Wednesday/Enid - An Apple A Day

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Enid watched Wednesday intensely as she typed away at her typewriter. Thing sat before the raven head on her desk. Enid herself was sitting on her bed glancing at her phone. She hasn't heard a peep out of Ajax since the two went splitsville right before school started. Although the two really cared about each other, they wanted two different things.

Ajax was a bit more interested in a certain normie that he was to shy to mention the name of while Enid's eyes were caught by a certain goth girl.

Enid finally heard from Wednesday speak up. "If you have something to say, say it."

"How's the new book going?" Enid asked with a head tilt.

Wednesday paused, "it's going well."

"Good to know," Enid drew off as she grabbed some notebooks and a shiny red apple. "I promised Yoko we would study together, don't wait up." She knew Wednesday probably wouldn't care where she was headed, but still felt like she needed to let her know.

She stared at the apple in her hand before reaching for the door, the light shining off of the side of her made an idea pop into her head. "Hey Roomie" she looked over to her roommate. Wednesday looked over uninterested like always. "Catch," she tossed the apple to her. As if on instinct Wednesday catches it.

Enid smiles to herself a little as she gives her roommate and crush a short nod abiding her a goodbye.

Right as the door shuts Thing starts tapping on Wednesday's desk quickly. "That is ridiculous Thing," Wednesday glanced at the disembodied hand.

The following day the two were walking through the courtyard, not much was on either of the girls' minds. For Enid, her mind was on Wednesday. For Wednesday, it was avoiding the Weathervane after what happened the previous school year.

Enid, Ajax, and Eugene invited her there and after a few recent incidents she wanted to keep an eye on the three. "Wednesday are you listening?" Enid turned to the goth girl with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"You believe that Thing is more of a winter than an autumn," Wednesday replied emotionless as ever. Enid delivered a small frown to her. She did talk about that, about half an hour ago. She was now talking about how she wanted to have a one on one hang. From the answer Wednesday gave her she knew her crush wasn't fully paying attention.

"Just never mind," she tosses Wednesday the apple she was holding. "I'll talk to you later."

Thing tapped on Wednesday's shoulder nervously and she glanced at him for a second, "if that is what you want to be believe then yes, you are an autumn."

Enid sat down across from Ajax in the Weathervane. "So," Enid tapped her fingers on the table, her claws extracting for a moment from her nerves. She hasn't fully talked to Ajax since they broke up. "How have you been?"

"I've been alright," Ajax sat uncomfortable himself. He looked around the room, instantly getting distracted. Enid looked in his direction to see the Weathervane's new barista, Onyx Valentino. "Just been, distracted."

"Onyx," Enid hummed as she also stared at the new barista. He was known to be a shy boy who recently moved to Jericho with his cousin. She had an off feeling about the boy, but he seemed like a nice guy. "That's the boy you like, right?" Ajax looked over, a blush forming on his cheeks before slowly nodding sheepishly.

"And Wednesday," Ajax mentioned. "You like her?"

Enid blushed deeply before nodding. "How did you know?"

"Was easy to figure out," Ajax shrugged. "Last semester you were more worried about her than anything else after you walked out of the woods. And even after so many times she treated you badly you kept being there for her and giving her a chance."

Enid bit her lip. He was right, at first she just thought it was because that was how she was. Giving people a chance, but after that night she realized the real reason she kept giving her a chance. She liked Wednesday Addams.

Enid hot her nails against the table again in thought before she finally asked a question, "do you think she knows Greek?" Before Ajax could answer a voice cuts them off.

"Hey," Eugene slid in next to Enid with Wednesday standing behind him. The unnerving look on her face made the joy move over next to Ajax. Wednesday sat next to Enid, her backpack hitting against the seat. "Anything interesting we missed?"

"Nope/Nothing!" Enid and Ajax exclaim in unison. Eugene chuckled confused about what was going on and Wednesday looked deep in thought. Enid really wished she could read minds at this point.

Three out of four of them started chatting about school and whatnot as the little meeting continued. However Ajax almost choked on his coffee when Onyx came by to check on them.

Afterwords they went their separate ways, or well Eugene going by the new bee themed store in town and Ajax staying at the Weathervane for more coffee as Wednesday and Enid headed back to Nevermore. "Ajax and you are getting closer again," Wednesday mentioned halfway through their walk.

"Uh yeah I suppose so," Enid nodded. A bright smile rested on her face.

"Are you two getting back together?" Enid stopped in her tracks, making Wednesday do the same.

"No," Enid stated. "We're just trying to be friends."

"Friends," Wednesday repeated before nodding and continuing their walk back to the school. Enid felt like that may have been a sign that Wednesday was at least a little jealous, but she didn't want to get her hopes up. It's hard for her to know what Wednesday is feeling, and it bugs her. She wanted to ask, but she knew Wednesday doesn't open up as much as she probably should.

Enid saw Yoko waving her over as soon as they reached the school, Enid tossed an apple to Wednesday she just dug out of her backpack, "I'll catch up you in our dorm."

After almost a week of this little game Wednesday was finally more confused than anything. "She keeps tossing me an apple," Wednesday glances over to Thing. "I wonder why."

Thing taps against Wednesday's desk, and Wednesday thinks for a moment before going over to her book case, "I'm a little rusty on my Greek. Good idea." She returned to her desk and after a couple hours something finally clicked. She grabbed the apple Enid threw to her a couple hours ago and headed to the courtyard to see if Enid was there. She found her talking to Xavier. "Enid," Wednesday's roommate turned around giving her a weird look.

"Yeah roomie?" Enid asked confused and Xavier raised and eyebrow at the girl he used to like. Wednesday at look a deep breath before looking at the green apple. Her thumb ran across it before she tossed it to Enid, who caught it. "Wednesday?" Enid's head tilted to the side.

"I am rusty on my Greek mythology," Wednesday stated once she was closer. Enid's eyes widened before she let the apple fall and hugged Wednesday without warning. Wednesday gaver her a little surprised look before hugging back. Enid kissed her cheek causing a small splash of color to pop up on Wednesday. "I like you too," Wednesday whispered low enough for only her roommate to hear.

"I new it," Enid smiled happily.

Ajax stood next to Xavier, and chuckled a little. "What's so funny?" Xavier asked kinda defeated.

"And they were roommates," Ajax joked.

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