chapter 4

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I am so excited! My family finally allowed me to take me to the market. I have been persuading them for years but they only allowed me now.

My mother is busy getting me and herself dressed up in nice clothes. In the meantime, my dads are preparing our things to bring with us to the market.

We will bring with us a large quantity of crystals for trading, as well as a basket to put the products in, a water bottle made from bamboo, which I asked my father Danny to craft, and an umbrella made with a large leaf and thin wood as the handle.

My mother made me wear a white dress that was made from the fur of some wild creatures that my father hunted a few days earlier, and my mother also wore a white fur that was similar to the one that I was wearing. However, hers is a tube and a skirt that shows her enviable hourglass figure. I truly appreciate how our outfits look on us because they go so well with our creamy white skin.

Recently, I learned that the city is divided into four sections. The outer part is home to several single males and orphaned cubs. The marketplace is situated in the central-outer region. Several beastmen frequent this area, so you may expect to find many vendors and a bustling atmosphere. The central-inner part is where many families live. And the inner part is where the nobility and royalty live. It is also where we live as my mothers and my fathers Jaime and Teo is part of the nobility.

When we got to the marketplace, I was mesmerized by the hustling and busy atmosphere. There are a lot of sellers, and you can hear them all yelling to attract more customers. There are a great number of male beastmen, and I occasionally catch sight of female beastmen with their young cubs.

However, I was immediately attracted to the stall that is selling papers, pens, and even inks. The paper is made from a plant-based material, maybe similar to papyrus that is used by the ancient people. The pen is made from feathers, but judging by the pattern, I believe it is from a peacock. The inks were extracted from an ink-producing sea creature, maybe a squid.

After that, we went to a foreign seller to purchase some salt from them. We exchanged two little crystals for 2 kg of salt. My mother was also drawn to a stall selling brightly colored fabrics, which she bought.

"I want to sew matching dresses out of those for the both of us. We will surely be beautiful" She excitingly said. She also got me some jewelry and other items that my mother thought were lovely, such as a wooden hairpin with a sophisticated pattern that she had purchased for me.

We visited several stalls before deciding to return home. The products on the market made me aware of what is and isn't available in this world. As a result, my plan for the things I wish to create increased.

I approached my father Danny, who has more skill in crafting, with the task of making a wooden comb for me. I described to him how the comb looked, and I even drew it on the ground for him. He did not waste any time and went straight to get some wood to use in his task. In this world, people just use their fingers to untangle their hair because there is no such thing as a comb. I also plan to give it to my mom, who likes to take care of her hair a lot.

A couple of days ago, I requested my father Danny to create me a wooden bottle. I intend to use them to keep my soaps, shampoo, and conditioner. I discovered a plant known as Apawuhi, which resembles a pink pinecone. I was overjoyed because I recalled from my past life that people in Hawaii make use of it as a natural shampoo. You just need to give the mature flower a gentle squeeze to extract the fluids, which may be used either as a shampoo or a conditioner. In addition to that, it is beneficial to the hair as well.

The next morning

I want to make soap today, so I told my fathers about it and asked for their assistance. They're not sure what soap is, but they still get the gist of it. My mom is really encouraging because she was thrilled by the idea of making soap.

First, I have my fathers burn some hardwood in order to collect some wood ash. After that, we filled the wooden bucket that my father had created the day before with wood chips. The bucket is made of wood and has a small hole in the centre of it. The bucket is then placed on top of another bucket, and the woodash is added on top of the wood chips. After that, we poured water from the river into the bucket with the woodash while waiting for the lye to be collected in the bottom bucket. Lye is simply potassium hydroxide, which is used to make soap.

The next step is to determine the concentration of potassium hydroxide utilizing an egg that was laid by a small bird that my dad went hunting for. It has sunk to the bottom, indicating that there isn't enough concentration of potassium hydroxide. So we heated the lye for several hours. Then we repeated the process and saw that the egg floated, indicating that it can now be used. After that, we add coconut oil to the lye while it is being heated and stir it at regular times during the process. We placed the crumbly mixture in the mold that my father had made for me. After that, we give it a full day to set and become more solid.

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