chapter 24

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Kiko softly nods, the tension in the room become uncomfortable as Levi sighs.

"I- I didn't mean... Well-" Levi gives up and just sighs.

"May I tell Kiko?.." Laura softly wispers, Levi nods as a tear softly falls down his cheek.

"What's going on?... Levi are you okay?" Levi sniffles shaking his head slowly.

Laura and Kiko talk as Levi walks into the bathroom, his uneven breath starts to speed up and his heart starts to pound in his chest so loud it rings through his ears.

Tears prick at his eyes and threaten to fall as he hyperventilates, Levi's knees buckle and he slips into the floor. Hugging his knees Levi sobs quitely, this thoughts and emotions becoming too much.

Kiko opens the the bathroom door and sits next to Levi hugging his side, Laura joins them comforting Levi.

Laura and Kiko calm Levi down, wispering sweet nothings and rubbing his back. He eventually calms down and looks at his 2 best friends, a soft smile spreads across his face.

Both girls softly giggle at the mess before then making Levi smile softly. standing up, Kiko damps a cloth before passing it to Laura who starts wiping the makeup off.

"This whole Sam thing has really fucked with you head huh?" Kiko softly says.

"What do I do?.. I- I am straight! I like girls, I like boobs, I- I like the way they.. umm kiss me?" fuck that was bad

"Honey are you just telling yourself that because your in denial?.." Levi stutters and sighs.

"I don't know!" Tears threaten to fall, "I just want to know what I'm feeling... Why does he make me feel this way, why a guy!"

Both girls shrug with sighs before helping him to his feet, Kiko walks into the room and grabs some fresh clothes, Laura continues to wipe makeup off Levi's face.

Passing the clothes both girls walk out, having a warm shower Levi brings himself back to his senses. changing Levi walks out to see the polaroids scattered over the bed, smiling Levi places then onto the desk before laying down.

Letting out a sigh Levi softly drifts of to sleep, the buzzing of Levi's alarm makes him groan. Slowly stirring awake Levi turns it off and gets up, walking to the kitchen, he smiles at Laura who already has breakfast ready.

"How are you feeling?.." she softly sighs.

"I'm okay.. thank you" Levi eats before cleaning up, walking into the gaming room he's about to talk to to will before Sam walks up to him.

"We need to talk Levi, please?"

"Why. there is nothing to talk about?" Levi sighs.

"Please? Just a minute"

Levi gives up and nods slowly, "fine.."

Walking into the hallway Levi looks at Sam, the tension between them is uncomfortably awkward.

"That kiss... What did you think about it? And-"

"Sam. I'm not gay, it was a dare!" Levi take a quick small breath, regretting the harshness in his tone.

"That's not want I ment Levi. I was going to ask if we could forget about it and stay friends."

"Sam I did forget about it, this is pathetic-"

"You think I'm pathetic?.."

"What no! I didn't say that Sammy"

"Don't- just don't... Don't call me Sammy."

"What did I do wrong!? We kissed and now your a big fucking dick!" Levi let's out a frustrated huff waiting for a response.

Sam stays quiet gritting his teeth thinking about what to say, "Levi.. I think you should leave, I will tell Kyle but- please find a hotel or something."

A sharp pain radiates through Levi's chest as he softly nods, walking away Levi let's out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding.

Walking into the dull bedroom Levi starts to pack, placing the duffle bag onto the table he looks at the polaroids. Softly sighing Levi picks them up and recklessly throws then into the bag, laying on the bed Levi starts to scroll his phone for cheep hotels.

A few minutes pass of hopelessly scrolling before a knock on the door pulls Levi from the phone, "come in"

Sam walks in clutching a folded paper, "hey Levi, I talked with Kyle and he got you a hotel close to your old apartment.."

Levi let's out a sigh with a nod, "thanks.. just throw it in the bag I'll read it later."

Sam nods and walks over to the desk, unzipping the bag Sam freezes. His expression is unreadable confusing Levi, ingnoring it he starts to scroll his phone again.

Sam zips the bag up and walks out the room without another word, a hour passes and the girls knock on the door.

"Enter" Levi sighs as the girls walk in with soft unreadable expressions.

"What was the fight about" Laura softly mumbles as she sits on the bed with kiko.

"Something stupid, it's fine we can still talk"

"Plus you have those Polaroids! To remind you of our friendship-" Kiko tries to add as Levi's face drains of colour.

"Oh. Fuck." They look at him confused, "I put those Polaroids into the bag and Sam came in.. I told him to put something into the bag and he gave me a... A weird looks and I didn't know why but, he saw them"

Kiko softly giggles as Laura hits her, walking to the bag Levi pulls out the polaroids. Something feels off, Levi starts counting them.

"2 are missing" he mumbled as his stomach drops making him feel sick, the girls looks at him worried.

"You didn't think Sam took them do you?" Levi shrugs at Laura before putting the photos back.

"It will be alright we will make sure nothing gets out okay?" Kiko huffs as Levi nods.

"I should go... Thank you girls for being with me"

"Anytime" they both say.

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