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In Land of Vitar there a beautiful princess name SAOIRSE. Vitar is divided to 6 part the Stadt,Irarvius,Swiner ,Geldvon,Yedaver and the Palace. Stadt were the human's live, Irarvius is Erpire(vampire Fairy), Swiner were the fallen owgle live, Geldon is the Mareid(Warewolf mermaid),the Yedaver is a palace and were the most highest rank live like Saoirse and the last palace were the king live. Every year there's event call Glure, the 7 days all the creature and human will be together.

Princess Saoirse is full of curiosity in life.How her life change and how people she meet that can change her.

Saoirse Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon