Edge Pov

One moment everything was decent, not fine or happy, but decent. We, Sans or Red as he goes by, and I were living somewhat happy. We played our parts while in our AU while we were able to be ourselves while we visited the others. It wasn't the best but things could have definitely been alot worse.

Then, then things did get worse. Alot worse.... The multiverse broke out into a war. A war against Ink, God of Creation, himself. There was a balance, between Creation and Destruction, that Ink was hiding from everyone. Maybe he didn't believe it or maybe he wanted to doom the multiverse, I have no clue. But there was a war and people were dying left, right and center.

While everyone was fighting I was planning. We wouldn't win, Ink had apparently been planning for years and had years to get ready. So while people were trying to win or buy time I was planning. I wasn't sure if it would work but if it did then it would change... Absolutely everything. It would give us a fighting chance. If it worked how I intended it to at least.

Slowly people and AU's started to be killed off. SwapFell's, FellSwap's, Originals, OuterTale's, UnderFell's, UnderSwap's, LittleTale's.... No AU was safe from the war. The 'Bad Sanses' had offered their base as a refugee which many had taken the offer up. My brother, Red, also wanted me to take the offer but I refused. I couldn't move all my research and progress, it was to dangerous too. In the end I had to force Nightmare to pick him up.

Once Red was out of our AU, I locked it down. Nobody could get in or out. It wouldn't last forever so I had to work on the double, I didn't care to 'follow the story' as time was of the essence. Thankfully the war kept Ink busy as well as everyone else. If anyone had a clue as to what I was up too I'm sure nobody would let me proceed.

I worked day and night without brakes for many, many weeks. Maybe even a year. I'm not sure as I had made the room my project was in absolutely time proof. Not even a reset would effect anything in this room. Not ever Time himself would be able to effect this room, that I was sure of.

I felt the moment Ink started to try and get into my AU. However after learning of Code Magic I had thrown myself into it and that firewall would keep anyone and everyone out untill I was ready. Untill my project was finished. I also felt the moment the others tried to get ahold of me, to send me messages only to find out they couldn't.

It didn't matter though, because I had finished what I was doing. My project was complete. If this didn't work then nothing would. What was my big project you may ask? Well, it was a reset button. Not just any regular reset button either. It was a Multiverse reset button.

It would work a bit different from regular reset buttons as it was for a multiverse but if it worked then the war would be able to be won. There wouldn't have to be so much death, so much grief... And maybe, the gang who had to suffer so much and still decided to try and save the multiverse, who was providing shelter.... Wouldn't have to suffer so much this time around.

I wouldn't be able to do anything for those who died, but the people who are alive? Would remember absolutely everything. We would have a fighting chance, to know what was going to happen, a chance to prepare.... However I wouldn't be with them. Why? Because me resetting the multiverse will erase my very existence. I will cease to exist. Yes Ink will remember, but so will the others. We will be forced to be on even fighting ground. Ink will no longer have the years of planning ahead as an advantage.

Now the question was... Was I ready? Was I ready to cease to exist? I wasn't to sure, but as I thought of the others... Of Red... Of my brother... I knew. I was ready, I would have to be. If I wanted my brother to have a chance to live then I would need to be ready. There wasn't room for any hesitation. It wasn't just my life on the line, it was the entire Multiverse.

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