chapter 7

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Reaching for the hunting knife Levi looks around cautiously, he starts to carefully jog making sure he doesn't lose his footing on the ice.

The feeling of eyes digging into the back of his head sends chills down Levi's spine making his hair stand on end, the last thing he wants is to be taken again. He gets to the entrance of the club panting as Kiko looks at him confused, she pats his back softly.

"What's wrong sugar?" Kiko ask as Levi waves his hand to dismiss her making her impatient, "tell me Levi or pay the rent-"

"Okay okay fuck." Levi stands up and rubs the back of his neck, "I heard footsteps echoing from somewhere in the street and I got paranoid, plus it felt like eyes where burning into the back of my head."

Kiko nods and sights, "okay well... You have a admirer, that white dove who started working the bar. She asked where you worked whe seems to have a fascination with you, it's kinda cute" Levi chuckles and nods.

"Yeah she gave me her phone number, and Kiko?" She nods to tell Levi to keep talking as she IDs some young looking teens, "thanks for not rambling in french this time."

"Oui Oui, je m'en fous chein garçon." Levi laughs and rolls his eyes, as he walks inside.

"Yes yes, I don't give a fuck bitch boy." He mimics in english, Kiko laughs and yells out.

"I heard that!" Levi sighs with a chuckle as he jogs to the stairs well, getting to his floor Levi fumbles with his keys before opening the door and walking in.

Closing the door behind him Levi walks through the empty still apartment, something seems off but Levi can't figure out what it is. Placing his bag into the bed, he looks around hovering over the knife.

It's quite... Too quite, something's off and I can't quite put my finger on it. Levi grabs his phone looking at the time before going room to room and searching, he doesn't know what he is looking for but he is looking.

A creak coming from the bedroom makes Levi pull out his knife and hold it tight, carefully walking to his room. Swinging the door open Levi let's out a sigh at Sam laying on the bed on his phone, he looks up and huffs.

"What are you doing. We agreed on going our separate ways." Levi's mind flashes back to the dream as his eyes glance at Sam's lips, Sam rolls his eyes.

"Since when did we agree to that? Anyways I'm just here to warn you." Levi scoffs but Sam keeps talking, "that little bar tender? She's not what see seems. Hahaha she's a spy-"

"Enough of your lies I don't care what your trying to do I want you out of my house and stop stalking me."

"Levi listen! She's gonna use you, she's been tracking me down for year. A wannabe CIA agent, but she knows I was the one who took you." Levi huffs and mumbles about Sam's ego, "it's true, didn't you find it weird she wanted to know every little detail of your exscape?"

Levi huffs and puts the knife away, "so your saying Hayley is using bar tending as a cover job?" Sam nods and sighs, "and that folder was about us? Well more you then me?"

"Kinda? See I took a glimpse and if you think I was a stalker hahahah you should see her, it has your childhood home and random personal information like your first pet. She also was writing down what you where saying"

"And? Sam. I have agreed to keep my mouth shut did I not?" Sam reluctantly nods, "okay so why are you so worried."

He shrugs and stands up with a sigh, "i was just trying to help." Sam jumps out of the bedroom window onto a balcony and starts his descent down, Levi rolls his eyes and yells out.

"Y'know there are stairs right!?" Closing the window Levi lays down to lazy to eat dinner, a notification catches Levi's eye as he picks up the phone.

----Hayley ❤️-----

Hey Levi you busy?

Na why what's up? Spy

Spy? Hahaha why would you call me that? :/

The folder, the question about my kidnapper, the need for information about me, the way your trying to get closer to me. Should I go on?

Levi it's not what it looks I could get in trouble if I told anyone, but I do wanna get to know you more then just this case I'm working.

So Sam wasn't lying. You really are a spy? And bartending is a cover job?

Sam? Is that a friend

Ex-friend yes.

How about we talk about this over dinner tomorrow?

You really asking me on a date?

Yeah :3

Fine deal but nothing too fancy.

No promises <3


Levi smiles and softly shakes his head putting his phone on charge, looking out the window Levi thinks about Hayley. Why of all people does she have to be a spy, she nice and caring. Who knows she could actually like me.

Levi takes a deep breath in and sits up rubbing his face, glancing at the clock Levi groans and stands up having a shower before going to sleep. The morning rolls around as Levi reluctantly wakes up, looking out the window Levi sees it's still dark.

Picking up his phone Levi checks the time '6:23' displays on the lock screen, Levi sits up and sighs looking around the dark room. Standing up Levi runs his fingers over the knife holster sitting on the side table thinking of Sam, as he walks to the bathroom.

A quick shower wakes Levi fully. Tonight I have a date with Hayley, what could go wrong, well alot of things but still. Levi mumbles to himself as he lets the smell of coffee fill his nose, sitting on the couch he flicks on the tv seeing a familiar sight.

---[1,007 words]---

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