chapter 27

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Soft tears fall as Levi starts the shower letting out a sigh, that boy, why is Sam so special? He kidnapped me, tried killing me so many times.. and still I just want to be near him.

Washing himself, Levi changes before walking into the kitchen. Levi finally decides to eat and starts to cook, sitting Infront of his laptop he looks through the job listings.

His eyes fall on a help wanted ad,

Help wanted
Pay: $12/h
-Quickly excellent

Levi softly smiles and let's out a sigh, opening the ad he fills out the application form. I'm good at being a barista.. I hope I get the job, maybe I can finally have a distraction.

Cleaning his plate Levi hears a notification coming from his laptop, walking over he sees the cafe has responded.

Thank you for applying.
After reading your application form we would think your perfect for the job, you have exsperince and skill.
We will send you your schedule soon.

Levi softly chuckles at how fast they responded, he didn't care he was just happy he finally has a job again.

The days flied by as Levi works, the same endless loop. Wake up, get showered and dressed, go to work, come home, eat dinner, repeat. Levi finally had the strength to clean his mirror, but everytime he though if Sam or his father he added another cut.

Kiko and Laura always came over on his days off to party or just hang out, today was no different. A knock on the door makes Levi look up from the bloody sink, his heart drops.

Poorly wrapping his arm with a hand towel, Levi opens the door slightly. The girls where quietly talking, looking at Levi they smile sweetly.

"Levi! I hope you don't mind us coming over, work got crazy busy so we decided to leave so we don't become a distraction." Laura nods agreeing with what Kiko just said.

Levi could only muster a 'what' before Laura swings the door open, both girl's instantly advert there eyes onto Levi's dripping arm. The crimson making a small puddle on the floor near Levi's foot, Kiko softly gasps.

"Levi w-what happened? You okay?" Laura shuts the door behind them then grabs Levi's arm, before he could protest Laura had ripped the bloody hand towel from his cuts.

There eyes scan the old and fresh cuts covering his left arm, Kiko walks into the bathroom to grab the first aid. She sighs as she sees the state Levi left the bathroom in.

Both the girls clean Levi's arm as he softly sobs, not one of them saying a word. The bathroom and other places that needed it was cleaned, Kiko walks into the kitchen and starts to cook.

Laura looks Levi right in the eyes, "talk to me"

"Take me to church..." Laura looks at him confused.

"Laura.. his safe place is church. his mother always took him there every Sunday or, when his father kept picking fights..." Laura nods at kiko before standing up, she softly smiles.

"Y'know I would be honoured to take you, plus I kinda wanna hear more about this mother of your. So come on get dressed let's go"

Levi looks up at her with a soft smile before walking into his room and changing, he picks up his hunting knife and places it on his thigh.

The simple outfit makes Levi feel fresh as he walks out, Kiko turns to them with a soft sigh.

"I will finish making this and pack it up.. then we can have a picnic afterwards, tell Lucy I miss her." Kiko softly frowns.

Levi softly chuckles, "yknow she loved you Kiko... She always though if you as her daughter, and I wouldn't want it any other way"

"Is Lucy your mother?" Laura stretches as Levi nods looking at her with a soft frown.

"She was killed by a drunken driver when I was younger.. normally I visit her grave after church" Laura nods understanding, she smiles and grabs Levi's keys.

They walk to his car before getting in, the ride was filled with Laura singing very bad karaoke and laughter. Pulling up at church both of them walk in, the place is breathtaking with high ceilings and stained glass windows.

Sitting down Levi let's out a thoughtful sigh, this place bring memories of his mother. Time flies as Levi prays and talks to old friends, before they know it the sun has started to set.

Walking to the car Levi see Kiko and Laura playfully fighting, practicing moves they where taught and just goofing off. The smell of kikos amazing cooking fills Levi's nose as he softly smiles, both girls giggling before looking at him.

"Feeling better?" Kiko smiles as Levi nods, "one last stop before picnic! To see sweet Lucy lu"

Levi rolls his eyes but nods, "yeah it's not that far from here and hey maybe we could watch the sun set.. if I'm quick enough"

Both girls nod and get in the car, the drive was infact short. Laura grabs Levi's arm before he gets out with a smile, "hey Levi?.. take all the time in the world, we can watch a sunset another time"

Levi chuckles and gets out, walking through the cemetery his eyes scan the all to familiar headstones, seeing who got flowers recently and who has been neglected.

Clutching a single rose and a container, Levi let's out a small sqeak as he is confronted by the hill which holds his mother's grave. Walking up it he comes to a cherry blossom with a beautiful and old headstone sitting underneath it, sitting down Levi smiles while he reads the stone.

Here lies Lucy Smith
Died tragically at the age of 48
"Dear Levi, I love you honey. Make sure your father doesn't cause to much trouble, you where always so strong. Goodbye"

A pained breath leaves Levi's teary eyes,

"Hey mum, it's been awhile"

---{1000 words}---

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